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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. A rare occurrence. Has this situation arose where you had to call it? One of those I bet causes discussion with coaches every time. I'm surprised at the number of fans that don't know the situation of an infield fly rule. Surely most coaches do.
  2. He put a b-slapping on us, and as a group, we deserve it. And I agree, powerful!
  3. Good win. Looks like the Rebs are playing good ball going into the playoffs.
  4. Congrats to the Oilers. Those 4 runs is the second best scored on Big Sandy this year. The other was a 6-0 loss to WOS. Them Dadgum Wildcats are good.
  5. Had the 2A Area meet Wednesday at Deweyville. Kudos to the Pirates for a well run meet. [Hidden Content] And here's the info for the Region III Meet in Palestine, Friday & Saturday [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content] Its sad that this gentleman is correct. Sad that he had to write it. Hope the ones it's directed at take heed, for this guy nailed it.
  7. [Hidden Content] I know bg thinks it is, but 90,000 Christians were killed last year, mostly by the followers of Islime.
  8. [Hidden Content] When the Govt starts telling us what we can't eat, I want to grab my musket and head to Valley Forge. And if they ever ban beef, I don't know about the rest of the country, but a little spot in Evadale is seceding. It won't be banned until they pull the charbroiled Ribeye out of my cold dead fingers.
  9. [Hidden Content] Why this school hasn't been sued into oblivion is a travesty of justice. Note: I'm not a fan of lawsuits, but the line must be drawn here.
  10. [Hidden Content] What a group. Line them up and compare them with the Greatest Generation. We've come, or is it gone, a long way. I'm afraid had this bunch been around on December 7, 1941, we'd now be speaking German or Japanese.
  11. PhatMack posted this in an earlier thread on Berkeley, but I've added it here for those who may have missed it. This is the Police Chief at UC Berkeley, that allowed (didn't stop) damages to private property, looting, and attacks on innocent people. One couple in fear for their lives was refused entry into a building by her police. She's obviously incompetent, but because of her gender, and sexual orientation, will never be held accountable.
  12. That's a big 10-4. And, besides the hugh savings to the Govt in salaries, you'll eliminate the one Govt agency that is comparable to the Gestapo, and the fear that grips anyone that gets correspondence from them.
  13. Reminiscent of Barbara Streisand when the carbon footprint folks flew over her house and accused her of being a massive user of fossil fuels Lmbo.
  14. As this article states, if Universities can't protect free speech, they need new management. Ann Coulter has an opposing view to what prevails at Berkeley. To my knowledge, she doesn't advocate violence. This form of opposition/oppression is reminiscent of the early Nazi Party antics by the Brown Shirts, or comparable to some actions by the KKK. If you think I'm wrong, please explain why. What is going on at Berkeley should be an abhorrent to every American. [Hidden Content]
  15. Universities are no longer open to new thoughts or ideas. They're indoctrinated to disrupt, intimidate, and often physically attack anyone that dares to talk on a subject that doesn't fit their PC God. They're to close minded, or dumb, to realize that they're being molded just as young Germans were when Hitler took over. Where once colleges were for higher learning, the leftist professors in the last 20'years or so, have created mindless zombies that only know anarchy.
  16. While re-reading the original link, I noticed where it said, "Click to read more". Jmo, reading anymore of that would be cruel and unusual punishment. Is it the hate they espouse, or the ignorance, that sickens me? I'm not sure, perhaps both.
  17. [Hidden Content] These Libs sold out for money. I guess Hillary and Pelosi are members.
  18. Appears President Trump got UC at Berkeley's attention. They are rescheduling Ann Coulter. [Hidden Content] Btw, they mentioned the rescheduling on CBS but failed to mention Trump had threatened to stop Govt funds. Lmbo, they couldn't stand to report that the Libs had to relent because Trump threatened them. In point of fact, the university should be ashamed to curtail free speech on the campus.
  19. No need to speculate anymore. [Hidden Content]
  20. Heard the shooter was dead. I figured odds are 80% you're wondering is dead on, but as usual with the Euro Trash, they'll try to call it anything but what it really is, if you & I are right. Exactly like Obama and the Dims did.
  21. [Hidden Content] Initial report, two policeman shot, one dead.
  22. And that's different from any other TV personality how? So anyone that does that is a sorry pos? Wish I could make millions doing that. But alas, my abilities are limited to helping you and bg see the light, and I'm failing at that.
  23. Hey, I was great in math until they bred it with English. Saying A + B = ? drives my 2+ 2 mind crazy. Btw, I was disturbed recently when watching Ch 6 Challenge - two schools vying against each other on questions. Each school has 3 of their brightest on a team. The question was: if a salesman makes 15% on a sale, and he sells something for $1500, how much did the salesman make? I had $225 in about 5 sec (10% 150 + half 75=225). All students had pencil and paper. One school said $100, then the other $125. I'm thinking, unbelievable. Then it dawned on me, these kids are use to using calculators. Sadly, no one ever taught them a few basic shortcuts - 10% drop the last zero. I'm thinking maybe six weeks of doing math without a calculator might be a good thing lol. Btw, A + B = Duh
  24. Good point. It been proven some people have "false memories" of the past. Plus, why would any group want to target Cosby? He was liked by virtually everyone. O'Reilly, on the other hand, has been a thorn in the left for many years. Since it was common knowledge he was accused of harassment many times, does anyone find it strange that no women recorded anything on their cell phone and charged him? Oh, they took money. Perhaps that identifies what they are, and O'Reilly didn't offer enough? Just sayin.
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