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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. The story of Japan flight 1628, Nov 17, 1986, is the best documentation of the possibility of UFO's in our skies. Once again, the only incident where an eyewitness was reporting a sighting, and simultaneously, radar was tracking the event. This continued while the Japanese pilot took evasive maneuvers, including a wide 360 degree turn. Theirs a video of the reporting of this incident on the previous page of this thread. Also, it states that the CIA confiscated all the material at a White House meeting, and told everyone, we were not here, and none of you saw any of this. Why would they do that? The best human documentation was the Washington Press Club meeting on May 9, 2001, where more than twenty people of the military, scientist, intelligence, and corporate communities, came forward to establish the reality of UFO's. There's an almost two hour long recording of this meeting you can see if you Goggle it, or some shorter individual recordings. Most certainly, had this revelation, with this many reputable speakers, been about something political, there would have been an Independent Prosecutor assigned to investigate.
  2. Just another mentally ill person that should be in an asylum. But in our compassionate PC world, we can't do that now, can we.
  3. Who was out of place? When you see a picture of leaders of NATO, do any of you really expect to see the PM of Montenegro at the front? I bet there's only a handful of posters who could find it on a map (I couldn't prior to this). It has a population 2/3 the size of Austin, Tx. For example, if the mayors of Texas were gathering for a photo shoot, and if I was the Mayor of Evadale, I'd have more class than to present myself in front of the Mayors of Htn, Dallas, Austin, Ft. Worth, etc, etc.. Who has no class, a PM of a fly speck country who wants to get in front of world powers. An old saying comes to mind: If you can't run with the big dogs, don't bark when they go by.
  4. Based on what I've observed, you can't teach a young socialist anything.
  5. Since Thorndale was good enough to beat Evadale, I'm not surprised they're giving Refugio all they want. I felt there was a good chance BS & Evadale may have ended up playing each other. But hey, us Rebs are behind the Wildcats.
  6. This is what we live with now. With that said, would someone explain to me again why we'd want to bring more over here. [Hidden Content]
  7. Evidently, the NSA has exceeded its authority over the last 5 years. Any conservatives on here shocked by this? [Hidden Content]
  8. I've often wondered if guys like Soros and Zuckerberg want Socialism so no one else joins their exclusive club of the "Oh so rich". They're safe from me. I'm learning the words to Roger Miller's, King of the Road (Ima man of means by no means, King of the road).
  9. Maybe, or maybe not. For those of us who've been reading about the Clintons/democrats since The Killing Fields of Arkansas, it was the first thing I thought of.
  10. As stated before, watch CBS News most every evening. Any good news, has to be countered with bad - improved economy = more traffic deaths. More folks working = more accidents at work. Vegetable prices way down = you should eat more meat. Lol, it's gotten downright funny.
  11. You're right. They had the same score twice in Max Preps. Thanks.
  12. Just a little side note. In the playoffs, the Wilcats have played 8 games without a loss, and out scored their opponents 76-18. That's pretty good, I don't care who you are.
  13. By george BSW, they didn't disappoint. Congrats Wildcats. Onward!
  14. Heavens Hoops, I'm appalled. Never thought you'd be one to take advantage of a guy who had just experienced a traumatic event. I to have enjoyed 5 gallons conservative post, on the political board. Surely you must realize how distraught he must be with a score like that. Tis a time when when this gentleman needs support, not ill conceived post welcoming him to the "dark side". As the famous 18 century philosopher, Archbishop Patrick Henry said, and I quote, "Give me conservatism, or give me death" (don't bother with Goggle. This a little known quote I found while getting my Doctorate of America History at the University of Bangkok in Thailand).
  15. Outta likes, but I liked that. Bet he was just a grinning. If anyone wants class - find it at stevenash (Kinda sounds like an old commercial, If anyone can, Wickersham can).
  16. Big 10-4 DHS. They are rolling. Great team. Great kids. Great fans. Got to love'em. Oh, and must be a pretty good coach to.
  17. Okay Wildcats. Good job, but don't get far sighted. Take care of business at 4pm.
  18. Heck yes you did. You're more right than 68% Republican. I can't wait to see what nappy and big girl get.
  19. Surely you're not going to let him get away with slander? Just posting your score isn't enough. Besides, he's left of Karl Marxs, and makes fun of Aggies. Then again, he is pretty good at verbal fisticuffs lol.
  20. Lmbo, the poo will hit the fan on this one lol.
  21. Classic period in history. Bill owes Newt big time. History will record what a great job Bill did, when in reality, it was Newt. And yes, we are all better off for it.
  22. Don't you know it. Btw - 10-0. Great start
  23. Lol, yep, but when I guided him back on, and put the same type situation on him, well......crickets.
  24. I started a thread (Media vs Trump) on the investigation into Trump and his staff. You might want to read it and dispute the facts I presented - from 2 (CIA & Director of Nat Security) Obama picks, Diane Feinstein and Maxine Waters. Then again, you probably shouldn't. It shows there shouldn't be an investigation.
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