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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Oh, was Bill Cosby running for the Senate?
  2. [Hidden Content] Based on the article, these incidents happened between 1977-1982 (I don't remember seeing that in the H. Post). So these women decide to just "come forward", after 40 years? Understand, I'm not condoning this If he did it, I just find an accusation from 40 years ago, just coming to light right before a big election, something that stinks to high heaven. This smells of typical political tactics, or goldigging. Stinks to high heaven. And if Moore was such a sexual predator, why didn't he continue? Oh, just wait a few days, they'll be lining up to tell their stories, if the money is right.
  3. Try to get your heads around this folks. They can't play in Texas but they can play in communist China. Okay, got it figured out now? I hope you do, because I can't. And Dems think Trump is an embarrassment? And if most of the UCLA basketball team major in Shoplifting 101, I don't want them in Texas. After 72 years here, I find myself a stranger in a strange land.
  4. How does such a deranged, hateful person get to a relatively important position in news organizations? How much does he make for being a buffoon? Be advised, I'm not surprised. Most liberals put the Democratic Party's interest before obvious business decisions. This guy is proof of that, as is Roger Goodell. The motto of Soldiers is God, Country, Family. For to many democrats, the party is their God.
  5. So let's see. Ned beats PNG. Vidor beats PAM. BOOM, just like last year, a three way tie, except this time, for second. That's what happens when you have 3 Htn Scarborough's in a District. And I hate that for those kids.
  6. Many years ago, a guy told me something I've never heard since. The Christian army is the only army that celebrates its losses. Sadly it's true. I'd hope by now we'd (denominations) be closer, but I fear that's not the case. For example: The Catholic Priest takes all the Parishes money - the other denominations smile and say, what did you expect. Durn Catholics. Married Baptist Choir director has an affair with lady in choir - other denominations same response. Durn Baptist. Could go on, but you get the picture. Most feel glee, when in reality, as Christians, we should feel sad & pray for them. We Christians need to unite, if not in specific beliefs, at least in spirit. When at Church, I constantly pray for all our denominations and Christian Brothers to strengthen their faith. If there's ever a war between good and evil, I won't care what denomination the person by my side is, only that he or she has given their heart to Jesus Christ.
  7. Hagar


    Son has talent, wish him success in this endeavor. Great song, and tells a story many have gone through, and came back stronger. My son, who grew up going to Church regularly, joined the service after HS. While serving his attendance at Church was few and far between. He's now studying to be a deacon, so the song has a personal meaning to me. Thanks for sharing.
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Here's my take. PNG is suppose to win, so no biggie. Vidor is suppose to lose. Get a Pirate shirt, just in case. If Vidor wins, go ahead and wear it to the Central game. If they lose, and you have a dog, put it in the doghouse or in his bed to lay on. Unless it's a bulldog you have. That would be sacrilege.
  10. I was thinking, if we could get the same Refs who did the PNG PAM game, we might have a better chance.
  11. Lol, I'm ex army, but my son was (is-once a marine, always a marine) a jarhead.
  12. No, I'll be in Sabine Pass for the Evadale game. I'll have fingers crossed. Made a voodoo doll of PAM Coach, but it turned out looking more like Mr Buddy Garrity, but I'm going to stick pens in it anyway
  13. I'm guessing Pirates by 6. Say hmmmm..... 34-28. Eat up clock & yards with Slot T. Vidor D causes PAM run game problems. For all this to happen, will take a bunch of - crossing fingers - voodoo dolls - and the return of Blackbeard. It's as simple as that.
  14. The Marines are in the Department of the Navy. The Man's Department .
  15. Great post Tigers. In my second post, I struggled to put a name on it worse than terrorist. After reading yours, I think you've nailed it. It's simply Evil. In my first post, I alluded to the fact that the fewer Christians there are, the more people are open to evil and demonic possession. I just read this link below, and imo, it's a key piece of the puzzle of why this happened. Devin Kelley was an Atheist and believed, "People who believed in God were stupid". Demonic possession may be something some of you don't believe in, but this action fits it in my mind. It can happen to anyone, but more so to those who are atheists. Had a Priest say it's dangerous for anyone that dwells in the dark arts (Ouija boards, Tarot cards). True? Idk, but it's very possible. [Hidden Content]
  16. However he died, it was much more merciful than how he would've died were I able to execute him as he deserved. Long before death, he'd been praying for it. Once again, our language fails me. As dispicable and evil as what we normally label as terrorist are, at least they have a reason, although it's something we think is dispicable, and makes no sense to us. The Las Vegas shooter, and this guy, just kill innocent people for no apparent reason. I told my daughter yesterday evening that I hope it was a Muslim shooter because at least that would make sense - I could comprehend it, as dispicable as it may be. Not like the recent Wal-Mart and Las Vegas shooters. These 3 guys are worse than terrorist in my mind, but I'm at a loss for an appropriate word to reflect my thoughts. Nearest thing would be an obscene laced rant. I know this post will confuse some of you. I'm confused. Just hope most of you will be able to grasp what I'm trying to say. I'm filled with a gauntlet of emotions and my feeble brain is in overload.
  17. Amen brother, Amen.
  18. Your post reminds me of a quote by Daniel P. Moynihan (D-NY): "Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seemed to be endowed with from birth: namely a healthy skepticism of the power of Govt agencies to do good."
  19. [Hidden Content] Initial reports claim 20-24 killed and another 20 wounded. Shooter was killed about 5 miles away Prayers for the victims and their families. Only way I can explain all these shootings is the devil is alive and well. The fewer Christians there are, the more people are open to evil and demonic possession. Churches, like schools, is normally a gun free environment. Easy pickings.
  20. Slick Willie ain't got no culls. Of course neither one will be taking over the Southern Baptist Convention lol.
  21. Hate to tell you this, but not everything is about race.
  22. You don't think they'll ever get the Teflon Clintons do you? I'm all for it, but they are living proof justice is not blind. But don't take my word for it, just ask the 47 people listed below. Oh, wait.........there all dead. [Hidden Content]
  23. Was it wrong when the Democrats did it? Biden rule
  24. I'll repeat my assertion that no one questioned. Go back through the threads of the atrocities committed by blacks or Muslims. All the conservative posters denounced them, but you'll probably come up empty to find a single black or liberal poster denouncing the same. If it's a white perpetrator that commits an atrocity, every black poster will denounce them, but guess what, so will virtually all white posters. So for you liberals that are making post implying the conservatives on here are narrow minded, take that critical eye and look at yourselves. Why is it so few liberals denounced atrocities committed by blacks and Muslims. I'd be curious to know why. Really.
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