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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Prayers for the family and community. Heartbreaking.
  2. As Uncle Buck said, that's dough, serious dough.
  3. Congratulations to both young men, and our local Coaches.
  4. As with virtually all awards, an impossible task to not cause controversy. Starts in LL with All-Stars, all the way to the major leagues. Congrats to those selected.
  5. Hagar

    Dems. vs Rep.

    I guess the post on this thread verify what you said. You know the old saying, You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink? That's a perfect fit for to many liberals - you can show a lib the truth, but you can't make him believe it.
  6. And so does the liberal media. For those of you that may not be aware, I think Murdocks two sons are taking over the reins, and both are liberals. Thus Fox's ratings have dropped. Here's a possible example, as they retract the Seth Rich story. [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content] As I keep saying, Full Court Press, and they really don't want this story out.
  8. Breitbart confirms story has yet to be verified. If true, as a friend of mind said, give them a cigarette and a blindfold. [Hidden Content]
  9. Hagar

    007 Dead

    A vodka martini, shaken, not stirred. Great actor. RIP Roger Moore.
  10. It will prove that the Russians didn't influence the election. It will indicate the probability that Rich was killed, or his death contracted out, by someone associated with the DNC. Should get the Rich investigation reopened, with the FBI involved. As for as the collusion between Trump and Russia, I doubt this will stop the Dems from pursuing it. It's currently the only teat at which the Dems have to feed (distract, deflect, mis-direct).
  11. This happened at the 2012 Democratic Convention. As a fellow professed Christians, I ask you to please watch this. What you do with this information is entirely up to you.
  12. This story just got kicked up a notch. [Hidden Content] Brit bookmakers have betting odds on everything. Wonder what the odds are on this guy living long enough to testify?
  13. Please nappy, don't try to equate something relatively mundane, with murder(s). Have you ever seen a list of the people associated with the Clintons who have died of mysterious causes? I'll bet no. Why? Because you don't want to know. Perhaps Vince Foster did commit suicide. Perhaps the man who was going to testify against Hillary the next day, did drop a barbell on his neck and choke to death. Perhaps Seth Rich was just shot in the back and killed, just as the Wikileaks emails were going to surface. Those 3 deaths alone are enough to raise questions in any free thinking person.
  14. I don't know why, but seeing a Police Officer charged with something like this hits me in the gut a little harder. Maybe I'm a little bit of an idealist? With my 6th grade education, I have no idea what you call it. It's like a friend of mine says, "Who's going to guard law and order, when the guards are gone?".
  15. I was watching a summer league game this afternoon (Evadale vs Orangefield), and the guy sitting beside me might agree with you
  16. The significant point of this attack is that it was directed at a crowd of young teenagers. It's a new low. Will this wake up anyone? Perhaps a handful in England. Those on the far left in America are to brainwashed to grasp the dangers. Blinded by their worshipping at the alter of PC. A god of stupidity. A god of doom. A god that I'll never understand.
  17. Well dang. Hard for our liberal friends to get upset at this.
  18. I agree. When this happened I suspected he leaked the emails. They said several Dems are nervous. Wonder if that includes the Clintons?
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content] Apparently Hannity is going to have this guy on his show.
  21. Hagar

    Dems. vs Rep.

    I hope some of out Liberal friends watch this video. I'd be interested to hear what they'd say. But the truth hasn't phased them so far, so I doubt any of this would register.
  22. The real hypocrites of this are the Media, who spends countless hours harping on "rumored" collusion between Russia and Trumps people. Here's a major case, with hard evidence, in court, and will you hear it anywhere but Fox? I ain't holding my breathe.
  23. Did you happen to notice what their hours are? Sounds like a place I'd like.
  24. I know the kids must have been proud. Idiocy is running rampant.
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