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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Lmborotf, baddog, you get the most sarcastic post award on that one.
  2. You bring up another good point. What the kids can learn from others. Perhaps a teacher at school may tell a relevant story about a subject that will help the kids remember. As I pointed out earlier, if I'd had to homeschool my kids, they'd never learned algebra. And realistically, how many 40 year old parents could pass an algebra test? Imo the percentage would be very small, for the most part those rare individuals who may work on a job that requires it.
  3. I don't think there's been a lot of meets at 2A schools. The meets we've been in this year have all been at bigger schools. Last Thursday, Hull-Daisetta had their meet. I was told there were 16 teams, 3A and below. I think the 100 & 200M dashes had 5 heats. I sit up in the stands so long my behind had carpal tunnel syndrome. Running events were sch to start at 2:30, but got moved back to 3. We got there at 2:25, and didn't leave until about 7, and Kudos to HD for handling the large numbers as well as possible. Thankfully we where in the shade of the pressbox and a nice breeze was blowing. My G'son runs the 800m, usually the first event, and the 4x400m which is last. Had 1 kid missing so he ran the 4x200m also. So all that time sitting there to watch him 4 min lol. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
  4. Either time is faster that I could do the 10M in.
  5. I got so ticked off watching that clip. Can't imagine what that father is going through.
  6. "They stay in lockstep" - Abosolutely! Imo, they don't have a choice. The leadership of the party makes the decision, and you follow it, or else (or else implying a nighttime visit from the Clinton's guardians). The Repubs have had to become almost as bad, but as the HC reform Bill shows, there's still a small amount of individual thought. I see this situation as a hugh cost savings area. If both parties are going to follow the leadership, we can do away with all but 1 each in the HoR & 1 each in the Senate. In the elections, instead of voting for a person in congress, simply vote D or R. And currently, the R Sen. would have a 52% vote & the D Sen. a 48% vote. Just think of the savings in staff, office space, salary, medical, and perks (which must be quite substantial since most of them leave millionaires). Just thinking outside the box
  7. Just when I thought my vocabulary was as big as it could get, and you throw two new words at me. I'll have to look up the definition of next & chaos
  8. Liberals haven't got anything new so they just keep dredging up the same old things. I guess they're just out of verbal ammunition.
  9. Makes the old NBC peacock pale in comparison. But you've brought up something many of us overlooked. The fact that Trump out verbiaged the Dems. Dems don't know where the high road is. The Repubs still want to use the Marquess de Queensberry rules, while the Dems have brass knuckles. Then Trump shows up with a knife. You're right Englebert, it's rather humorous.
  10. Great post, and an example of what's needed to home school successfully. Total commitment. Thanks for a good look at "the other side". Few of us know much about home schooling, and the opportunities for athletics. I'm still of the opinion there should be a way for them to play at their nearest HS. Just something I started thinking about after I heard about Tebow.
  11. Just saw an article where they caught some young Jewish guy who was posting a bunch of anti-semantic bs. Everybody's gone crazy. Social media, like the Internet, is a great tool. To bad so many abuse both.
  12. Just found a most astute quote on Government Health Care that I'll share with y'all. One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Ronald Reagan And that was/is the plan for the ACA, to steer the United States to socialism. The Democratic Party doesn't have a humanitarian bone in its body. Jmo.
  13. On that, we agree. Only the rare cases where a kid might interact a lot in sports activities and thru church, and I bet that's rare. Socially behind, most probably. I'm not a big fan of home schooling myself.
  14. Imo ACA is so bad, it's not fixable. Repeal it (which is what really needs to happen) and the Media will blame you for every death for the next four years. I can hear CBS' Scott Pelley now with their lead story, Today another 6,700 people died because the Republicans repealed Obamacare. Heard a democratic congressman on the CBS news earlier in the week say, "They've had 8 years to fix this mess, and haven't come up with a viable plan yet". I wanted to pause it there and scream, See, you know ACA is a mess. I'm probably the only conservative that watches it, so I doubt anyone else caught his "confession". The ACA is the Kobayashi Maru of politics.
