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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. [Hidden Content] My question, does depression cause sinus problems, or does having sinus problems cause someone to be depressed. I know I'm depressed when I have sinus problems lol.
  2. He could have a field day with my post, lol.
  3. Fifteen sponsors are leaving O'Reilly? That's more sponsors than CNN has altogether lmbo. Since he has the most watched cable news show, and has had for over ten years, I suspect Fox will have little trouble finding new sponsors. Btw, since the above link is from the huffington post, I'm afraid there is a credibility gap in the information.
  4. Heard on the news today that this was the third meeting Trump has had with American CEO's. And he's met with more CEO's in two and a half months than Obama and Bush did in their 8 years. What does that mean? To me, it means he's trying to get Americans back to work.
  5. What does that have to do with Le Pen? And to answer your question, not that I know of. Can you provide a video where he admits he's a white nationalist, or is that just a label someone put on him that doesn't agree with his political views?
  6. The French are idiots if they don't elect this women. [Hidden Content]
  7. Just got a chance to watch this. Nice to get a good laugh. Great Post Tiger.
  8. Or Russian mind games, right? Lol
  9. You forgot Islamophobic, and probably some other phobes & nistics lol.
  10. The same Susan Rice who gave us the Benghazi video? I'd like to let the prosecution rest Ms Rice, but I have one more question. Are you related to Donna Brazile, or does being a pathological lier just run rampant in both of you?
  11. Great post. Have said that for quite a few years, and got ridiculed. Not so much so now. I guess you could believe in God, but just not care. Weird, but possible? Also, since most liberals think The Constitution was fine in the late 1700's, but now just a historic document, may think The Bible is a similar set of rules - you know, homosexuality was a sin back then, but it's okay now. Smh Btw, the leaders of NC may not be men, but there isn't much doubt about the NC basketball team. Kudos to them.
  12. The same Susan Rice who about a week ago said she had no knowledge of Repubs being recorded, and now says, if we needed more info I'd ask who citizen #1 was. So now, she does know some "little stuff" happened. An improvement of, "no knowledge". That Susan Rice?
  13. I've referred to it as the Clinton News Network for many years, but recently I've come to the believe that the other handle, Communist News Network is even more appropriate. Even Pravda is more legitimate. Lol, have to share this with you. To make sure I spelled Pravda right, I Binged (goggled) Russian Main News Source. First link was a story by CNN. LMBOROTF
  14. [Hidden Content] How many times has CNN been found wrong on stories about Republiicans? Quite a few. But this story, about a Dem, they even advise their viewers to ignore it. Gotta love media bias.
  15. Hagar


    And heaven knows, that poster is infinitely smarter that all our Military, Intelligent, and political leaders lmborotf
  16. He did a good job on his history. Unfortunately, the Democrats haven't done as well by america's black family/population, imo. I will admit that I've no idea if this was their original plan back in 64, but I do think it's their plan now, for blacks, whites, browns, yellows and reds. It seems obvious to me the Dems want as many depending on the Govt as they can get. If I'm right, think about why they would want that. A child depends on his parents. Parents control the child. Understand, this is just my opinion. This post is not an attempt to put down anyone (except the elitist). What I'm really hoping is that it'll make you think about this, because it'll get worse when they're back in power, if I'm right. At some point, it may get bad enough you'll remember this post, and realize what's happening so you can educate others, if I'm right, and it's not to late.
  17. Hagar

    Big Girl

    Not sure which one is derogatory and which one is the compliment.
  18. Give a person priceless insight into the cost of medicine, and I think it's ignored, or incomprehensible, even with these elementary explanations.. Uncle lol
  19. And in the near future, thanks to Obama (and he was so blatant about it), Iran will have nukes. May be a while before they have ICBM's, but they might get one of them suitcase jobs over here. Nope, no joking matter.
  20. And, as happens every afternoon, the CBS News lead story was derogatory toward Trump. The above story was 3 or 4 down the line, and when Scott Pelley ask a young lady reporter on site to report, the lady started then stuttered. Finally ending with, "Sources say that there was nothing improper about it". Which is the exact opposite of the Fox sources. For now, most conservatives believe Fox, and the Liberals will believe CBS. Since I watch CBS every evening, and watch Fox even more, it's a no brainer, Fox is more reliable. CBS leads with an anti-Trump story everyday. North Korea could nuke Hawaii, and CBS would lead their news with an Anti-Trump story. Smh
  21. If the truth comes out, we'll be saying Convict President Obama.
  22. You can bet your last dollar Hillary wouldn't have done it.
  23. Free market. Did you read the article?
  24. And I'd add a few other bits of info for new tobie. I looked up the cost for a new drug - 800 Million. And then you have the cost on many others that failed, from phase 1 to Approval. Everyone brings up Canada. I'll bet the vast majority of what folks get from Canada are generic drugs that they didn't have to develop. A good example of why we pay those prices is antibiotics. The wonder drug. Worked great for so many years, but now the bugs have adapted and are getting more resistant. Some are totally resistant. Now when you say "wonder drug", we wonder will we develop something that will once again whip the bugs. If not, someday, in the not so distant future, humanity will be digging mass graves with bulldozers.
  25. If you consider yourself a conservative Christian, an absolutely must read. [Hidden Content]
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