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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. You want to push my button, this post does that. I realize that humans can be low-life pos, and here's the proof. [Hidden Content]
  2. Need to check their drinking water for contaminants. Perhaps they're importing their drinking water from California? I've heard of brain eating amoeba. Is it possible there is one of those amoeba that only eats the common sense portion of the brain? Just saying........
  3. Lol, yep, the brownshirts are restless.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Yep, a ball of it about softball size, stuffed in her pie hole.
  6. You'll go bald head scratching every time you see something strange in these polls
  7. I'm with you 77. I don't need to be there to feel good. With Liberals, it's a "touchy, feely", thing. Swear him in & lets make America great again. Oh, two other points. First, I heard on the news it was the most watched inauguration in a long time. And second, as I said before, many of Trump's supporters were working.
  8. They just don't get it. [Hidden Content]
  9. I noticed both of these Sheriffs are women. As pointed out in another thread, Texas is full of good women. Get these two cartoon characters out of office. It's bad enough I have to read about this poo happening in California. I've no problem with a woman as Sheriff, but please, get one with common sense.
  10. Is that like you & Big Girl talking
  11. Again LRF, I've run out of words to describe this. I knew it was bad, but this? I'm reminded of when Bush took over from Clinton. Many of the offices in the White House were trashed. Glass on desktops were broken. Phones had been forwarded to other extensions. The "W's" were broke off typewriters. Like a bunch of spoiled brats. And their mental condition is getting increasingly worse.
  12. The best inauguration speech I've ever heard. The grown ups are in charge Big Girl. You and your sister might want to get some play-doh.
  13. The freaking idiots have gone off my sane meter. I can't believe how they're acting. I understand now why the colleges gave them play-doh. I guess the reality that grown ups are in charge now is more than their "minds that never went thru puberty" can handle. Need to put them all in Day Care.
  14. Here's another thought on the March. Right in the X-Ring, imo. [Hidden Content]
  15. Prior to reading this thread I posted it as a thread this morning. Cud blame it on old age, or being dumb, but I think the crazy LL's (Lunatic Left) are making me crazy. Perhaps if the Flight Attendants had had some play-doh to give the old HAG, she'd been okay.
  16. Thought Police? If they do, and the Dims get back in power, I'm a dead man.
  17. Another inexcusable action from a LL (Left Lunatic). This is what is taking over the Democratic Party. What a loser going after a ten year old. Somebody needs to slap some reality into this woman. [Hidden Content]
  18. The behavior of many on the left defies explanation. This link has two short videos of this older liberal lady verbally attacking a Trump supporter, and refusing to leave the plane until Officers arrive. Has a "superior to thou" attitude. [Hidden Content]
  19. True? Don't know, but for those of us who are believers, it's nice to see scientist confirming it, albeit via mathematics. [Hidden Content]
  20. Keeps everyone guessing. And a good year to be a Silsbee a Tiger basketball fan!
  21. That's a monster. Bet old Troy Landry would like to get that one in the boat. Looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex. And back in my golfing days, I'd pick up on that hole. Give myself a par (one of two for the day lol), and move on to the next hole.
  22. I'm all in. Make it so, and let's see if there's any repercussions, or problems.
  23. This is a rumor, but I sure hope he does it. [Hidden Content]
  24. This is a cause the Govt has subsidized, but we could pick up the slack.
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