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Everything posted by Hagar

  1. For those that didn’t watch, he was ask about going easy on China because of Hunter. He rambled about China but never mentioned Hunter. Bazinga
  2. Liberal media tossed softball questions, most concerning the voting bill. Seems they conveniently forgot to ask him about inflation, the Afghan debacle or his poor performance. I watched most until indigestion had me scurrying around for Tums or Alka-Seltzer. [Hidden Content]
  4. You’re right. No one wants to admit it, but you’re right.
  5. Car-Jacking at Channel 6. Based on National Media, car-jacking is the “in” thing. [Hidden Content]
  6. Another in the many things I can’t comprehend. Why would an immigrant from Mexico wave a Mexican flag? Think about it. You live in a 💩hole country so bad that you have to leave it. Then get to a better place and wave the 💩holes country’s flag. Makes no sense. If America got so bad I had to leave it, hell would freeze over before I’d be waving an American flag.
  7. Lmbo, sounds like @mat can identify with you & I. 😂🤣😂
  8. I wonder if she has confirmed it’s a low-life Muslim pos that did it, or has she just crawled back into a hole until her next chance to blame white supremacy for something? Heaven knows Democrats will never blame Muslims or Islam. Do you wonder why - because they’ve brought millions into our country for a future voting block. Knowing that they’re risking American lives, because sooner or later some of them are going to release a WMD. It’s inevitable. Yet the Dems will sacrifice the casualties, the very safety of the United States, for votes. It’s unbelievable. Even now as I share this, I can’t hardly get my mind around it.
  9. And if the teachers are Marxist, which it appears many up there are, they decide the kids need to know how great Socialism/Marxism are. As LRF said, “I love it when they say what they think”. Normally they hide their true thoughts/feelings under some soft soap 🐂💩, but their true agenda comes out occasionally.
  10. Sounds similar to the Gestapo or KGB. I hated to see the Media attach to the teat of the Democratic Party, but it’s scary as hell to see the DOJ/FBI attach to one.
  11. Sorry bd. Didn’t realize your thread was on same subject. 😖
  12. This “he ain’t no terrorist” response from the FBI was a joke. As said in this article, “The zillionth Democrat production of ‘Pretend it’s not an Islamic Terrorist even when a five year old can tell it’s Islamic Terrorism’”. And the writers response, “It’s both tedious & dangerous that Americans are subjected to the charade of Woke Law Enforcement pretending to not know the motives of Islamic Terrorists who’ve just done Islamic Terrorist things”. [Hidden Content]
  13. They tried to sell it as just a nutter. According to the initial FBI assessment the guy just happened to go into a Jewish Synagogue - it wasn’t a terrorist act. Same law enforcement agency that labels parents as Terrorist but doesn’t want to label a Muslim taking over a Jewish Synagogue as a Terrorist. I’d ask our liberal friends to explain that to me but no doubt they’d try. Now had the guy taken a School Board hostage, oh wow. Big time Terrorist.
  14. First time I’ve watched this Cowboy team. Was a fan many years ago during the Tom Landry era. These guys are an embarrassment. Can’t imagine how guys like Randy White, Two Tall, Lilly, and Leroy Jordan must think watching this defense. And they’d be better off running the Slot T on offense. Pathetic.
  15. Nor am I. Makes no sense, mathematically or politically. Had Trump not set a record for votes - had Biden squeaked out a win - had Trump done a lousy job as President - if Biden was a super candidate (he couldn’t get enough folks to come out to a rally to make two football teams), I could accept it as probably legit. As it is there’s no legitimate reason for the outcome. Orange man bad just doesn’t explain it to me and that’s the only reason I’ve heard for Biden winning. To me all facts indicate the election was won illegally. But if someone can come up with four sound reasons Biden won to refute the four sound reasons I posted that it was a fraudulent election, I’d be glad to hear them. It doesn’t feel me with joy to think our elections have become a joke. And while we’re on the subject, Biden trying to get his voting bill passed said, “It’s the people who count the votes”, essentially repeating the words attributed to Stalin, “who people vote for does not determine the outcome, it’s who counts the votes”. Wonder if Joe was revealing how he won in 2020? I think he was.
