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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Good showing by the Lady Rebels against bigger schools.
  2. Enjoyed the tournament. It was run well. Congrats to Bridge City.
  3. Oh, I agree. But their agenda is so alien (stupid/ridiculous) to 50% of us. And again, 50% of us see when they Put things into motion - and realize what they're doing, but they think we don't. Like a Three Stooges movie. Saddest thing, 50% don't know, or don't care. It's like old Abe said, you can't fool ALL the people ALL the time. The reason they're so successful, there is to many of the, you can fool SOME of the people ALL the time, folks now. A result of our wonderful educational system.
  4. As goofy as Joe Biden is, he's a genius compared to John Kerry, or Obama. Now that I think on it. Obama, Kerry, and Hillary are comparable to Larry, Moe and Curly. And my apologies to the last three gentleman, who were famous actors, for tarnishing their reputations with that comparison.
  5. Lmbo, ain't it the dying truth. Just offhand I can think of 65,000,000 people that need one. Talk about job security!
  6. I agree 100%. And twice in the last 50 years, all out attacks, by the combined armies of most Muslim nations in the Middle East. And amazingly, though outnumbered and outgunned, Israel soundly defeated them. Now why do you haters of Israel think that is? You think they're just lucky? Maybe you skeptics should spend a little time reading the Old Testament, and you might have an epiphany.
  7. I find it strange that these hackers have been in many of our Govt data bases, and we couldn't pinpoint who. Now, just because they hacked the DNC, Obama can say with certainty that it's the Russians, under orders from Putin. When they got all the personal info on virtually all our Govt employees, no clue, and who cares. When they hacked our Military data bases, no clue, who cares. Hack the DNC, it's the Russians. Sorry, but if I'm on the jury, you're going to have to show me some proof. And then I'd like to know why we couldn't identify these hackers until now. The Russians did it. Sounds just a little to much like, Round up the usual suspects.
  8. I'm now doubtful Obama's legacy will be forgotten in a year. Just in the last few weeks, he's turned a big swimming pool of shrimp gumbo into excrement His new legacy is leaving as big of a foreign policy mess, as the U.S. Economic mess. How do you spell incompetent buffoon? Obama!
  9. Great win Silsbee. Fine way to represent area!
  10. Heck, I got three fouls already just watching.
  11. They spend a lot of time at the free throw line. Fouls mounting up.
  12. You're right. We had one game lost against bigger schools. Overall, a real good showing.
  13. Guess they'll have a good 4x400 relay team then
  14. Are their two aces missing?
  15. I stand corrected. I blame it on hunger. Looking forward to getting some JB's on way home.
  16. Lost the Forum. PNG wins 67-50. Congrats to the Indians. Rebels play for 3rd place at 12:40 Vs Anahuac.
  17. Halftime PNG 37 Evadale 24 Indians shooting lights out. Got a couple of big kids on the boards.
  18. END 1st PNG 14 Evadale 8
  19. Old Charlie showing his brain damage from a misspent youth.
  20. Lol, I was grinning thru the whole article.
  21. That starting 5 must be in great shape. Even that's not enough when you play two quality teams in one day though. Still, for a school Kelly's size, great showing.
  22. Good read. [Hidden Content]
  23. I posted this several years back, and it should be posted at least yearly. It is the best Pro Gun argument I've ever read, and all of us should read it again, at least yearly. [Hidden Content]
  24. I'm amazed at the instructions that come with things today. You buy an electric stove, and instructions might say, Warning: Do not touch coils when they're turned on. And I think, who could be that stupid? Well, this Professor, and many others of his profession, are the answer. In the south we simply say, "Here's your sign".
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