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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Wow, longer than the Constitution lol.
  2. Them kids in LaPoynor know how to play basketball.
  3. Coincidence? That's exactly what he'd say lol. Liberals like him remind me of the egg frying & the voice says, A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  4. Have a liberal acquaintance and the Rape crisis in Sweden came up. He said, unless you can show me it's immigrants doing it, I don't believe it. I checked and in 1996 Sweden quit announcing if it's Swedes or immigrants committing crimes. That in itself is suspicious. But hey, Political Correctness, insane as it is, must be followed. Fact is rapes are increasing dramatically as the Muslim immigrants, from primarily Syria, Iraq, and Somali, increase. The math doesn't lie.
  5. I suppose you didn't fall for that 60 Minute video either. Especially knowing how conservative CBS is
  6. If I was in charge, that's what would happen. Guess that's why I'm not in charge.
  7. The Mexican flag waving makes no sense to me. As I've said before, if the US was so bad I had to leave, I'll be Toledo Bend Dam if I'd be waving an American flag in my new country. Imo, it only accomplishes one thing, it shows me how stupid the flag wavers are.
  8. Pathetic, and you have to ask, why would anyone want more in our country? And those great state run healthcare systems, these refugees will drain them dry. Most are Nothing but leeches.
  9. My latest post recounted the D1 remark I made. Senior moment lol. Those two are very good, especially in 2A.
  10. What a lick. And you're right. Big man in front of his students, but when an adult confronts him, he shows himself as a cowardly commie.
  11. Let's go 24-2A. Rebs, Pirates, Oilers and Sharks. I think we have about as good of four teams going in as and district. Good luck.
  12. Ok, only took me 5days to remember. The knowledgeable person said, "the two best players in District". And both may get some kind of scholarship, but didn't mention D1. My bad. My brain is like that fried egg they use to show lol. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. My apologies guys.
  13. Congrats to the Lady Rebels!
  14. Just saw a hilarious thing I wanted to post, but got formatted. I'll simply write it out. To many of our liberal brethren are suffering from this: TURD - Trump Unaceptance and Resistance Disorder.
  15. Amen, and I hope Sessions goes after the treasonous pos in the Justice Dept.
  16. Great point I'd forgotten. Yes, when the poo hit the fan in the Oval Office, it never got on him. He was on the course. Of course.
  17. Lol, you probably right. Liberals ain't gonna watch a movie about a bunch of Jews getting the best of Egyptians.
  18. Lol, not sure liberals will grasp it, but I knew you would.
  19. I'm waiting lol.
  20. Any liberals like to comment on this? [Hidden Content]
  21. Guy makes a good point. Program, started under Reagan to provide land line phones for low income families. Then, wireless phones. Now they want Internet. Like most programs, or movements, there's no end. Just gets bigger and bigger. Imo, Cut the cell phones and just put land lines. You want a cell phone, go to work.
  22. The author loses me somewhat when he calls SS a Govt entitled program. I doubt many will ever get back what they put in. There is though, I think, a number of people who receive SS benefits, who have never put money in (or their spouse or parent). SS should be for those only. I suspect some welfare recipients receive SS money via laws passed by the left. Those monies should come from another account, not out of SS. If they are, they're robbing from every hard working Americans. Those currently on SS, and the millions still working putting into SS. Should those "others" receive Govt Assistance? Many yes, but not out of the SS fund. Jmo Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because it's only suspicion on my part.
  23. From my brief experience, I'm not surprised. Rex does not put up with fools. He's an all in type of guy. Disagree if you can back it up, or disagree at your peril. As Reagan so aptly put it, Go Rex! Go!
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