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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. A BIG Congratulations to the Big Sandy Wildcats. This Rebel is proud of y'all.
  2. Depending on the field, they should be playing. Rain has moved out according to the radar.
  3. My sympathy to you Big Sandy fans. Y'all must be about ready to go nuts.
  4. I'll throw in my congrats to the Indians. Great win. Be pulling for y'all.
  5. According to this English source, they've counted 7 dead so far in attacks at 5 different locations in London. They have a Muslim Mayor, so I'm sure everything is okay. [Hidden Content]
  6. Rains seem to be dying down. With a little bit of luck, they might get to finish.
  7. Well nappy, if you really want to know: in the 2012 Democratic Convention, the Chair made a motion to add God into the wording of the Convention. Although the voice vote clearly showed the Nay's to outnumber the Yea's, they still added God into the wording. So God lost the vote, but He won by being put in their mission statement.
  8. Just looked at the radar, and it looks like they're going to get hammered.
  9. That's a valid question. I guess only her constituents, but they must be an uneducated lot. Imo, she's as goofy as a road lizard.
  10. If any of you wonder how the US getting out of the Paris Accord (Treaty) will affect us, here's a democratic expert.
  11. Just watching on Fox now. Found this. Of course very few hard details. [Hidden Content]
  12. Wouldn't hurt Btw, saw my old boss from 40 years ago at a little get together for lunch we do. Great guy, except liberal, lol (he's joining the Forum). He warned me about the mainstream media way back then. We reminisced about it. He says he still watches most of the different news channels, including Fox.
  13. There always have been individual acts of hatred, since mans creation. Always will be....... Are you aware that the rising hatred is predominantly on the ultra left? Are you even aware that gangs of leftist are physically attacking individual or small groups of Trump supporters? Would Trump take credit, or should he? No. I don't like many things those on the left do, but I don't hate them. If you know your history, you have to realize that what they are doing is the exact same thing Hitler's people did. They may not be Nazi's in the political sense, but their actions are right out of Hitlers game plan. Scary stuff.
  14. But, but, but, NC had more hits. Great post Englebert !
  15. I'm elated that the Ultra Left PC insanity has started to turn on some of the same people who have helped create this monster. The UL loves all this whacko stuff until it points at them. I remember Barbara Streisand's indignation when environmental whackos flew over homes, acting as "carbon footprint police", and put her home on the list. It's okay for the masses but not them. PC is okay to put the the Right in their place, but "we're good liberals, it doesn't affect us". The fact is, once you create a monster, it'll eventually become a threat to it's creator. The atomic bomb is a good example.
  16. Like what he says, or hate it, the guys funny, and makes a lot of sense.
  17. Amen 77, amen.
  18. Btw, I don't think anyone has posted about this, but I heard on the News Joe Biden has started an Action Committee as a potential springboard to running for Pres in 2020.
  19. That is bad. That's her network ^^^^^^
  20. A report of the reactions of scientists in Hollywood. [Hidden Content]
  21. Can't understand the logic. Israel is a small speck on the map, surrounded by 5 Muslim countries, who have attacked them twice in full force. Israel has defeated them both times, although outmanned and outgunned (says something for calling them God's chosen people). Despite that, there are folks that want to condemn Israel as the "evil empire"? That dog won't hunt.
  22. Icing on the cake. [Hidden Content]
  23. Have mercy. A little bit of advice Cougar. If you're conversing with conservatives, and you want to make a point, don't use Hillary as your "go to person". In fact, don't inject her name in the dialogue at all. It'd be the equivalent of me trying to convince you, or other liberals about something, and I said, "Well Trump said". You might at least listen if I said, "Well Bush said". The minute we read Hillary, it's over.
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