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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Problem with this, it's increasing tension with Russia. He'd never done this if he wasn't getting out. You know Putin would B-slap him.
  2. Typical. When they've used all their cards (racist, bigot, homophobe, etc), you get the real Leftist Elitist.
  3. But Obama is foxing things up as much as he can. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have a problem with this, but right before the half wit leaves office? Somethings rotten in Denmark, err, make that Washington DC. [Hidden Content]
  4. Idiot WR recording live on Facebook while Tomlin talking to team & telling them not to put anything on Social Media. Lol [Hidden Content]
  5. One of the best commentaries I've ever heard. Told my wife a few years ago, they don't want to make Cavuto mad, that guy will zing them. Well, they did, and he did.
  6. To answer your question, absolutely nothing. You can kiss their Health Care system goodbye. May take a couple of years, but it'll go broke. What can these refugees offer Sweden? Virtually nothing productive. They'll suck Sweden dry, and start killing the Swedes. And this is happening all over Europe. If the EU had any sense, it would've been preferable to do as Trump suggested. Cut a slice out of the Middle East and protect it with troops, and feed and care for the refugees there. But in their PC stupidity, they've surrendered their, Sovereignty, their religion, and their future. And most on the left want to do the same thing here. Smdh
  7. And that, in answering BS Wildcats post, may be the most profound post in exposing the Left as the leeches they are. Pardon me guys, if I expound on yalls theory. Imagine 100 young (college age) conservatives placed on an uninhabited island. How they'd work to find water, food, and build shelters. Now imagine the same scenario with Leftist - remembering this is the same type individuals who had to have Play Doh simply because Trump was elected.
  8. There will be global warming from all conservatives breathing a big sigh of relief.
  9. And Lois the Feminazi. And private servers, deleted emails, selling uranium to Russia, etc etc etc.
  10. They said it was on 60 Minutes, but, as you alluded to, Sat Night Live would have been more appropriate
  11. If you live on welfare & food stamps, you're a slave to the Government, and you'll eat what they tell you. This is just a minor example of what I've been preaching. We see other examples all the time - You'll teach (or feed) this in your schools, or we'll cut funding. You'll make the speed limits on I-10 65mph or we'll cut funding. The liberals just don't get it. They think the Govt is the answer, when actuall it just turns you into a slave. And yes baddog, "we" are suppose to be the Govt, but I'm afraid there's to many "we's" that want to feed at the Govt trough. Jmo
  12. Am I the only one who has a problem with this statement? [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Hagar

    A or B?

    Since I'm financially challenged, High Income (B) takes priority. If I was rich, A in a heartbeat.
  15. Hagar


    Jmo, I'd say yes, if it could be proved they didn't have relations in the time frame required.
  16. Once heard a man, who I have the upmost respect for, say that our Military is the only thing the Government has that works right. The Left, realizing that truth, has done everything they can to weaken it. To many good Generals have been forced out. I wonder, with three of the good ones on Trump's cabinet, do you think there's some high ranking Generals who kowtowed to Obama, sweating in the Pentagon? I hope so, and may they enjoy their forced retirement.
  17. I suspect he created a lot more millionaires with his green energy money pits than he ever created meaningful jobs.
  18. I remember BS beating the Lady Rebels exactly like that about 4 years ago. Great for BS, but a killer for Latexo, as it was for Evadale lol.
  19. I'm unfamiliar with official disciplinary actions that could be taken, but based on your description of events, I'd think the District could invoke action against #3 of SP.. Anyone know if that's a possibility, if someone comes off the bench & hits an opposing player.
  20. Have no knowledge of what happened. It is the second unusual incident involving Sabine Pass though. Earlier in the season, two of their players walked off the court. That said, I just commented at our game last night, refs need to balance between, not enough foul calls, and to many. Our game had approx 50, which made defensive players tentative. But still preferable, imo, to letting it get so rough tempers flare.
  21. Here's more indication you may be right on. [Hidden Content]
  22. Lol, evidently he's either not hard up for money, or he's the most hard headed son of a female dog around
  23. A heads up for y'all. Wife and I sitting here watching TV (Direct) last night. Suddenly, screen goes blank. Wife ask what happened? I looked down and DVR was off, so she hit the button on remote to turn it back on - nothing. She gets up and opens glass door to cabinet where it sets, and it was smoking. We got it unplugged and disconnected. Called Direct TV & they're sending another one. Here's the problem. What if we'd been gone, and recording something? I wonder if it would've caught on fire? Ironically, we've lived out here about 6 years now, and (thank goodness) there have been very few home fires. But this year in Evadale, we just had our third one, and my daughter walked over when she got home and we were talking about the rash of fires - then this happened. Really weird. Unfortunately, there's not a lot any of us can do about it. We'll still record programs when we're not here. Perhaps put the new one on a metal tray, and remove and papers, or any other combustibles around it. Just another thing to look out for.
  24. Now, proof positive. UFO found in Antartica using google earth. Same place they found one in the movie X-Files. Lol, really does look suspicious, but google earth sometimes tricks ya.
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