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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Religion aside, here's my problem with the homosexual movement. The initial comment when this all first started was, "We just want to be left alone". But once a movement like this starts, there's no end to it. No goal. It becomes a Power thing. And ultimately, that power starts infringing on the rights of others. As an example, if I happen to walk into a Buddist Bakery and order a cake for a Christian wedding, and they told me they couldn't do it for religious reasons, I'd respect that, and find another bakery. But the homosexual would not respect the Christian who owned a bakery, so it's off to court. I'm fairly certain they could've found another bakery, but since they're a "movement", and endowed with (drunk on) Power, they filed a lawsuit. A person wants to be gay/lesbian, that's their right/choice, but when their choice starts interfering with another's religious beliefs, I have a problem with that. Jmo Now, I know I'm in over my head crossing verbal swords with you. Me with my 6th grade education vs you, who actually graduated high school, so advance, parry, and thrust. No need to expose my inability with a saber.
  2. You is right, but Germany almost whipped the world and they're going down without a fight too. It's a head scratcher. Personally, for me, literally beyond belief.
  3. What mind boggles me is the Europeans don't seem to realize it. Merkle is the worst. But I must admit, almost half of our folks are just as bad. I remember when there was a big concern about cell phones causing cancer. Perhaps those cell phones are destroying common sense. Something is. Cell phones - fluoride in the water - Artificial turf - fish oil ????? Something.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Just as I posted in the thread on Frankfurt. The Invasion of Europe is almost complete. I give them 50 years, but that might be way to optimistic. I also said most would be third world nations. Just a glance at the picture in the first link should confirm that. Filth and squalor.
  6. [Hidden Content] If you're even mildly surprised by the headline, you'll do a double take if you read this short story.
  7. Not sure a set of encyclopedias would be enough to stop a Desert Eagle. Probably broke her wrist also.
  8. Use to have this fortune teller on late night TV, Miss Cleo. I said then the Govt needs to get a list of everyone who calls her and have them removed from the voting registers. Now I'm of the opinion that anyone who goes to Berkely, and several other brainwashing institutions, should have their right to vote revoked.
  9. Good grief. God bless the mother. I just wonder if he's already getting D1 offers?
  10. Not sure what the record is for youngest person to commit suicide, but this little guy might break it. I sure hope it's fake news. If not, a judge should make her change her name to Penis. Oh, and make it mandatory she has her tubes tied.
  11. Another Catch 22? [Hidden Content]
  12. Had to stick this in here. Strait's had so many hits, and although this didn't get played, it's still one of my (many) favorites.
  13. I'm extremely shocked that a Dem Senator is talking about this. My first thought, how will she die in the next few weeks.
  14. Be cause they say what the brainwashed on the left want to hear. They have the ability to block out, or ignore, any valid information that doesn't fit what they've been taught. Thus, they'll remained uninformed. I would suggest it's a form of insanity.
  15. Merely shows the influence of the Fake News of the MSM, and the amazing way the Left's sponge like brains absorp the ceaseless falsified news of his accomplishments, and repeated mentioning of how great he was. The sheeple on the left would vote for him if he lead us to the gates of hell. Yes he got 8 years, but it'll take 80 years to overcome the mess he left in his wake, if then.
  16. Anyone with an IQ in double digits is aware that Europe is being "invaded". Just a WAG but I'd say Europe, as we know it will be gone in about 50 years. It will be full of third world countries. [Hidden Content]
  17. To freaking funny.
  18. Definitely less so in 5A & 6A, although still an impact in some. Of course not much help in any team running the Wing-T lol.
  19. Good point Ty. I just bet them ol boys ain't no strangers to a mason jar. Best hard liquor I ever drink was from a mason jar, reputedly brewed in Arkansas. Smooth and potent.
  20. Left wing propaganda. He made his fortune on the sales of "The Art of the Deal". Even the folks in North Korea are reading it. Sales of that book topped all of J K Rowlings Harry Potter novels. Number 1 Best Seller on the Beaumont Enterprise top ten for three weeks in a row. Dadgum, it's 10 to midnight. Got to go to bed. I'm all out of male bovine feces anyway.
  21. I'll suggest to our liberal posters that they go to their Dentist ASAP and get themselves a night guard. If not, you'll grind your teeth away before 2020.
  22. Lmborotf - was just posting something similar on another thread. You're right PM, and it's bound to be the first line of every page of that playbook.
  23. There's an old saying, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel". The current one would be, "Racism, Gender, Transgender, Homophobe, and all the other phobes, when used in your defense, is the last refuge of a guilty person, or one whose lost a disagreement.
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