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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. And who are we at War with? Fossil Fuels. When discussing gas prices forget Putin and the invasion of the Ukraine. It’s all about Biden and his Merry Band of Loons and their war against Fossil Fuels. The casualties are the poor and middle class. Their solution is for us to buy EV’s. How freaking out of touch are they? How can people who can’t afford to buy 10 gallons of gas now go out & buy a $60,000 EV? Biden wants to blame the oil companies. They have 9,000 permits that they’re not drilling on - Duh Joe, why? Let’s see - many are in areas already known to not have oil. Oh, and some do but guess what - Biden and his Merry Band of Loons won’t give the companies permits to build a road to reach the land that may have oil. The Biden Administration wants high prices on oil/gasoline to push their green agenda. To hell with the poor & middle class. They’ll just have to suck it up. They have to suffer to push green. The rich & upper middle class don’t mind, they can afford it. Pushing an agenda that our country is not even prepared for. Hopefully the American people will rise up come November.
  2. This one explains a lot. Talk about tying it up in a neat little box. The Bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The Pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The Weapon manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The Media will ensure we’re prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally. ONCE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS, YOU UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!
  3. Interesting question for y’all - and forget today with PC and WS (Woke 💩). In the past who was more intelligent, our politicians or our Generals? To show you how uninformed I was, until 1987 when Col North made fools of the folks in Congress, I’d thought the politicians were. Looking back, I can show how stupid I was prior to that Iran-Contra Hearing. Near the end of WW-II, Patton wanted to start a war with Russia. Had he been allowed too, BAM, big worldly problem gone. During the Korean War MacArthur wanted to attack China, BAM, another big worldly problem gone. Btw, no doubt in my military mind old Douglas would’ve united North & South Korea under a democracy - another worldly problem solved. Just thought I’d run those little tidbits past y’all. Most of us know about them, but how many have put them all in a tidy package with a bow? Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. Sadly, our Generals today are as politically motivated as our politicians, which begs the question, where are our great leaders? Who has sense enough to write the instructions on the heel? Unfortunately there aren’t many Trumps around.
  4. No one has an idea? It’s blatant racism. Most Ukrainians are white Christians. Heaven forbid Biden & his Merry Band of Liberal Loons bring white Christians into the US. But Hagar, you’re wrong! Why am I wrong? Why haven’t they brought any Ukrainian refugees over here? Balls in your court. Do you wish to defend the racist, anti-Christian actions of this Administration? Bring it.
  5. Here’s a bunch of answers while I hone my research skills. English - None Ukrainian - Hixto Spainish - Ninguno French - Aucun German - Nichts Portuguese - Nenhum Moral of the story, ask a dumb question, get a bunch of dumb answers. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣👽🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
  6. BIDENFLATION The cost of installing Stupid.
  7. Almost 2 million in the Ukraine have immigrated out. Have you noticed how many the US has taken in? We’re the same country that took in thousands from Afghanistan - millions from Mexico, Central & South America. So let’s keep count of how many from the Ukraine. So far it’s up to the astronomical amount of zero. None. Why? These folks have a legitimate reason, not some broad definition of danger. So again, why? Anyone hazard a guess why we haven’t taken any in?
  8. I’ve been a member of this Forum for 8 years now and I can honestly say that in those 8 years the title to this thread is the most absurd title I’ve ever seen - hands down - no 🐂💩. Ever time I see it my head spins around three times and my eyes roll back like a slot machine.
  9. Yes, but as pointed out earlier, the alcohol goes away, the MJ doesn’t. I wouldn’t risk my job by using MJ, just grab the Jack Daniels, lol.
  10. Much like pain medication. Where I worked it depended on your position. If you were in operations, driving equipment or on the production line, you couldn’t take prescription opiates. If you had to take them you’d have to take sick leave. If you worked in an office you could take them and go to work. As for MJ, even if legalized or prescribed, I’d never take/use it if I worked in an area like our production. Ironically, some OTC cold medication can affect folks worse than some opiates. The die’s are cast. They may not come out good every time but cest la vie.
  11. He’s not only putting Mr John Average in a pickle buying expensive gas, he’s putting the defense of our country in danger. What really (seriously) scares me, it doesn’t appear him and his merry band of Liberal Loons care. I know they don’t give a 💩 about John, but my belief that they don’t care about the US should concern everyone. And again, in all seriousness, I hope I’m wrong.
  12. No doubt in my mind you’re right. As for the CT angle, I wonder if Putin (who I don’t think he & Trump are part of the NWO/OWG folks) was manipulated into this invasion? Is it part of their plan? To what end? I’ve come to the conclusion very little happens on the world stage that the NWO/OWG folks aren’t behind pulling the strings. They hated, feared Trump, so they went full court press on him. They feel pretty much the same about Putin but he’s in a safer position. What boggles my mind is the push toward EV’s when we’re not even close to being ready for them. For instance, you have an EV. You’re in SAntonio, it’s 10pm and you’re going to El Paso. I’m betting that 7.5 hour trip takes you at least 14 hours, and probably a towing fee. It’s absurd, ridiculous, insane, etc. etc.
