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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Oh, came here to post this. Getting more senile everyday. Funny stuff.
  2. Nor do I. I do believe people are being killed, but I don't think the Clintons are responsible. I think it's someone(s) who pulls their strings, and has gained much, monetary and otherwise, through their association. The killings are unique to the Clintons, but having their strings pulled is pretty much par for the course for most politicians, imo.
  3. [Hidden Content] Doesn't that title shout out irony. And the new hero of the press is Brian Karem. He called out the White House. Why? Because the first question was given to Breitbart. Shame, a conservative website. Who does the slovenly Brian write for? Playboy. That indicates how low the Media Cartels have gotten. Btw, I heard on radio news yesterday that CNN, after they threatened a meme maker, is currently rated lower than Nick at Night.
  4. This is a sleze story. Why did I post it? Maybe because I'm naive, or perhaps because it gives some insight into what's going on in our colleges. Maybe because it reminded me of Donald Sutherland in Animal House, but ten times worse. [Hidden Content]
  5. Repeal is ideal. As you said ^^^^^^ to replace is still a form of Obamacare. Or, to combine the poet and the writer, a rose is a rose by any other name. But I must, once again, question my fellow citizens. Although I wish Trump would just demand repeal, I'm not sure why so many blame him. As I understand (misunderstand?) our Govt, it's Congress' duty to replace it. And what's happening now is all on the Repubs. If the Govt insist on providing health care for the poor, have them open a free clinic in each large city twice a week. Leave everyone else alone. And yes, I'd vote for The Republic of Texas.
  6. Yep. Sad though it is, liberal fake news has permeated the Forum.
  7. I'd like a study done on how much money is wasted on studies? Yesterday had a teacher tell me, You wouldn't believe the number of students that come back to school in the fall that have put on weight (gotten fatter). To many kids aren't active. Jmo, being physically fit through your teenage years will lengthen your life. Kid that lives next door to me hardly ever stops. Goes to the gym in the AM to workout. Back in the evening to play basketball. Went to Dr. Last week, heartbeat 50 times a minute. Eats everything he can get his mouth on. Some of his friends park in the house with their X-boxes, or whatever. We never went in the house in the summer (course we didn't have X-boxes lol).
  8. Zip, zero. At least one was by westend.
  9. Lmbo I only found about 12 post about her on the search engine. Typical liberal assumption/post without validation.
  10. Anyone with one iota of sense would realize how asinine she is when she stated, "that America is no longer the major player". Let America have a major depression like we had in the 30's, and see what happens to the worlds economy. Or, contemplate if America suddenly no longer existed - poof, it's gone, what would happen in the rest of the world? American consumers spend more money, by far, than anyone else. And America is the biggest importer by far. Now, think of any other country disappearing. The US would still be trucking. New industries would be built to replace what we were getting from China, Russia, or whoever. Not the major player? Written by someone who knows little. America is THE PLAYER.
  11. You're 100% correct. It's the mentality of the left. Ignore facts - believe anything the leftist media trumpets. Go figure.
  12. After listening to this guy, there's no doubt he's one of the leftist intellectuals we're always hearing about. Must have a Doctorate in male bovine feces. And make no mistake, the brainless goon is the epitome of the ultra left. He may be book smart, but he has no sense. None! Nada! Zippo! He is a defective human - like a car with no wheels.
  13. What they do right? Only one, and that was the military. I emphasize "was" because of information like this. [Hidden Content]
  14. I think most of our liberal posters would be surprised at how little Fox News I (and probably most of us) watch.
  15. Just an honest question westend, you don't find all the deaths associated with the Clintons strange. Strange enough to lead one to believe that some of these people are being killed due to the Clintons? Of course, I'm assuming you're cognizant with all these deaths. Some may have occurred before you were born.
  16. [Hidden Content] Now this is the sort of thing that makes be look at researchers with disbelief. Think about it. Who consumes the Artificial Sweetners, the guy who is 5'10" tall, eats 6 doughnuts and more food than he should and still has a 30" waist & weighs 150 lbs, or like me, who weighs 250 and gains four pounds watching a McDonalds commercial on TV? This is the equivalent of taking a political poll of "Do you like Trump" in any black neighborhood, or the same poll on this Forum. Skewed results. I could easily gain weight with AS or with water. These buffons need to be researching a pill that allows me to eat all the bar-b-q I want, and still lose two pounds.
  17. Possible contact? Very low. What if aliens picked up a radio station playing rap music? Reckon they'd think we were civilized? Oh hail no. [Hidden Content]
  18. Lol, my name will be on that one to
  19. Great play on words, She's still a Fox. Outstanding Lmbo.
  20. It's agree then. If the Govt ever bands chocolate milk, we revolt. And any man not with us will think himself accursed to not be apart of our band. REBgp, Reagan, baddog, Ty Cobb: Our names will be on monuments. We few. We band of brothers.
  21. No, not about illegal aliens shooting their citizens. Much more important than that. The scourge of the western world, chocolate milk. Gotta love the nanny state. [Hidden Content]
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. I guess Snopes ^^^^^ has never heard Gibbs say, "I don't believe in coincidences"? Well, I do, but not 60 of them. Wonder if Snopes ever heard, Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me? And if fooled 60 times?
  24. It's a democrat, what do you expect.
  25. Imo, what I initially thought was a joke, Trump Derangement Syndrome, is evidently a real mental epidemic. Could this be a result of - don't keep score - everybody gets a medal? I'm being serious, not facetious (for a change). Like all the people associated with the Clintons dying, I've run out words to express how dumbfounded I am.
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