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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. +1,000. Had a friend tell me yesterday, If the Russians messed with our election, it had to be to help Hillary, she'd brought down our military even more. I told him, No, Putin wanted Trump. The reason is, mother Russia doesn't want a One World Govt, which has been the goal of at least our last four presidents, and Hillary (some Repubs and the Democratic Party) as well. Since Trump was not a professional politician, Putin figured he'd strengthen our military, and that's an obstacle to the OWG. Jmo, but I'm convinced.
  2. It's the only apparent reason. The sooner you have the Police State, the sooner they can go to their ultimate goal, a one world Govt.. To paraphrase The Monkeys, Then I saw their plan, now I'm a believer. There's not a trace or doubt in my mind.
  3. [Hidden Content] I'll admit I've wondered this myself. Is Trump dumb like a fox? Is he playing the media like a fiddle? I'm not a 100% sure, but I'm leaning that way. Obama played them. Whenever he fouled up, they have another foul up immediately following, for misdirection. Misdirection may be what Trump is doing. We'll see.
  4. [Hidden Content] Not a PC opinion, but a correct one.
  5. Mayor of Londonistan, "We're one of the safest global cities in the world, if not the safest". Same guy who said after the attack, "There's no reason to be alarmed". Sounds a little bit like Obama. The old saying comes to mind, You get what you pay for, but in this case, You pay for what you voted for. [Hidden Content] Btw, doubt you'll hear this on the MSM. Another attack in Australia. [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content] As I've said for 40 years, if only the truly needed got welfare, they'd never want.
  7. Good, valid point. They love to badmouth the right, but heaven forbid they say any freaking thing about a Muslim. Their own PC God prevents it. Once you kneel at the alter of PC, you're required to hate the right, the military, Christians, and anyone that doesn't agree with you. No one else - ain't PC.
  8. Greed has no goals. There's no such thing as enough. Hillary is a prime example. Btw, since this thread is about strange physical (albeit of the brain) makeup, I feel obligated to tell you that Hillary's brain placement physically interferes with her bowel movements
  9. Touché! Great post.
  10. You want to know how innocent she is, you read those 100 emails and come back on here and tell me how innocent she is. Matter of fact, if you read them, you'll see just how corrupt many in the Democratic Party are. No doubt, some Repubs aren't much better, we just don't have evidence comparable to this exposure by Wikileaks.
  11. The British PM finally comes out about these Islamist Terrorist, and the left instantly starts name calling/labeling - their primary attack mode. [Hidden Content]
  12. Evidently. Them and most of the other liberal networks. As an example, CBS, almost daily, will run a segment on some really good, immigrant, or Muslim, and something to bash Trump on. The brainless will watch and automatically think how good all of them are, and how bad Trump is. The spin never ends.
  13. That'll be crickets.
  14. Not Trumps finest hour. Based on the evidence in these emails, she and several of her staff need a cigarette and blindfolds, and placed against a wall.
  15. This is the most disturbing thing I've seen. Most of you know I'm conservative, and thus have an extreme dislike, and distrust of Hillary. I now find that my opinion of her, though very low, was way to high. Some of these, such as #23, is downright despicable. And these emails not only show Hillary for what she is, but the collusion with other areas of our Govt does nothing but add distrust to that institution. [Hidden Content]
  16. I've read back over this thread. I didn't see anyone post, "They were mad at Kathy Griffin". She, Ted Nugent, and anyone else has the right to say what they want. I'm not mad at her. I'm elated that someone on the left has been called out by this PC insanity. And it was in bad taste. You want to talk hypocrisy, check out ESPN. They have many spewing liberal opinions ceaselessly, but if one of their people spouts out a conservative opinion, they're out. Anyone on the left should be ashamed to use the word hypocrisy.
  17. Hagar


    Must be some bad poo going on for this to happen. It's strange Qatar would buddy up with Iran, since their only land border is with the Saudi's. Middle eastern politics is almost as bad as ours. [Hidden Content]
  18. How refreshing. Probably not since Margaret Thatcher. That goober headed dingbat in Germany will never wise up. But then again, I don't think she wants to. She is just another puppet.
  19. And that would be after Loretta gets counsel from Bill on some Tarmac. Btw, if anyone is confused by this, or the last few post, you qualify as an uninformed voter.
  20. Al Gore is from the planet hemorrhoid, in the brainless galaxy. That's how he was able to invent the Internet, and to know back in 1980 that Miami would be under water by the year 2000. He's not only brilliant, but gifted with the ability to see the future. Truly a remarkable man, errrrrr, Alien.
  21. This is what passes for journalism now. The fact that so many watch and accept CNN as real news even amplifies how dangerous things like this are. [Hidden Content]
  22. [Hidden Content] Guess they're taking over.
  23. Quite a compliment. I, for one, appreciate it. I don't get to physically follow the Pirates, but they did have quite a few Seniors. The JV did real well, but that doesn't always translate into instant results at the varsity level. But overall, the attitude seems to have turned for the better. Good luck to the Cougs in the coming season. I'll be following Evadale, which in 2A, means a lot of driving lol.
  24. Heck yeah - Bring it home PNG.
  25. Amazing. Locally, we rarely see liberal outrage at these attacks. Nationally, there's no Muslim outrage. Maybe they're only peaceful when Muslims are killing Christians, or non Muslims? Personally, I expect a lot more, and for them to return again in the US. It's unfathomable to me that we'd want to bring more in. If the Muslim immigrants themselves don't commit any atrocities, many times their children, born right here in the good old (stupid) USA, will. So, those few of us left, with a modicum of common sense, let's toast to the death of that rare quality of human nature, for the loss of common sense is a bigger threat to our lives than Global Warming.
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