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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Most of us cannot comprehend what's going on in colleges today. We see repeated stories of Professors teaching hate, racism, and violence. Where is the outcry from the left? I have my own opinions where this is leading if it's not stopped, and it's not going to be pretty. [Hidden Content]
  2. What part of it do you not believe? You, who admitted he was so much smarter than others on this board. You, the same person that scoffed at the cost of this, comparing it to a Congressional hearing. I've read, but can't confirm yet, that Mueller himself will make 10 million. Can't imagine what this high powered team of lawyers will cost us. To investigate what? Allegations from unnamed sources, despite the fact the FBI has found nothing. [Hidden Content]
  3. Probably, but odds are it was because of an altercation, or provocation. Not because either one hates Americans.
  4. I'm thinking that little guy in the middle needs to go to Evergreen College. He sounds like the voice of reason missing there. Then have him sit down with the RNC & DNC.
  5. Sure. Weather. Elections. Subliminal messages in TV ads. Astros pitching staff. Putin even demanded Vidor stop using the Wing T. Them Dadgum Russians are into everything.
  6. One democrat from Texas blamed Pelosi. That's ridiculous. You and I both know the Repubs won both races because the Russians manipulated the elections.
  7. Didnt pay her annual Mensa Membership Fee. I'm one of the officers of Mensa. Security officer
  8. This is getting out of hand. He already has 14 top notched lawyers (predominantly democrats) and is getting more. Even if they were totally unbiased, there are very few organizations, companies, or any group that could come through an investigation of this type unscathed. Not the Southern Baptist Convention, The Vatican, or the DNC. Personally, I think the prudent move would be to kill this thing before it gets out of hand. [Hidden Content]
  9. Pelosi losing support in Congress. [Hidden Content]
  10. It would be, but I think very few are now. Wish I was wrong.
  11. Btw, I can't answer the question in the thread title. I'm conservative, but I wouldn't want to be lumped in with others that carry that label. Just as I wouldn't lump you Fee, with others I consider liberal. I'll break it down by parties. There was a time when Republicans were conservatives, and Democrats were liberal, but imo, things have changed. Now, you have Conservatives, RINOs, Liberals, and socialist. What many don't realize, Trump, who is not a politician, and not a long time Repub, wins the nomination. Sanders, who if not for some unscrupulous actions of the DNC, could have won the Dem nomination, and he's not even a Dem, he's an Independent. What does that tell us about Americans attitude toward "politics as usual"? I think it screams we are all searching for answers, but our two parties aren't listening.
  12. Imo, they actually have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Instead of telling America what they can do to fix things, they continue this fantasy Russian collusion. If they continue this thru 2018, they're going to lose even more seats.
  13. What do I think of? First thing that come to my mind is Venezuela. The shortages there, of food, toilet paper, medicines. A country with one of the great oil reserves. Not what I'd like to see here. [Hidden Content] And more recently from CNN. [Hidden Content]
  14. Come on here, yes. Clarify? That'll be the day.
  15. Thanks LRF. I get confused. Police? White Nationalist (whatever in the cornbread hail that is)? Republicans? Port Neches Little League? There are so many.
  16. The problem is, many on the Ultra Left do want to change our system of Govt. Hodgkinson, who worked on Bernie's campaign, had put on Facebook, "Democratic Socialism explained in 3 words, We the People". Bernie Sanders is not a democrat, he's a Socialist, and if not for the questionable antics of the DNC, might have won the nomination. I pray that liberals, like yourself, might realize what the Democratic Party is morphing into, and somehow change the direction. I don't agree with democrats, but I can't stand socialist.
  17. As you know Englebert, I agree wholeheartedly. Even more so now after watching that video of the Evergreen college students. If our institutions of higher learning are turning out anarchist like this, I doubt America, as we know it, will last much longer in the scheme of things.
  18. Insensitive, ill advised, distasteful comment, but I don't see danger. From the perspective of conservatives, the 3,322 abortions a day in the US is a known danger. Muslim extremist are a known danger, yet the left refuses to blame them. Obama would not even use the words. And when the terrorist at Ft. Hood killed 13 people, Obama called it work place violence. Now that attitude is dangerous.
  19. [Hidden Content] Another act from the religion of peace.
  20. Just a couple of points about Trump "lying". First, I'd be shocked if anyone could name a president who hasn't "lied". Much of what the Left loves to list as "lying" by Trump, is things he thought he could do as president, but found out he couldn't (our president is not the all powerful person in governing America that most of us thinks he is). Second, that often his brain is not wired to his mouth, or his tweeting fingers, adds to his many "lies". If he is doing a rehearsed speech to the American people now, and tells a fabrication, that's when he has lied to us (imo). Off the cuff, when he starts ranting, I put no value in his words. Again, he's not a politician. Doubt if he rarely acts like one. He's from NYC. They're brash - run their mouths - and generally irritate anyone that isn't from NYC (me especially). Is he nuts? Doubt he'd be declared nuts by a Psychiatrist, but he certainly doesn't act like a president, and I can see why those on the left might call him that. I'm not sure, but I wonder if some of that is an act to keep the media and leaders of the left off balance. I hate draft dodgers too. I've posted before, I think we need to reinstitute the Draft. Only exemptions for health. Make it one year, or six months. My reason, we'll have more soldiers available if we get in a Major conflict (China/Russia), and if you've served, you have some skin in the game.
  21. [Hidden Content] Also win in SC.
  22. Lmbo, that's what I did when I first saw it ^^^^^^^^
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