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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Oh, forgot Harry Reid.
  2. [Hidden Content] The truth is out there. Personally, I think Aliens are amount us. Examples are, Al Gore, and Nancy Pelosi. If I'm right, they're not here to spy on us. They were ran off the mothership by their comrades.
  3. Lmbo, rearranging chairs on the Titanic - great analogy hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Praise the Lord, he's been killed in Italy. lhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4061096/Danish-police-say-man-matching-description-Berlin-lorry-attack-suspect-seen-Aalborg.html
  7. Heavens no. That's strictly for Obama to use for golf outings and Michelle to shop in LA. Now I'm sick in my stomach.
  8. Can't help but think that someday (maybe not in my lifetime) there will be a large attack on Muslims by the citizens of this country. The innocent ones need to stop/report terrorist attacks, or they may find themselves victims of angry Americans. And allowing more in our country is just adding fuel to the fire. [Hidden Content]
  9. Obvious baddog. Saving carbon footprints lol. Probably just convenience. This is what I heard. The Lear was having its front end aligned. The 747 was having its tires rotated. And the F22 Raptor had some slippage in its automatic transmission. Read that in Airplane Monthly
  10. Someday they may find out what the expression, Hot as Hell, actually means.
  11. All hail Donald Trump - He hates PC! He has Billions, and I have a couple of hundred, but we have one thing in common.
  12. Watched CBS Evening News. They forgot to mention this. I wonder had it been Michelle O. getting jumped on like this if it would've made it in their broadcast. Well duh, YES. Lead story. Guy, a Brooklyn Lawyer, verbally attacks her in front of the kids, and his "husband" stands by. The two had it planned out before they boarded. [Hidden Content]
  13. Just for fun, why did you pick your user name? REBgp - G'son an Evadale Rebel, so REBgp for G'pa.
  14. No, and it's a crying shame. The Wildcats not only provided all the competition anyone could ask for (most of the time, more than you want, lol), but in addition, they play with class.
  15. Dang, that is one great achievement/honor. I know you're one proud brother. And what a Christmas present for him. Congrats from the Dale.
  16. I suspect the idiots at MTV know very little about American History. Most white men, over 40 anyway, aren't into bowing down. They might want to rethink their approach. And like the guy pointed out, If MTV is so adamantly against white men, they ought to refuse advertising from any companies owned or operated by them - but that ain't gonna happen.
  17. Injuries have hurt Evadale. Still think we have a good shot at District, but the fact that BC only beat Sabine Pass by 3 is disconcerting. Think it will be an interesting District race, with Evadale on top.
  18. Our Govt and their "experts" were wrong again. What do they know? Nothing! [Hidden Content] And here's proof. [Hidden Content]
  19. They slaughtered our people at Bengazi, and our leader, and his protege lied to us. As you said 77, there will be heads roll, probably literally, over this. A message will be sent. Loud, clear, and dead. I speculate what Teddy Roosevelt would have done if a Bengazi incident would have happened when he was president. We've become to civilized for the violent world we live in.
  20. Personally, in those 8 years, I went from incredulous, to unbelievable, and then after The Bengazi tragedy with the indifference and lies, to angry. Obama may draw a line in the sand and allow it to be trampled, but to many Americans won't. And him and Hillary crossed that line.
  21. I've been at a loss in my mind to file this under, Uniformed Voter, or Ignorance is Bliss. After a little thought, I went with, You Can't Fix Stupid.
  22. Lol, to be honest, I don't jump cause I go so high I get nose bleed. (Or not - just thinking about jumping makes my nose bleed)
  23. Yep. He and I are clear examples of the lie, White men can't jump
  24. As Captain Picard would say, Make it so!
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