  14. I didn’t then but do now, lol. 😂🤣😂
  16. Rather scary post. Texas & Florida are the “must have” States for conservatives. If either fall, especially Texas, it’s all over. I’ve often wondered why conservatives resist marijuana legalization, since conservatives are for personal freedoms. We ordinarily think that everyone has the freedom to control their lives. But when it comes to legalizing gambling or marijuana, as a group we’re against it. Makes no sense to me. The Republicans could/should nip this in the bud now by coming out for the legalization of MJ themselves, if only medically. If not, you can bet the Looney Left will come out in full force, and with some conservatives not happy with Abbott, and a few that might change their votes because of MJ, it will be to close for comfort. I’m borderline ultra right. I think Trump’s positive aspects were everything we look for in a President. I’m also for MJ legalization, but will not, no way Jose, vote for Beto over that issue. As for the potential problems associated with legalizing MJ, I’d think that one would only have to research what has happened in other States who have legalized it. California has refineries - what problems have they confronted? We’ve discussed the potential negatives of MJ, but not the positives. Medically, there are several, and not legalizing it for prescription is a dunce move if I’ve ever seen one. Good grief, you can get fentanyl administer by a doctor but not MJ? That’s freaking ridiculous. MJ is not the boogeyman as it’s been portrayed. Although I’ve never used it, common sense tells me there’s a minimum of 10 prescription pain killers more dangerous than MJ. What do we need to do? Contact our local representatives and encourage them to legalize MJ, at least for medicinal purposes. Nip this issue in the bud. It’s all the Dems have, and not worth losing our State and Country over.
  17. Btw, interesting incident recently. One of my neighbors (a non-believer) was out walking his dog late one night. The dog, who was sniffing the ground, like dogs do, all of a sudden went stock still. My neighbor looked where the dogs was looking and wowzy, there about 60 feet away was a rectangular object floating. He said it looked like a 60” flat screen TV with subdued lighting. It suddenly moved about 50 more feet. Sit there a while & bam, disappeared. The dog barked at it. He said if not for the dogs reaction he’d thought he was hallucinating. He’s still a non-believer in UFOS but he admits he can’t explain what he saw. Btw, known him quite a few years. Level headed individual. Not known to get drunk.
  18. Certainly more truth in the Locker Room thread on UFOS (UFO’s The Truth is Out There) than this one. Just the title here brings visions of the men in white coats with the butterfly nets. 👽👽👽😂😂🤣😂😂👽👽👽
  19. We inundate them with proof/facts and they still say, “What UFOS”. Now I see why my Algebra teacher threw up his hands in surrender. 👽👽👽😂🤣😂👽👽👽
  20. Btw, many of you may think UFOS are a fairly recent phenomenon. There are UFOS in paintings from the renaissance era. Also, there were many reported during WW-II by American, German, English and Japanese pilots. The Americans & British referred to them as Foo Fighters. [Hidden Content]
  21. Covid = Failed experiment. The NWO using the Dems as the puppets they are, wanted to see if Americans could be totally controlled under the guise of a pandemic. It worked to a point, but they pushed the envelope a little far. The sheep (diehard Democrat constituents) still kowtowed to Der Fuhrer, but there were still enough Americans who valued freedom over the medical 🐂💩 being shoveled to us. Thankfully the Russians provided a distraction so they could move on. As the folks in the commercials say, But wait, there’s no doubt in my mind that they’ll be back with another “emergency”. And to be honest, it wasn’t a total flop. They managed to legally kill thousands in nursing homes. That info is filed away for future reference. Surely most don’t think what happened there was an accident? Putting people with Covid in Nursing Homes - the most vulnerable? I know it was ridiculous, and I’m sure most of you do too. So why would a Mayor/Governor, with medical advisors, do it? They knew there would be deaths, so why? Only thing that comes to mind - can we get away with it? Yep, they did. If I’m right, you’ve learned things. They have no regard for human life. No morals. Their agenda supersedes everything. If I’m wrong - lol, I’m not so I won’t even go there. 😄😄😄
  22. And speaking of Wisconsin, it appears the folks in Nursing Homes voted in record numbers, even some deemed incompetent. Nationwide in 2016 there was 60% voting. In 2020, again nationwide, 67%, but in Wisconsin it was 95% to 100%. Well my, my, my. [Hidden Content]
  23. I thought it was Uranians, from the planet Uranus (the guy in the middle of my emoji’s). LMBO 😂😂😂🤣👽🤣😂😂😂
  24. How embarrassing. And to think, the Liberal media went after Sarah Palin and ridiculed her to no end. Harris, being black & a Democrat, got a free pass. This is an example why she has no business being VP. Like BG, she’d be wanting aid for Rhodesia. 😂🤣👽🤣😂 If y’all haven’t heard/read her response, you really need to check it out.
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