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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Imo, he should be. Of all the bs in this whole witch hunt, that's the one thing that floored me.
  2. I haven't opened the link yet, but I'm curious, is, "You can keep your health insurance", on there? How about, "A durn video caused Bengazi"? I wonder if there's a link of all Obama's lies? That'd be a big one.
  3. Imo, Comey was alluding to his belief that the Russians hacked the DNC and released the info to Wikileaks, which, again in his opinion, interfered in the election. Many, myself included, think Seth Rich released the info to Wikileaks, which got him killed.
  4. And many have more hair in their eyebrows, noses, and ears than they do on their heads. And back on topic, Trump is playing the media, and the democrats.
  5. No, we don't need a special counsel- for this. We need a bunch for the last administration. The stuff we know they did needs to be investigated and prosecuted. Jmo
  6. [Hidden Content] Enough is enough. How many would die if not taking the daily aspirin? Oh, you should still take the aspirin, and something else to counteract the effects - Oh. And two years from now, take XYZ to counter the effects from what you're taking to counter the aspirin - Oh. You know what someone needs to research? The people doing the studies. Any big increase in their bank accounts? New luxurious homes and cars? I don't dislike big drug companies. They have, and will continue to save millions of lives, but like any business they can get greedy. Pharmaceutical companies hate aspirin. It has to many benefits and is cheap. They hate anything that has health benefits and is cheap. I saw the campaign they raised over DMSO. I wonder about the alleged health benefits of marijuana. If it does have them, the drug companies will squash the info. I guess my Big problem is, there's so little left to trust. Govt, media, pharmaceuticals, universities. I'm surprised the number of Christians is dropping. That's the one thing I still trust.
  7. I'll be honest - I hate spinach. Hate the taste. Hate the texture of how it feels in my mouth. Everyone has seen the green slime that gets on things in the water. That's what the texture of spinach is like. Yes, it's green, but I'd hate it if it was white, the color is not the factor. I like mustard greens and turnip greens (if you have enough pork fat in them).
  8. Dadgum, that's got country written all over it
  9. Yes, when you get past the pony tail
  10. The result of a "reporter", running with a story and not researching it. [Hidden Content]
  11. Dadgum if we don't agree, I don't have the intellectual capacity to grasp it, and I think my Maker for that
  12. There's a bunch, of just Country. I have several George Stait's DVDs that had good ones they never played. Heard this song on the radio twice about 3 years ago, and the singer, Josh Thompson, wasn't someone I recognized, but durn I liked it. It's weird when we really like a song but it never gets popular. You wanna say, What's the matter with y'all lol. Anyway,
  13. Just like saying, "I'm guilty", lol.
  14. My best guess Cartel, or at least drug related. And the Dems want to let in more Cartel members with open borders. Great idea.
  15. Heaven knows you're right Tex. He has several faults, but his mouth is his own worst enemy.
  16. The guy on the right admitted the Quran encouraged the killing of non Muslims. But I don't understand, if he knows it says that, and he disagrees, how can he be a Muslim preacher? And I found this. This radical is exposed by a website in the UK. Why haven't we seen this in our MSM? To busy searching for the few good Muslims to parade in front of their viewers. [Hidden Content]
  17. Putting people back to work? What a novel idea. Wish Obama would've thought of that. Of course, that doesn't fit the democrats agenda of more on the Govt teat.
  18. And, as I posted earlier, the formerly great country of England (United Kindom), once the most powerful country in the world (The sun never set on the British flag), has gone from Churchill to Theresa May. And we went from Teddy Roosevelt to Obama. And people today are suppose to be smarter? If this trend is smart, give me dumb.
  19. And (normally) only 1 out of 4 is a tracer. I wonder when they're in flight, how much space is in between each round? Can't be much - like a solid line of lead. I do know, wouldn't want to be on receiving end. Oh, my bad. Back on topic. Why did I say liberals should like it? Because most of their brains are wired to block out the truth, ergo, it doesn't bother them. Our continue efforts to expose actual truths to them only ends in our frustrations.
  20. Mr. stevenash, Sir, as you know, democrats can never do wrong [in the eyes of other democrats]. We want to thank you for supporting our efforts to add non-existent voters to the voting process. And since your explanation is so spot on, we request you come up with another brilliant retort to explain how 59 voting precincts in Inner city Philadelphia had zero votes for Romney in 2012. The odds that not 1 person, even accidentally voted for him, is staggering, and has come under questions by many deplorable, unscrupulous, and downright cheating folks on the right. Thank you, Reid, Clinton, Perez, Pelosi, Schumer
  21. Lmbo, I've seen some "loaded" post, but nothing compared to this. And here you sit in the pause position waiting for the unfortunate victim
  22. Heard the Ned offense switching to the Wing-T. Just funnin', it's still June.
  23. Just me, but I couldn't stand the way Comey answered questions. I doubt he used a simple yes or no the whole time. There was always an addition. Here's a question and answer example: Question: Mr, Comey, did you see President Trump on March 10th? Answer: Yes I did, as of today at 10:46 EDST. He did come off as truthful, thanks to his admission of leaking information. Then again, he could have been told to throw himself on a grenade to give the appearance of honesty. Either way, after seeing him in action, there's no way he'd be the Director of the FBI if I was President. As for as I could tell, he is a gelding.
  24. Yes Tex, that was my point. And not being that familiar with the Govt structure of the EU, I don't know if Rush meant the leaders of the countries, or the EU governing group (if there's such a thing).
  25. I like a lot of libertarian positions, but that's some funny stuff there. I hope WH1 and harrier never see it
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