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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. If you really think Trumps people are bad, check out the thread by baddog on Obama's Evilness, and then point out who is as bad as that.
  2. [Hidden Content] But they seem to love what his death has brought them. Had they put this much effort in his life, doubt he'd be dead now.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. You might want to look at the drop in unemployment.
  5. [Hidden Content] Imagine that. Mainstream Media has be lying about Bannon.
  6. [Hidden Content] Senator Kennedy R-La, you get an attaboy!
  7. [Hidden Content] Confirms what we've suspected. Imo, still more to be revealed.
  8. Actually, a mob of punks. I agree with Greg, had this been a bunch of white boys doing this to a 68 year old black woman, every national media in the country would have had it News Story One.
  9. Just saw this. Not surprised though. Their educational system advocates communism. To bad we can't pull every military base out of that state. They'd sure be crying then. Somebody needs to check their drinking water. It must be filled with nut bugs.
  10. Unbelievable! Just when I thought I couldn't think any worse of Obama! How could he possibly appoint someone in favor of genocide? And the same party that approved of this wants to worry about Trumps immigration policy? Wonder how they'd react if he wanted to kill all Muslims?
  11. Hagar


    I remember seeing at least two pallets stacked about 4' high with currency, and I bet they weren't one dollar bills or Euros.
  12. [Hidden Content] Personally, I thing it's ridiculous that this hasn't been done sooner. Heaven knows that Dr's can prescribe medicine 10 times more mind altering than marijuana. And if it helps some taking chemotherapy, glaucoma, or chronic pain, good grief let them have it. As far as chronic pain, I doubt marijuana is as bad for your body as opioids. As I've posted before, I've never used marijuana, but after 50 years of fighting it, I can only say uncle. I'm convinced it's no worse (maybe not as bad) as alcohol. Like prohibition, we can't stop it. Legalize it. Let the states tax it, so they can get the money instead of the cartels. Plus, prevent many folks going to prison and having a record. Also, I just posted this link in the Locker Room before I came across the above link. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content] i went and copied this link, but I can't remember why? Joking aside, it would be wonderful if this could help with memory loss. And though not mentioned in the article, if it might actually help with Alzheimers, that'd be a miracle. I consider Alzheimers to be one of the very worst diseases to have. Bad enough for the one who has it, even worse for their spouse and family members.
  14. Amen baddog. I know some judge is going to slap it down, but at least we tried. How you stop a law that merely requires enforcement of a law, is beyond me.
  15. Shiner is good, but I have faith in the Rebels. Show'em what you got guys!
  16. Just watched a 60 Minutes segment on how the Cubs turned things around. Very interesting. They said the GM, Jed Hoyer, acquired in 2011, looked to build the team getting young players in the draft. What he focused on was character. When the 60 Min reporter ask for an example, Hoyer mentioned Kyle Schwarber, the Cubs left fielder. Hoyer liked the kid because he played baseball like a football player. Played all out. Would run thru a wall to make a play. As I remember, he personally interviewed all their top picks. He wanted guys like Schwarber and young men who were optimist. He talked to the players friends and girl friends to get a grip on how the guy handled himself with any adversity. Being an oldtimer, and having a hard time identifying with the antics of today's athletes, I found it refreshing. I immediately thought of the Cowboys under Landry. I'm barely able to record a show, but some of you might have the knowledge and ability to watch it if interested.
  17. Joaquin took it in two. 14-4 & 31-1. Impressive.
  18. What what a great video. Enjoyed every second. What a gal. I'm in love with her words lol.
  19. I have no problem if my money goes to only those who need it. My problem, and probably millions more, is so many able bodied folks who just won't work. I don't know if those are in your reference to Kings & Queens, but they don't deserve welfare. Imo, if only the actual needy received aid, we'd have more than enough money to take care of them like Kings and Queens. And not directed at you 1989NDN, just venting here. Govt healthcare - any advocates should go back and read all the horror stories at our Govt run VA facilities. And those folks in particular should be getting the best our Govt can do - and evidently, as pathetic as it is, it must be the best they can do.
  20. I shudder to imagine what the first hundred days of Hillary would've looked like.
  21. As usual, an Excellent, Fact Filled, Informative post. The SCOTUS decisions in the above cases show an unusual amount of common sense we don't ordinarily see from that group. It was refreshing information.
  22. Treyvon? Really? [Hidden Content] An event on how to Drive off Trump Supporters? Really? [Hidden Content] A class on Anti-Trump you get credits (hours) for? Really? [Hidden Content] ad nauseam
  23. Bingo! We have a winner.
  24. And I have a timely question. A thoroughbred named Always Dreaming won the Kentucky Derby yesterday. Could Hillary be considered second since she's comparable to the last part of that horse to cross the finish line? Just thinking outside the box
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