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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. [Hidden Content] And he represents Montana. Not a smart political move. He should've called in sick. Oh, and in Feb after he met with Gorsuch, he was for him, and encouraged his fellow Senators to give him a fair shake. Must have been prior to PerPez, Pelosti, and Upchuck Shoemer putting the pressure on. [Hidden Content]
  2. Hagar

    Might Be

    I wish it were so. But this rebuttals what the Sanctuary Cities leadership is saying, "We need to have sanctuary for them so they'll feel free to tell law enforcement if a crime happens". Here's probably the biggest municipal police force in the world wanting them rounded up. Kinda weakens the lefts already weak argument/excuse. Say baddog, if Sanctuary Cities are okay, maybe we could have Vigilante Cities?
  3. Been giving these folks some more thought. They don't have a LGBT bathroom problem. No taxes. No Muslims. No Dems. No Repubs. Hang in there guys.
  4. Now that is funny.
  5. [Hidden Content] For those of you who've never been in morning traffic in Atlanta, it's crazy. Had to take my FILaw to VA Hospital one morning, from Newnan, Ga, 45 SW of Atl. on I-85. As you get into the city, it's 4 lanes and merges for a short distance with another 4 lane Interstate. As you can imagine, 8 lanes funneling down to four. I kept waiting for someone to come up and charge me for parking. Ain't nothing like that in Evadale, I can assure you. Time we got back out of that town, I was ready for a bottle of shine and a beer chaser lol.
  6. I'm of the conclusion they're like cockroaches, virtually indestructible, and they're gonna get in. Hehe, glad none of them get on the weird site. But if anyone figures out a way (except how those islanders do it) please tell Gov Abbott.
  7. Lol, just a good job of misspelling
  8. Just my opinion, but I don't think the Repubs fear alienating the current people on it, but fear the mainstream media constantly showing (any) dead bodies and blaming it on the repeal. I base that on my watching CBS News every evening (know thine enemy) and virtually every newscast starts off with Russiangate. North Korea could nuke Hawaii and the mainstream news would start off with a dead body blaming the Repeal. It's the nature of the beast.
  9. Unbelievable? Wouldn't advise doing this in Evadale. Hope the Moms & their lawyers bust this school financially. [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. As pointed out numerous times, the move looks odd. It's possible he's having problems with the Supt, or School Board. Recent news out of Jasper comes to mind. The stuff that goes on out of the public eye would probably make all of us roll our eyes. When the recent kneeling during the Anthem started, I read were a HC said all his kids would stand - Supt overruled him. I'm sure most of you could consider some pressures put on coaches that shouldn't be. And know, all this is just a possible reason. I haven't a clue what his real reasons are. But whatever his reasons, like most, I wish him nothing but the best.
  12. No, I don't think I'm dumb (certainly wouldn't want to get in verbal fisticuffs with Tx Hoops or Englebert, but not dumb). Deal is, I've lived long enough to see changes/laws I'd never believed many years ago. LGBT bathrooms. Removal of Christmas decorations from Govt buildings and grounds. Bottled water. States with legal marijuana. Sanctuary Cities. Schools where kids can't play tag or touch football. Etc. Etc. Do we need a ban on Sharia Law today? I hope not, but if it was put up to a vote, I'd definitely vote for it, if only to make a statement. But that's just me.
  13. Lol, thanks we1, you just proved my point. They didn't vote against it because it was dumb. They voted against it because they didn't want to offend Muslims. While I, and many other Americans are offended by their actions. In Dem speak, they'd rather offend Americans than many Muslims. If banning Sharia Law offends a Muslim, that is the kind of Muslim we don't won't in the US. Based on what I know of Sharia Law, no peaceful Muslim would want it either. You might want to study up on it. You might live long enough to live under it.
  14. The real question, in this case, is not the need for the law but how any American could vote against it. Guess there are several reasons, Ignorance, Radical Muslim, Treason, Stupidity. Until someone comes up with a better explanation, I'm sticking with, The far left's mental inability to assimilate truth if it doesn't match their preconceived thoughts are ideals. I will say that imo, the leadership is treasonous, but the many minions must match my above conclusion.
  15. [Hidden Content] My first thot, these words from an old commercial, Wanna get away?
  16. [Hidden Content] These folks are like something out of an old National Geographic. At first I thought of them as backward, but after thinking of all the stuff going on in the world, and especially in the US, maybe they're pretty durn smart keeping folks off their island. But something like this seems so strange in 2017. A little spot the world has left alone.
  17. Ann's plan sounds good to me.
  18. A big loud Bingo on that lol.
  19. Sounds like a great effort by Evadale. Expecting a good run by them. Lot of talent.
  20. Hats off to him then. Not many contented in their work.
  21. Dang, I wish the old Trump had put me in his will for a million lol.
  22. Is Coach Montagne still there? If so, I'm surprised he didn't get it last time. And if he is still there, it would imply to me that he likes OF, and perhaps not looking at it as a stepping stone. Combine those two things with the fact that he appears to be a good coach, and imo, you've got the perfect candidate. I watched the Bobcats play several times this year. They are hurting on height, but they hustle at 110%. Good luck in getting a new coach.
  23. I agree, and I stick by my original premise, this guy (white btw) needs to be fired.
  24. You hit the nail on the head there. Prevents from seeing what either side is doing, and that's scary.
  25. [Hidden Content] The amount of money funneled into the Clinton's in this "sell out of America" is mind boggling. If the Clintons ever make a coat of arms, it should include the words, Befor Avaritia Terra (Greed Before Country, per Google English to Latin).
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