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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Seth Rich, a DNC Staffer was killed by two shots to the back near his home in DC, on July 10, 2016. Wikileaks released the DNC emails less than two weeks later. As TVC said, draw your own conclusions..............
  2. Obviously, Coopers guest had overwhelmed him in this discussion. So what does Cooper do, lets his bias rise to the surface. [Hidden Content]
  3. Don't forget last year Rebs. We beat Flatonia 15-1 in the first game and they came back and beat us two games. You can do this. Have fun - win these two games.
  4. Lmbo, your post reminds me of Comey. Dems:. He cost us the election by bringing up Hillary's emails. He's a puppet of the Repubs. Lynch the horse thief. Trump fires Comey: Whar is going on. Trump fired Comey? He was such a nice guy. So fair and honest. Lynch Trump.
  5. Heads up Rebels. You're one down, but not out. This is where you draw a line in the sand, and tell Thorndale, not today you're not. Play your very best, and you'll never look back with regret. Go Rebels!
  6. Whoa, dodged a bullet. Way to go Rebs.
  7. He's now working for Homeland Security, so he's everywhere.
  8. Hagar


    Huma is the one that scares me. Has alleged ties to Islamist terrorist. The FBI needs to investigating her and Hillary both.
  9. It's no wonder democratic politics are what they are. I'm beginning to think of Soros as king of the Democrats. And he has enough money to buy all of them, and quite a few Republicans.
  10. Despicable.
  11. Change course - Trump & Putin are lovers.
  12. Back to race issues. On this forum, yes most whites are on the right, but in 2008 & 2012 Obama received 43% and 39% of the white vote. I'd bet fewer than 3% of whites voted against Obama because of race (probably 1%). I look forward to the day when 40% of blacks vote republican. Then the race issues in America will, for all practical purposes, be a thing of the past.
  13. I've seen several post stating blacks are not monolithic in their thinking/politics. Maybe not in a literal 100% sense, but when 59 voting precincts in Philadelphia did not have one single vote for Romney, that's as monolithic as it gets. [Hidden Content]
  14. Based on these test scores and graduation rates, I fear Baltimore will remain a democratic stronghold. But it's unthinkable that so many youths of that city aren't getting even a modicum of an education.
  15. It amazes me that there are so few blacks who will shake off the democratic yoke and free themselves from their masters.
  16. Moves him way up on my spectrum. I've little regard for Holder.
  17. Sadly, you're probably right. And if while they're protecting other women, they're able to put $50,000 in their bank accounts, so what.
  18. I'm enlightened. I'm not surprised that there are idiots spewing this nonsense, I'm just surprised that there are more idiots sitting there absorbing it. It does explain why so many of us are elated to see blacks becoming conservative.
  19. I think the Dims are on another (following the Hillary nomination) disastrous course of action. They've all gone to point on getting Trump impeached. Let's see what the result could be if they're successful. Mike Pence becomes president. Does anyone see a positive for the Dims here? 1- A Christian, conservative, and a republican. Family man, and as a friend said about him, "white bread and boring". Clean cut, photogenic, and very intelligent (hopefully not on Twitter lol). 2- Who will the Dims have to go against him in 2020? Hillary? Sanders? Warren? Can't imagine him losing. 3- And think about this. When he's elected in 2020, he'll still be able to win again in 2024. So impeach Trump, and we'll get 11 years of Pence being President. May be a great 11 years. Don't impeach Trump, perhaps the Dims win in 2020, or at least they'll have a chance. Jmo
  20. I'm all in on the "need more laughter".
  21. I think Sheldon calls that (no response) a Bazinga!
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