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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. You'll have to refresh my memory on those. My conservative brain does not recall any.
  2. You and I both know very few Christians are Saints. But I've never heard of a Christian preacher preaching, death to those who aren't Christians (although there could be 1or 2). I'm not condemning Islam, but the teachers of Islam, and the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of followers of Islam who are willing to sacrifice their lives to kill a bunch of people, even other Muslims, who don't believe like they do. Their daily atrocities are are all the proof anyone should need.
  3. Bengazi- that -ish was used as a political football to put more dirt on Hillary? My apologies, but I don't quite understand. Are you saying the lie she and Obama produced about a film causing all this didn't happen, or that it's irrelevant? Since you're obviously concerned about Trayvons death, I'd think you'd be concerned about the men killed at Bengazi and our Govt lying about it, and failing to send in help (even had it arrived to late). And why do you think they blamed it on a film? Personally, I think they did it due to Obama not wanting to portray Muslims as murdering terrorist. His reluctance to use the words, Muslim Terrorist, speaks volumes. And labeling the Ft. Hood massacre "Workplace Violence" was enough proof to have a jury back in the courtroom in record time, with a guilty verdict. But seriously, why do you think they blamed it on a film? I may not agree, but I'd like to hear what a centrist thinks. And to be honest, there's only one Democrat (and he won't be back on until after basketball season), and a few liberals) on the Forum, so our ability to get any insight into how the other side thinks is very limited.
  4. I know, I was just using an analogy to show how easy it is to buy someone. Even someone with the good intentions. A tax free million dollars in a numbered account in the Caymans is a lot of temptation. But your right, our freedom is priceless.
  5. Well, dadgum baddog, I'm not for sale. Well, err, just so I'll know, how much you offering? Oh? That much? More than generous Mr. Baddog! Yes, I'll make sure Ned beats Vidor next year. Btw, I'll be changing my address to the Hamptons. After all, it's just a few kilos (a game) that'll get across anyway. And so it goes.
  6. It can never be healed under the status quo. Before anyone wants to get in verbal fisticuffs over that statement, don't bother. Ain't no healing gonna happen. Oh, we can go thru the motions, and get the (uneasy) stalemate we have now, but there will never be peace as long as both are there. Why? First, these two groups have been fighting since recorded history. Second, as long as the Muslim religion (Imam's) teaches "death to infidels" (non believers) how can you have peace? How can you have peace when the dogma of the one religion calls for the death of the other be it Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Etc, and Atheist. A point that the leaders of the United States need to contemplate before allowing more Muslims into our country. For those ready to spout out Islam is a peaceful religion, there are some in Islam that think that way, just as Christians have Amish, and Seventh Day Adventist. But virtually all the other religions today have a live and let live dogma. To my knowledge, not one other religion on earth today calls for the death of all others, except Islam. Stop and think about that. You convert to Islam, or you die. There are approx 1.6 Billion Muslims. They intend to convert or kill the the remaining 5.8 Billion people. And Hitler was labeled a monster (and rightfully so) for murdering over 6 Million. Peace in the Middle East? Unless we do the unthinkable, there will never again be peace in the world. Jmo, and I'd love for someone to prove me wrong.
  7. Yes, you drug lords. This is America. You can't buy our people. Oh, you did? Homeland Security? Oh, no way. They protect are borders. No way they sell out. Oh, if the Secy of State can do it, so can they? They say it's the culture now embedded in our Govt? All in my best Bob Newheart voice. Seriously though, these drug lords have virtually unlimited resources. And the old saying, everyone has a price. It may not be monetary, but when they go after your family, it's a deal you can't refuse. Bothers the poo out of me that Hillary, inadvertently fostered bribery. I have to think some of these folks might have stood tall, but it's easier to just take the money when the Secy of State does, with impunity. [Hidden Content]
  8. Your comment, "to use the least amount of force necessary", is what the lady Officer did in Chicago, and now she has neurological problems. Had she shot the guy, as he deserved for attacking her, that permanent damage could have been prevented. Once again, they often only have a split second to decide. In most cases, the lizard part of our brain will demand self preservation. And in virtually all the high profile cases, starting with MB, simple compliance with the Officers demands would have prevented everyone of those folks being killed. But you can't fix stupid.