  15. I beginning to think they only want their 15 minutes of fame. Only way I want mine is to hit a lottery lol.
  16. If the Homeschooled kid is allowed to play, he/she would be enrolled, albeit limited class time. Your transportation argument is weak. If allowed to participate, I'm sure someone (parent, grandparent) would have to take & pickup. Not sure about attendance based funding. That would need to be addressed. I did read up on Alabama, where its allowed, but the student athlete has to signup for PE (football, basketball, etc.) and also one elective class, which I thought was interesting (maybe for attendance based funding?). Anyway, appreciate everyone's input. I found out it'll be a lot more complicated (kinda like ACA lol) than I anticipated, but with the increased interest in homeschooling, I think those kids will have an opportunity someday. Personally, I'd like to see the State more involved in monitoring the academic progress of these kids. If they have well educated parents, they probably would do well in the testing. I'm concerned about someone like me trying to teach them algebra (or English). I ain't figured out what A + B is to this day
  17. Interesting post, thanks. Never heard of this organization.
  18. Here's all 5. Dumb me overlooked them the first time. So for the other dummies lol [Hidden Content]
  19. First, I'm not grouping minority's. Snowflake, as I understand it's most recent slang definition, is used to describe the recent generation of young adults of college age to 25 (although personally, I think it should go up to 30 or 35). Predominantly white. Second, according to the article, Facebook now monitors the content, and if you quote The Bible regarding homosexuality, it'll be removed. I don't FB, so I don't know. IF the article is correct (and I've seen it posted on several reputable (right wing of course) sites, I find it extremely offensive, just as you would/should if FB condoned a post to hunt down black women and kill them. I've seen way to often on the news gangs of minority's and snowflakes, attacking whites with Trump hats, shirts, or bumper stickers. Again if this article is correct, it'll just incite and embolden those who ignore the law and think it's open season on white people. And as I stated above, I'd expect you to feel the same way if it was reversed. My one error I'll apologize for, was my wording "all minorities". I was implying all the different minorities (Arab, black, Hispanic, etc.) not everyone who isn't white (and it wasn't ignorance, it was anger). I can see where that could be misconstrued, so again, my apologies. Btw, personally, if I saw a news report of a gang of whites attacking a non-white with a Hillary shirt on, I'd be angered and embarrassed. There should be no place in today's society for that kind of action. But this "Hunt them down and kill them" - my wife, my daughter, my two granddaughters? That makes my blood boil. Guess it's a good thing I'm not on FB.
  20. Probably not what you'd consider reputable. The ones you consider reputable are the same one who didn't report on the 14 year old HS girl being raped in a HS bathroom by two illegal aliens, one 17 and the other 18.
  21. Lol, well said L-train. That's a lot better question than home schooled kids getting to play sports. Hope to see you in the Political Forum.
  22. Sure, if the home school kid doesn't make athletic period, or practice, he should be treated like anyone else, benched, extra sprints, dismissal, whatever. I've never said anything about a pass. That's you. But as you said, a parent must not want their kids involved in school sports very bad if they home school them. But you see, again, your basing most of your opinion on what the parents want, not what the kids want. How many kids that participate in HS activities have parents that want them to, or could care less? I've been to basketball games where the opposing side only has 4 or 5 people over there. But still the kids want to play, regardless of the personal pain they must suffer that their parents don't care. Sure those home schooled kids parents may not be thrilled their kid wants to participate, but because their parents insisted on schooling at home, why punish the kid? The kid is not learning tough love, the kid is getting the shaft because of his parents decision and the State Law.
  23. Even if your parents help pay for the cake? Seems a little one sided. You'll need a better explanation than that. Noticed no one responded to LumbertonRaiderFan's question, "If I home school my kids and they can't participate in school activities, should I be exempt from school taxes"?
  24. Almost to that point it appears. Snowflakes, and all minority's have entered a very dangerous area. If they want to make war against white people, they might find out why predominantly white countries have ruled the world so many years.
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