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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. Consolation Game At half: Evadale 51 Legacy 36
  2. Sorry, but that's funny. Guess it would be even funnier if it wasn't pointing out a sad fact.
  3. On the surface, he is a great speaker. What most of us don't realize is how many times in his smooth talks he uses the "I", "Me" "I've", etc. etc. etc. In retrospect, it appears he spent more time promoting himself, than our country. Looking back, if things went good, it was to his credit. If it went bad, it was a anti Muslim movie, or the dam Republicans.
  4. Saw on Fox a clip that that world leaders are worried about Trump becoming President. Only the ones who aren't our friends should be concerned. As the 1st Marine Div Motto says, and Ret. Marine Corps General Mattis is fond of saying, No Better Friend, No Worst Enemy". I'm all over that!
  5. What a great picture the Orange Leader has in their article. If an out-of-towner ever ask, "What's a Wrecking Crew", just show them this pic.
  6. Despite the fact that statistics show hammers and other hard, blunt objects kill more folks than guns, the left still wants us to think if they take our guns away, we'll all live happily ever after singing Kumbaya. And of all things, we can't execute folks properly with lethal injections. But wait left! What's up with this? [Hidden Content]
  7. You right Hoops. They're the pride of SE Texas. From Jasper & Newton north, to the gulf south. From the Sabine to the Trinity, most will be WOS Mustang fans next Friday.
  8. Keep the pedal down Mustangs. What a great freaking football team.
  9. Thanks native. They're putting up good numbers.
  10. This'll solve the problem. Just use a few kilos they confiscate from the drug runners, and no more dying problems. [Hidden Content]
  11. Any update on Legacy vs FTCA?
  12. Lmbo. Good point LRF, real good point.
  13. They are a lot more compassionate than I would be. I suspect he was doing his best to put on a show to show how in humane it was. So my question is, since we have thousands dying from accidental drug overdoses, what not just use what's killing all them? I've always heard an injection of air will kill you? If that's true, you can't beat the price.
  14. Being relatively new to basketball, I find it fascinating how guys can make so many 3's and then miss FT's. That said, it mind boggles me that a team as good as Silsbee would miss 17 of them. I've got a lot to learn.
  15. Ok, impressive win. Not familiar with FTCA, but I see they're 11-0. Appear to be a force to be reckoned with.
  16. Poop, faint, and fall back in it. I can't believe this. A common sense decision from our judicial system. Good for Michigan. I had no idea it cost so much for a recount. One source quoted $5 million. Why spend that for a wing nut, kook candidate who only got 1% of the vote? And most of those probably from the mental institutions in the state. If Hillary had asked, it's a no brainier. Or if the Wing Nut wants to take the $5 million out of the $7 million she's collected to pay for it, maybe. But never fear, she won't do that. Most of that 7 million is earmarked for a numbered Swiss/Cayman bank account.
  17. First game at 11am today. Evadale vs Jasper. Should be a good one. Go Rebels!
  18. Look similar to some we ran out of Evadale recently lol. Seriously, some very interesting footage.
  19. Well praise be, a non believer running the EPA for a change. That Agency did a fantastic job initially, but in the last 20 or 30 years it's done more to destroy employment and business in the United States than probably all the others combined. Primarily by creating dumb regulations just to justify their existence. [Hidden Content]
  20. I mean, C'mon man. I spent 4 hours shopping (following behind my wife) yesterday. Most tri-athletes would have fallen out. When we finally got home, I stumbled,into my recliner totally exhausted. Here's the thing. Many of us go through this grueling ordeal. We need to share ideas on how to revive ourselves. I ate two Eskimo Pies, and that helped. any other suggestions (don't say suicide, I can't afford it ).
  21. Sad for all involved, including the officer, who many forget what a traumatic experience it is for most of them.
  22. And why are you staying out of the polical board? Big girl run you off
  23. Whoopi getting senile. That's always my excuse.
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