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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Five unnamed sources. Had they wanted to do an article on things Obama did, they could've named a bunch of sources - including most of the posters on this forum.
  2. Wanted to play victim, yet is just another criminal.
  3. Hate to tell you this nt, but all four I listed on the post you quoted are Republicans. How many democrats have you listed? None. Zippo. Nada. Why, because you're in lock step with the left. Whatever they say, you're in. Like many on the left, you're hampered by the inability to think for yourself. You post links from the Huffington Post as facts. Everyone knows it's a left wing propaganda site. But you buy into every word. Fascinating.
  4. I'm not sure what you meant with this post. You ask why Trump is banning cameras, and Eng replied he didn't know. I don't know either. Not privy to his thoughts, but I could take a guess. I'd guess to irritate the liberal media. Not the normal presidential move, but Trump is not your normal president. He's not a politician, and it drives the media nuts.
  5. I bow to your logic. On the surfave it's good, but right below it reeks of elitism.
  6. Imo, the Bill is a no Brainer.
  7. Hey, I can laugh at me. I don't think hardly anyone on here minds liberals being on, it's just the continuous absurd posting. It'd be dull if there weren't any. And we love a good joke. If you do, go to Locker Room thread - This Board Needs. Some really good ones. Happy Juneteenth old timer.
  8. Yes, where in the hail are their parents? If one of mine acted like that, I'd be up there with a whole 55 gallon drum of discipline. If they weren't involved, they still wouldn't be going back to Evergreen. They need to build a big fence around it and turn it into a mental institution.
  9. "Conservatives and old fashion liberals resort to denial". Maybe it is denial, and after watching the video I posted on Evergreen College, disbelief. Are they possessed? That or brainwashed.
  10. That's most of us posters after reading Big girl's latest post.
  11. It's sad, but something like this was inevitable. Then again, could've just been some drunk, but I doubt it.
  12. I can tell you for sure, I was. Hope you get a chance to watch the video from Evergreen State. To my feeble mind, this meets the definition of anarchy to a T. Had you seen my face when I watched it, you'd seen "total disbelief". [Hidden Content] And I'd appreciate someone explaining how they describe themselves as anti-fascist, when in fact their actions mirror what fascist do.
  13. We have a friend who's a Registered Nurse. I don't see the similarities.
  14. I noticed your list's glaring lack of any democrats. Again, another example of liberal blindness, or inability to see any fault in their party. That one thing exemplies the difference in lRepubs and Dems. Just off the cuff, I can list several Republicans I'm not fond of: McCain, Cornyn, Graham, McConnell.
  15. Congratulations to the local players, and their proud parents.
  16. I don't know if it'll get circulating good, but looks like somebody going to get a lot of rain.
  17. I'm with you on that. It takes a special temperament. If I walked in a home and found some child with cigarette burns, I'd be going postal on someone.
  18. Just another cricket post. No doubt they can find 20 more of these opinionated editorials to post. The sad thing is, they don't realize there virtually only opinions. And from liberal or socialist writers.
  19. I durn sure hope so. I'd hate to think that many educated people would've supported him.
  20. I saw a video clip on the news the other day, and as I remember, the officer was shouting something like, "Don't move, don't move". Admittedly, I have no idea where that was at in the sequence of events, so it's not much help in this discussion. I'm not saying Officer Yanez is innocent, but please take 5 minutes and watch this video. It will give you just an inkling of the difficulty in making split second decisions.
  21. Here's my thoughts on polls. About 15 to 20 years ago, they use to say So & So polled at 50%, plus or minus 5%. Now, I'm thinking its plus or minus 15 to 20 %, because pollsters, like reporters, put their own slant on it. Trump's approval could be 65% or 35%. And today I posted a thread in Locker Room where Milk Producers polled 1000 adults about milk, and 48% didn't know where chocolate milk came from.
  22. [Hidden Content] 48% don't know where Chocolate Milk comes from. Stuff like this makes me feel like a genius.
  23. Bernie is in a long and distinguished list of Govt folks that need to retire. Him, Nancy, McCain, Ginsburg- lot more.
  24. Older you get, the tougher the shaving. If we go out on consecutive days, I use my electric, but if we stay home, I may not shave at all. But with two days worth I get the cheapo Bic disposable out. Older you get, more creases which equals more cuts lol. When I use a new one, it nicks me. Use until they're so dull they don't nick anymore
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