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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Imo, the racism is more a case of liberal professors unwillingness to expect the same results from some minority students, and allowing them to pass unchallenged. So the racist is the liberal professors. I don't blame the minority students that much. At that age, if I'd had a prof who would've let me slide, I'd slid lol.
  2. I'm still waiting for anyone to post a link of any atheist organization, or any "keep religion out of schools" group that has opposed anything pertaining to Muslim prayer or gatherings at a public school. All I'm hearing is crickets. Anyone? Any State? I'm not holding my breath. It's not about not believing in God. It's not about keeping religion out of schools. It's only about bringing down Christianity. As did Stalin and Hitler. See a trend here? Those who don't know history's mistakes, are doomed to repeat them. Freaking Marxist.
  3. Great Post. It takes the false persona the ACLU has projected of preserving the rights of the people, and shows them for the hypocrites they've always been.
  4. [Hidden Content] All about Texas.
  5. [Hidden Content] Video exemplifies college students who only hear leftist professors. Readily agree for Muslims, but gears get jammed when question is changed.
  6. [Hidden Content] Why would they scrap it? Oh, to many failed? Dear me.
  7. [Hidden Content] Unfortunately, they're watching more mind melting alt-left news. The line by Col. Jessup (Jack Nicholson), "You can't handle the truth", fits the left like a glove lol.
  8. You're right about those prices. My blood sugar got slightly above the acceptable limit. The initial meds (cheap), didn't help much. Finally got one that worked great, but it's about $600 a month. Instead of daily, I take 2 or 3 a week. Hope it works. I could take daily, but then couldn't eat. And I don't do well with no food.
  9. Right, but he filled his quota, so Soros has to pay up. Congrats we1.
  10. At least that's a logical explanation. I was afraid our liberal posters had lost their minds. Also explains why she claims she gets her Obamacare for so little while it cost everyone else an arm and a leg. Btw, I noticed how many post westend1 had today. Maybe he just got on Soros' payroll.
  11. [Hidden Content] If you're tired of all the poo going on, take a couple of minutes and read this. I smiled thru most of it, and laughed thru the rest. Nice break from all the poo that raises your bp.
  12. I doubt if the wester even read the article, for which I don't blame him. I scanned over it. Once again, he's not paying attention. His year old opinion article talks about the things Trump was talking about doing that the writer figured would hurt Israel, not that Trump hated Israel. And the fact that it's a year old shows how desperate liberals are to discredit Trump, and the right. Instead of contemplating the fact he's doing good, and maybe the Repubs are on to something, the anguished liberal starts searching for anything to discredit the good done. Even if it's a year old opinion article.
  13. [Hidden Content] Why even post this? Ten years ago, we'd all had a good laugh. But based on what I've seen in the last few years from the left, I can see them taking up the cause. Judges agreeing. Zoo keepers unlocking the cages, etc etc. PS: Ten years ago, I'd said, Maybe lawyers deserve the same rights as people........ Just jokin' Hoops.
  14. Hot diggity dog, Congratulations Silsbee Tigers. State 4A Champions. And a big attaboy to Coach Sig.
  15. This is a survival contest. Their star just got his 4th.
  16. Gotta say Pam, if CNBC put those numbers out, and they're off, they'll be short. They're not known for putting good, fake info in their news about Republicans.
  17. I have a hard time putting "liberals" and "minds" together. Just yanking your chain wester.
  18. Good job AAW. Pretty durn good game. Go Tigers
  19. Wow, Timberview has got something working.
  20. Read read the link. They developed something we had to get from them. Not to mention a missile defense system we're surely trying to get our hands on. The article is not about them being a military powerhouse. It's about the High Tech stuff they've developed. Pay attention.
  21. [Hidden Content] Better get your big boy pants on if you want to mess with this little country.
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