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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Ironic, isn't it? Last few years all I saw were complaints about Crosby taking over the threads. But hey, it's all good. We're all looking forward to football, whether we're backing a SC, or a losing team. Back on topic, sounds like it was a good scrimmage. Crosby got to see a lot of folks, and much to the chagrin of local 5A's, Ned doesn't sound like the peg leg they were last year.
  2. Foreman is a class act. He was a great ambassador for boxing. And the kind of guy who most people would love to set down and talk to. Not about politics, but about anything. Fantastic personality, and a good head for business.
  3. This is an example of what the Feds have created. Generations of blacks, and an increasing number of whites, that expect/hope/want everything given to them. Not one line about - white folks, if you be rich, give us jobs - white folks, can you teach us how to be self sufficient - white folks, give us a hand up, not a hand out. Actually, this poor black women could give the impression that blacks can't make it without whitey giving them something. Were I black, I'd be insulted, furious, and outraged by her litany of request. There are to many blacks that have supported themselves, and don't want a freaking thing from the Feds or white folks but to be left alone.
  4. With only 23 Pirates, that was a decent showing. Any idea why so few? Being 2A-D1 I'd expect at least 40 kids out, although WH only has 32 I heard. Good luck this year Pirates.
  5. Heavens no, Newton is very much 11 man, although some of their opponents have stated there seem like 13 or 14 Eagles out there. There's been some talk about Newton and WOS moving into JUCO Football for competition, but nothing finalized yet.
  6. Yes, and be sure to save some Play-Doh for the sorry, inexcusable, lowlife RINOS. I hope McCain is mad about Sheriff Joe's release.
  7. How low can you get? The liberal, goober headed loon using a natural disaster to further the leftist agenda. What a sorry, lowlife, pos.
  8. [Hidden Content] Let me say, I hope no one signs him and they do boycott. I've already stopped watching because of him (hypocrite that I am, I'll admit I caved in and watched the Super Bowl - but wouldn't have if he was in it.
  9. Just use the PM system to send your address. I feel it's my duty to oversee this transition from smart to genius And heaven knows I could use a little mental improvement.
  10. Heckuva lot safer. I call the political thread The Pit.
  11. Far as I know, the only wall that got built was around Obama's new home. And I wouldn't be surprised if the taxpayers payed for that.
  12. Dear Nancy, it's time for you to learn how to knit. And they say Trump is losing it. [Hidden Content] Maybe if Wolf Blitzer is in the theater?
  13. Kelly has good size, quick backs, and QB has a strong arm. I'm with you, they'll be fun to watch, and will surprise a few people.
  14. Hey BigBro, only thing keeping me from calling you out on this post - it may be true.
  15. I tell you what, between him & Englebert, I'm getting thirsty. Sounds like the Hurricane parties have started early
  16. Upright? Does my recliner count? Nose breathing? Since my nose was broke playing football at eight (pickup game), & the specialist was on his way to a party when he came to Hotel Dieu (Hospital in Bmt long ago) to see me, he just took his thumbs and shoved the cartilage back. But not quite right. Do a lot of mouth breathing as a result lol. Now I will ask our brethren on the Forums Indulgence while I ask Tx Hoops (or Englebert) an off topic question. Actually, anyone can add their opinions. In my 72 years, I've known a lot of folks with common sense, and a lot of really intelligent folks, but have you ever noticed how relatively rare it is to see a really intelligent person with common sense? Not being facetious, I've always wondered why. First, is common sense something folks are born with, and some not, or a result of upbringing (parenting)? Or is like gifts from God as mentioned in Corinthians - some get the gift of intelligence, some the gift of common sense, and a rare few, both? Some people have a Bucket List for before they die. I have questions I want answered. Bet my teachers wish I had been this inquisitive.
  17. Based on my (ten minutes) research, this global warming is a natural phenomenon, that is comparable to a snowball rolling downhill. According to scientific studies, volcanic eruptions release large amounts of CO2. During the Ica Age, there were very little, if any, volcanic activity. As the earth has gotten warmer in the last 19,000 years, volcanic activity has increased. Now pay attention, all ye purveyors that man, fossil fuels, and cow flatulence causes GW. Volcano erupts, CO2 goes in the atmosphere, earth gets warmer. Next year, 2 volcanoes erupt, warming more. Then 3 - 4 - 6, warmer, warmer, warmer. Vicious, speeding up cycle, even if Adam & Eve were still in the garden. And me with a sixth grade education. [Hidden Content]
  18. Tough to break that WOS defense. They're disciplined. Don't bite - stay at home. Great coaching. Great players. To beat'em, bring your A game, and make a cheat sheet. Congrats Mustangs!
  19. C'mon Strattrax, you have to remember some of those great post last year by Rob. Not only does he make full use of the English Language, he's clairvoyant. Good gracious, he's royalty. He's a King.
  20. Call off the dogs. Err............Horses.
  21. Well the quality of the post on this Forum will improve. Rob is an inspiration
  22. Wonder how they protect the QB with the Slot T? Just saying, make it tough for WOS.
  23. Truth be know Reagan, doubt 50% even know it's in South America.
  24. I'm completely at a loss to understand the logic. They, and many others, condemn the guy who ask the Muslim group to condemn the attacks in Spain, but none will condemn the attackers. Actually, I understand all to well. Right out of the Liberal playbook. What a bunch of male bovine feces.
  25. Pardon me while I go barf in the porcelain throne. But in all honesty, this video fits the title of this thread to a T.
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