  9. I'm sitting here watching this now. CBS is incredulous that the Chicago Police are not confronting the gangs, are not increasing their activity in the City. Reporters? They must have been asleep since the Media, the Justice Dept, and BLM, have made it open season on Police Officers. They wonder who to blame. Well let this dumb old country boy tell you Mr. Reporter, research CBS News, and you'll see one of the big causes. In fairness to 60 Minutes, they did show a confrontation when a female Police Officer was trying to arrest a big gangbanger and he attacked her and knocked her down on the pavement and fell on top of her. She suffered neurological damage, which may cost her her job, and she didn't initially shoot the guy because she didn't want to end up on a viral video.
  10. I bow to your experience in the Northeast, and your explanations of who is what, and why, sound logical to me - except (the dreaded counterpoint) - Even though I agree with your point, I have a hard time with folks putting social issues ahead of their Christian beliefs, especially abortion, but it happens. Have several friends I go to Church with who vote Democrat. Cest la vie.
  11. Old man getting sleepy, so I'm going to wish all my fellow posters a Happy New Year (even the Democrats ). Hey, it's 2017 somewhere lol. Looking forward to boring y'all to death again in the new year!
  12. Lol, I'm a milk drinker (last of a dying breed). You gotta loosen up. It's just humor, and directed at Progressive Democrats, and not a fine Progressive Republican like yourself.
  13. Well done on your response. Have to agree you wouldn't want conservatives fighting for progressive social issues. But, I'd be willing to bet a few bucks, that when there is a disaster somewhere in the U.S. the majority of folks that show up to help are conservatives. And Libs think conservatives don't care, which you and I know is male bovine feces. If only those that needed welfare got it, we'd have more than enough money to take care of them. Again, we probably agree on that. We probably agree on more talking points than we disagree on. Let me welcome you to the dark side of the Forum (beware the Locker Room, it gets crazy in there lol). And I throughly enjoyed your and Englebert's tête-à-tête. Takes me a while to get thru them. I do have a degree, but it's from Vidor Jr Hi.
  14. PC is a mental illness. As an earlier thread said, why is it okay to burn and desecrate the American flag, but it's illegal to fly the Confederate (Battle) Flag? Why demand changing all our restrooms for 0.6% of the population? Why do we continue to allow folks to cross our borders? Why bring a large number of immigrants into our country that you know has jihadist killers embedded in them? Etc etc etc.. It has to be mental illness. What else you call it?
  15. At least one liberal gets it. He'll be chastised by the left. Heaven forbid a liberal using common sense. Same reason I fear for TxHoops.
  16. This link is a (short) must read. Linus & Lucy discuss climate change, and other things. [Hidden Content]
  17. Lmbo, funny for art, but the points made are dead on.
  18. According to Maxpreps, on Wed they lost to a good Troup team 40-36. Although not the BS team of the last two years, still a very good 2A ball club. Looking forward to seeing them in The Dale 1/9. Win or lose, they're quality competition.
  19. Here's an example of part of Obama's Legacy. The pos should be shot immediately. [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. Quite a few college students transferring to Canadian colleges because Trump won. This is definitely a win for the U.S. Also, it's possible they may get a quality education in Canada, which very few of our institutions of higher learning provide. Good riddance! [Hidden Content]
  22. Conservatives know this, but the Dems just don't get it. [Hidden Content]
  23. Have mercy. Trump's inauguration can't come soon enough.
  24. It is fascinating how, at least 75% of the liberal post/links, concern things that on a national/global scale are relatively insignificant. Appears that's the reason most liberals are low information folks. In my typical simplistic fashion, they worry about a mosquito on their arm, while ignoring the 18 wheeler about to run over them.
  25. Arrogance or ignorance? I can't help but wonder. Perhaps both? Their actions are so alien to my simple mind.
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