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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I'd hate to feed them two Ciccio boys from Vidor, but must be some proud parents. Enjoy every moment.
  2. Great News. Thanks for posting. Continue prayers from The Dale.
  3. I've been watching Bostwick since he first come on Ch 6 as a wet nosed kid, and based on his, and other forecasters, he's the best. He does think that some areas of Texas may get record rains,. It's going to be a wet one. Don't worry about filling the car with gas, make sure the Evinrude has plenty. [Hidden Content]
  4. Excuse me, but aren't there a bunch of people disturbed about Genetically Engineered Foods, like wheat corn, and fruits? Well, I may have to join them. Can anyone recommend a good flag company? I need a flag: DON'T TREAD ON MY BEEF [Hidden Content]
  5. Welcome back old buddy. Yep, according to that article, I should remember everything PS: I don't though lol.
  6. Exactly my point. A man who played in one of the greatest sporting events in the world, making millions in the greatest country in the world. Then he wants to disrespect the very country that gave him all that. What an ungrateful pos.
  7. And imo, that's proof positive that it's not about the statutes. It's about stirring poo to blame Trump for creating division. Again, my opinion, if I had to put a name on who's dividing the USA, it would be Soros.
  8. Reading the comments, this one guy adamantly refuses to believe it. I'm guessing he thinks it's absurd. After the Black Student group questioned the USC Trojan horse as racist, I think it's absurd to think anything the Left may do is absurd.
  9. Anyone want to show some embarrassing pictures of Trump? With all the video & picture taking now, no doubt you could get some. Trump is very animated, which makes him and easy target. But to those on the left that just want to embarrass conservative republicans, just post a link of the RINOS in the Republican Party who've turned their backs on him. That's embarrassing.
  10. Trump does have a large older family, and they're wealthy and travel a lot (I'd be cheap to guard). The fact that he has 5 kids, 3 of which are married adds to the cost. I can see where the Secret Service could be in a budget crunch.
  11. That is not a doll, that's a whole nuther deal. Not at all appropriate and should've resulted in some discipline. Could have been done as a prank, but if so, in poor taste, and still requires some fine ot jail time. Still doesn't compare with someone saying, I wish he were assassinated, imo. What you need to wrap your head around is this fact:. The women that said this was an elected State Senator, and as such, she shoulders extra responsibility, and has added influence over others actions. Don't try to defend her because it's a losing battle. At her station in life, indefensible. Let this thread go.
  12. About what? That I'd like to make a million dollars? Heck no. I'd sell dolls of myself with a noose around its neck for a million dollars. Course I'm a pound or two overweight so there may be some cost overruns for material lol. If you want one, holler back and I'll get ya a price
  13. Ah yes, the IRS scandal. Conveniently obfuscated by the MSM's machine gun like attacks on Trump. Guess CBS missed this. Well sure they did, they're still busy trying to rag on him for blaming both sides about Charlottesville. A fact so obvious, the media just continues to show their contempt for the truth by claiming otherwise. Or possibly, simply kowtowing to the Left Loons out of fear.
  14. On the close up of the pillar, all I could see was pink. Must be my eyes playing tricks on me.
  15. Lol, correct my friend, it's a democratic town - where else!
  16. Anyone that advocates tearing down, or removing statues of Confederates, let me ask you, are there any statues you like? Of anyone? How about this one from a leftist group that was put up in Detroit? Yep, Mr. Satanic himself in 9 feet of glory. And y'all want to criticize Robert E. Lee? Smh
  17. Per article, and this is probably not what caused this accident, recently GPS coordinates have been "spoofed". Instantly many ships GPS in the Black Sea showed them 20 miles inland. Could all this high dollar tech be worthless because of hackers? And closer to home, how safe is all our banking accounts? You want to be the richest man in the world? Devise a foolproof security system. [Hidden Content]
  18. Much like basketball folks are forever saying, it's all about matchups. I understand BH ran the Slot T for several years, prior to 2016, so they know how to defend it. Then they're a pass oriented team, normally the Pirates Achilles Heel. I'm not giving up on these young fellers, but BH will be a long row to hoe. But I do remember the tactless comments from a BH official after last years gams, so if Vidor could pull it off, I'd be ecstatic.
  19. Unfortunately, it reminds me of a few times, of many, that a picture would have been inappropriate in my life lol. Today, with cell phones and cameras, cctv, and social media, it's like we're constantly in a movie. Scratching that itchy behind - oh my. Flys not zipped - gotcha. From many years ago, Smile, you're on Candid Camera.
  20. I've gotta ask, even though it'll show my ignorance of the Constitution, or Bill of Rights, or Parliamentary Procedure - is looking at the sun eclipse without the proper eyewear valid reason for impeachment, or just an indication of goofy? . Imo, The politicians, and yes many of them republicans, have turned a ball bearing into a rectangle. The Swamp is winning. It isn't over yet, but he's taken a beating in the first couple of rounds. He came out strong with Gorsuch but now his handlers have turned on him. Swamp reptiles stick together for an outsider. And that's a memo.
  21. Hold everything. May have a stay of execution on a technicality. I didn't notice before, but the Trojan horse is named Traveler, and Lee's horse is Traveller, with two L's. So, since one L got the L outta here, maybe the Trojan horse is safe (unless they start in about it being white).
  22. And shame on you. Get back in the pit where we belong. Never come up in this part of the Forum and start poo. Btw, I'll give you WOS and 13 points against Vidor. joke joke joke joke
  23. I'm thinking rubber hoses and fire bullets, hehe, but I'm justa po igrant rednek.
  24. Yes, they got 4th and got in. Think they have 12 starters back, but a new coach. Sometimes takes a little adjusting maybe. Almost all of us, myself included, get to up or down over scrimmages.
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