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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Sure they have. If they've even read the Constitution, they didn't recognize the wisdom and thought that went into that outstanding document. It means nothing to them. Those two, and Ginsburg, never take the Constitution into consideration when making a decision. Their decisions are based on their liberal education and their own ideology.
  2. Not in the mainstream? Does Pelosi think Sotomayer, or Kagan are in the mainstream? I like what Gosuch said in his acceptance speech. "That Judges should make decisions based on the Law, not their personal opinion or agenda. Show me a Judge who likes all his/her decisions, and I'll show you a bad Judge". Paraphrased, but close.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Imo, Reg 3 will have a few close games down the stretch.
  5. NYPD Commish calls out Schumer on fake tears. Hats off to you Commish from Evadale. [Hidden Content]
  6. And that pos is a spokesperson for the Left. Should make them proud.
  7. Shame on you for encouraging Kountzer.
  8. Kinda rules out bipartisanship, right?
  9. I don't know anything about their personnel, but I was checking them out & they have a good record. I figured they must have a few good players, or one stud.
  10. When I heard it on Fox this afternoon, I busted out laughing.
  11. Wish they'd drop a package of $100 bills in my front yard.
  12. Just saw this on Fox News. Arab terrorist loaded a remote controlled boat with explosives and smashed it into a frigate off the coast of Yemen,hollering death to Americans, and death to Israel. It was a Saudi frigate. lmbo
  13. Not so sure, nash will be calling fouls.
  14. There was some discussion about a game (virtual reality lol), so with that in mind, here's the 4 that were (past tense being the important part) in the discussion. Me and stevenash vs TxHoops, and Bluedove3. All Stars? Hmmm maybe not. Praise be that it never got past talk.
  15. Having a hard time following your logic. Muslims are slaughtering people around the globe, and the Christian Pope is the boogie man? He might be considered boogie man to the Muslims. Imo, it's past time for Christians to come together. We don't have to all be one denomination, for there are some differences in belief, but most Christians agree that Christ died for our sins, and it's the blood of Christ that saves us. The Churches in The Bible all had different problems and concerns, and the Apostles addressed them, but they were still Christians. I pray for all Christians, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc.. I consider all my brothers in Christ, and God will judge each of us, not another denomination or man.
  16. He's trying to be a Drama Queen, but I'm thinking Drag Queen. He'll certainly get no Oscar nomination from me. That son of a female dog might have teared up when Hillary got beat, but he never teared up when the people in the Orlando nightclub were shot, or when the soldiers were killed at Ft, Hood. From Harry Reid to this clown - and the Dems wonder why they're losing? What a lick. [Hidden Content]
  17. Sorry to bring this subject to the forefront again, but this is just to profound. [Hidden Content]
  18. And here's an example of how the media decides who to label liar. [Hidden Content]
  19. Here's the Democrats take on deportation. [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content] So why should we take them?
  21. [Hidden Content] Plane had returned from, where else, Bogota. The mechanic found the bricks in the nose of the plane. He reported it to his supervisor while cleaning the filthy white powder from around his nose (joke, devil made me do it lol). I sniffed some high grade baking soda one time, but didn't get a high. When it mixed with mucous in my nose, it started "rising". Couldn't breathe thru my nose for a week (I'm suffering from sleep deprivation, but I'm on a roll).
  22. And in 1971, Mayor Ken Ritter declared Beaumont the Pro Football Capital of the World. There were 16 players from Beaumont that year. Twice as many as any other city in America. [Hidden Content]
  23. Here's some interesting Pregame stats. [Hidden Content] So they took their Poll. Who is this Forum pulling for? (Not who do you think will win). Choices are Patriots, Falcons, or Pizza places. I'll start it off. I'm pulling for the Patriots.
  24. Guess the problems in Chicago don't stop with gang wars. [Hidden Content]
  25. Sorry Kountzer, but after 8 years of Obama's lies, Trump isn't even in the same league. Actually, I've been cognizant of Presidents since Eisenhower, and I've never known any administration to lie, or mislead the public as much as Obama's. From the get go with ACA to the end with Hillary and Lois Lerner, the whole eight years was a cluster fudge. That's just my opinion.
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