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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. I suppose so, as I'm sure the founders of Solyndra did. At least Haliburton helped us win a war. Solyndra was just a money pit.
  2. Lol, nothing to see here, move along.
  3. You tell'em 77. They just about walking on the fighting side of me
  4. You see, that's what I'm talking about. We've run out of words to describe this insane-unbelievable-ludicrous-asinine-ad nauseam. Down to just, "good grief". They continue to amaze me. Next, they'll want Kumbaya to be the National Anthem, while in reality, "The Eyes of Texas" should be (or "Texas our Texas", I'm flexible).
  5. Aha, for all you naysayers, here's a UFO dumping it's toilets over Chile. [Hidden Content]
  6. And accurate.
  7. This sums it up. You eat food my food eats - priceless!
  8. Good catch Tigers. I don't think Remmus caught it before posting. He's trying to assimilate, but still has a way to go.
  9. Yes, pulling into their new home, with a new wall around it.
  10. Excellent article. I especially like the line:. "Enjoy global warming while it lasts"
  11. If they have many BLM folks up there, quite a few can't sign it.
  12. And if you doubt what I said about the intelligence community, check this out. Trump ran a sting operation. Oh, a little advise to those in our govt intelligence. Trump isn't the kind of guy that'll have you sit in a corner with a dunce hat on. He's more, I got my strap boy, let's go to the woodshed. He doesn't play. [Hidden Content]
  13. Needless to say, I can't verify this story, but I'd give it an 8 on my 0-10 truth meter. Since Trump has questioned the info from the intelligence community, they are just hoping to find something. And the Media, haha, need I say more? [Hidden Content]
  14. Went with G'son & son in law to see them Sat night. Imo, Silsbee would have beat them. Poor old Dirk could barely get up & down the court. On the plus side (and this was only my second NBA game), several of the Atlanta Hawks were great ambassadors of the game. During warm ups, they came over to the fans & did quite a few autographs and pictures. Still, great experience being there, but if you've never been, max out an ATM before you buy a beer
  15. Imo, the lawsuit was the objective from the beginning. [Hidden Content]
  16. Lmbo. Well played!
  17. Forgive me my salad, veggie, vegan eating friends. I do eat an occasional salad myself, but meat is my primary food source. And heaven knows, the "Food Police" have been ragging on meat for many years. Actually, the reason it's bad, you get to much copper. [Hidden Content]
  18. A cult? Maybe, but not a bad one, and one most folks envy
  19. I agree. Btw, I've heard it estimated that he'll lose approx $28 million by not spending the next four years working at ExxonMobil. And although a millionaire many times over, that's still a lot of money. Could he possibly be doing it because he loves America? Is he that nasty word that sends the left into anxiety, a patriot?
  20. Best news for our Military I've read in a long, long, time. [Hidden Content]
  21. As always, portray the police officer as wrong. I wonder if editing the tape would be a prime example off the new buzz phrase, Fake News?
  22. You hit the nail on the head. They don't do football, so while most teams are banging pads, the Wildcats are in the gym. And they are as polished as always. They were certainly impressive moving the ball around. Glad we don't have a rematch in their gym. Not the caliber of the last two years, but they can still play with most 2A teams.
  23. Not many in Evadale knew about the football game. Both towns/schools been looking forward to this game. Evidently the football game was exciting, but for the fans in Big Sandy and Evadale this basketball game topped it. (And I never thought I'd ever say that about a basketball game lol).
  24. I take no joy in posting this. [Hidden Content]
  25. Kudos to both teams. Great ball game. Big attaboy to the Evadale Rebels. Not often Big Sandy loses to a 2A school.
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