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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Actually this story happened several years ago. Why isn't wasn't made a bigger deal during the campaign is beyond me. Here one part. [Hidden Content] And here's a whole list of things from CBS IN 2013. [Hidden Content]
  2. It took them long enough. I know Le Pen wants to shutdown immigration, and I think Macron does also, or at least says he does. I just don't trust him since I read he changed his financial stance to be more centrist. Afraid he leans a little left, but talks "right", to get elected. Of course, that's politics everywhere.
  3. And when you said "no one", I know who you're referring to. You know I did. I suspected if Hillary had won, they'd changed our Capital city to Washington S.G. (Sodom & Gomorrah).
  4. Yep, your right. Guess I could compare them to Rodney Dangerfield. I'd laugh just looking at him, and crack up at his jokes. UN, same same.
  5. baddog, once again you've made my day.
  6. Oh dilley-poo we1. It's to dadgum early for you to be posting
  7. [Hidden Content] Viewership of press conferences on Fox beating General Hospital.
  8. baddog, it would be the jury summons from heaven if I could get on. Instead of UC Berkeley, when I got through with them, it'd be UC Bankrupt
  9. [Hidden Content] Feminist Lawyer admits it was a targeted effort to bring down O'Reilly. Most of the latest allegations were choreographed. One of the harassment charges was by a temp clerk who claimed O'Reilly grunted at her. Grunted? My dying a$$. Want an inside look at how the left operates? Take a couple of minutes and read this link.
  10. [Hidden Content] Wonder if we'll hear an outcry from the feminist on the left? A march? Demonstrations? Probably not, and if not, they're not feminist, they're idiots & frauds. Although most of us knew already, now everyone should know based on their deafening silence.
  11. [Hidden Content] How could any decent human being have voted on her, knowing this? Now I wonder, had she become president, would she have wrote an Executive Order legalizing it? Remember, her top aides husband is a known pedophile, and her husband, Bill hangs out with a known pedophile. This exemplifies the moral decay of the Democratic Party. The same party that loudly booed God at their convention.
  12. As you well know, that was because of Obama's ACA. As I see it, there are two economic theories. The Republicans mostly agree on a trickle down economy, and the Democrats are all for a trickle up economy, which, according to the REBgp Dictionary on Dimwit Economics, means they take working people's money to subsidize (pay people so they'll vote for them) the folks on Welfare that just don't want to work as it interferes with their ability to sit on their collective behinds.
  13. We've found common ground once again. I agree of your assessment of those four, and since Reid is history, I'll throw Schummer in there, and we should all pray for term limits.
  14. Tom is a smart man. According to the link you posted, he missed the White House visit primarily because his mother is very sick. Since you and I agree on Brady's intelligence, I wanted to share this with you from CNN. Tom endorsed Trump. [Hidden Content]
  15. Lmbo, it's the truth.
  16. I know it's an unusual situation to lose to a 2A school, but Evadale is playing some good ball. And only Big Sandy has beaten them in Dist, and they just beat Bridge City. So Eagle fans, don't get down. Just a warmup game, and that's the time to get that "bad game" (and everyone has them) over with. Good luck to Woodville in the playoffs!
  17. Great job Wildcats. Be pulling for you and the Rebels to make a deep run. In fact, wouldn't it be great if ......... No, I ain't saying it, but I can think it
  18. The funny part is, most on the Left thinks it made a big coup getting O'Reilly. They don't realize that O'Reilly is not their big problem, it's the vacuum of conservative voices in the News. FOX had the 10 most watched cable news shows. Who's the king of radio, Rush. Simple math will explain it. Country is split about 50-50 right and left. Right has Fox and talk radio. Left has CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, etc etc.. That, plus my opinion that a larger percentage of conservatives watch the news, than liberals, and you get all top ten. Bottom line, there are folks lining up to be the next O'Reilly. What Soros and the other masters want is Fox News, and as long as this vacuum exist, Fox News will.
  19. You know why we love blacks that have the same political views we do? They represent hope for America. Hope that someday other blacks will free themselves from the shackles of the Democratic Party. Hope that there are more who can think for themselves and not just fall in lockstep with the left. And make no mistake, there are still quite a few whites that do it to. Many times I've heard, "My g'dad, and my dad were democrats, and I've always been, cause they're for the working man". I want to scream. They're not for the working man. They're not for blacks. They're absolutely for their own agenda, which is to control all of us. They want to control all facets of our lives. What we eat. What we do. And what God we worship, which for them now, their trinity is PC, Global Warming, and hate. So yes, we're thrilled when anyone turns from that and embraces freedom.
  20. Lol, very good. You and Steve have been reading to many post by that infamous poster that posts so much nonsense and butchers the english language. An alien from outer space reading one of that posters post might think it's in a foreign language. That, plus content, which is foreign to me even, would have him scratching his big bald grey head, and rolling his big black almond shaped eyes.
  21. Follow the law. I understand 110% what you're saying, but based on some judge's decisions I've seen on the news lately, we have to many re-interpreting the law. Hope this one goes like it's written.
  22. Dadgum baddog, you know your English. I never knew much, and couldn't tell you an adjective from an adverb anymore. And the last time I used a preposition was when I ask my wife to marry me
  23. His editorial doesn't fit most of us in Texas, but I suspect a bunch up north, and a whole bunch out west should take heed.
  24. Again, dead on. Lots of truth to what he said. Btw, I tried to word the heading to entice them lol
  25. Lol, to be honest, the vast majority of these tunnels have been to move drugs, not invaders. That's where the big bucks are. But you're right. That GPR will uncover them pretty quick.
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