  16. I hope people will remember we’re voting for a President, not for a Pope. Imo, Jimmy Carter was probably the most Christian President we ever had. He walks the walk, but as President, he was a dismal failure. Before Biden, he was the worst president in my lifetime. Most everyone agrees, Trump is a loudmouth, brash, obnoxious, individual (essentially a typical Yankee), but the man knows how to be a President. He got things done. He was respected (feared?) by our enemies. He appeared to have some understanding of the economy, which amazingly is a rare thing in DC.
  17. Valid question. I give it a 50-50 chance. I will say, now, he’s where he needs to be. BTW, this pos was a supporter of Aafia Siddiqui, AKA Lady Al Qaeda. She’s in a Federal Prison in Ft Worth. Educated at MIT, she was capture in Afghanistan shooting at American Soldiers. The really scary part, when she was captured she had documents/instructions on how to make a Dirty Bomb and how to weaponize the Ebola virus, plus making of chemical weapons. [Hidden Content] These Muslims are dangerous and radical. Make no mistake, some day they’re going to release a WMD in the United States. And as we allow more of them into the US, we only add to the problem. It’s analogous to letting snakes into your house. Many are non-poisonous, but some deadly ones will inevitably come in.
  18. Why do our brains work so differently? As I’ve posted before, my brain can’t comprehend a universe with no end, and even if there was an end, what’s on the other side of “the end”? I used to go to the horse races with a friend I worked with. He could remember races from 3 weeks back. I couldn’t remember the last race. I used to sing a lot (off key) and he ask me how I could remember the words to so many songs. Others can speak many languages. Only class I failed at school was French. My Spainish is limited to uno, dos, tres, fajitas and margaritas. I was a whiz at math, and when I say math, I mean numbers. When I took Algebra and they had letters in lieu of numbers, boom, my mind went into lock mode. Each of us seem to have some strengths and many weaknesses in our brain. Some are poets (my poetry limited to ‘a man from Nantucket’), other engineers, astronomers, musically inclined. For a society, it’s a good thing. Be weird if we were all poets, and not much would get done. Our brain is a mystery to me.
  19. Muslim Terrorist from UK killed by Swat Team. All hostages safe. [Hidden Content]
  20. UK experts warn to many “boosters” might harm the bodies ability to fight off disease. Is this true? How do we discern the truth? Who do we listen to? Fauci has proven to be a liar. If they found out the vaccines were bad for us, would anyone say anything? I’m not anti-vax. Having been in the military, I’ve had more vaccines than 10 average people. I am anti-Government mandates. [Hidden Content]
  21. Biden & Dems are: Racist - divisive - liars - Machiavellian - inept - and incompetent, just to name a few. Not just the expected individuals, but the Party line. The Republicans aren’t saints, but compared to the Democrats, they’re close. If the Media was the watchdogs that the Founding Fathers anticipated, most Americans would know how pathetic they are, but our media today is so biased and continue to paint the Dems in a positive light, many have no idea.
  23. But Trump received more votes than any candidate in history prior to this election. How you could construe that as “failed miserably at his (getting people to vote for him)”? To revert to your sports analogy, I’m still at a loss to explain how the Philadelphia Eagles managed to show the attendance at Lincoln Financial Field to be 250,000 when the stadium only seats 69,800. That’s a mystery that will vex me forever. 😂
  24. One has to question the sanity of someone who continually denigrates Trump while the country is going to hail in a hand basket after only one year of Biden. There’s no doubt in my mind Hillary would’ve done a better job (how could anyone not?). Trump is not responsible for this massive train wreck, Biden is. Badmouthing Trump is nothing but a Democratic tactic of taking the microscope off the inept Biden Administration and the Democrats March to Socialism.
  25. Sounds good to me. Not as good as the chair, or gas, or firing squad, but it’ll work.
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