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Uncle Pig

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Everything posted by Uncle Pig

  1. Yessir definitely a possibility
  2. What’s the deal with Earl Thomas? I may be dead wrong but I just can’t see him doing what he’s being accused of. He comes across as having a great head on his shoulders.
  3. Quite certain he’s hanging it up to watch his son play
  4. La Porte will be good again here before long. Coach Berneathy is a great coach and he certainly gets the best out of his players.
  5. PNG Rottweilers
  6. +10,000
  7. Pretty sure Coach Bass is a 20 personnel guy
  8. Excellent hire! Kids will absolutely love playing for Coach Bass, and he is one helluva football coach; as mentioned above he is a great man as well! Go Hawks!
  9. Make no mistake Moore was a cheating fool; obviously a ton of games though. If you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying right?
  10. Former Liberty coach?
  11. Thanks for keeping it real and allowing things to get a little out of hand from time to time (being tolerant of posts that would get you lifetime banishment by the Communist Smoaky mods)
  12. It blows my mind that Silsbee doesn’t have turf. I mean seriously why in the world don’t they have it? That’s a nice stadium, but the fact that it doesn’t have turf makes it not so nice.
  13. Word on the street is he will be on campus for an interview sometime next week
  14. edited for content.
  15. Hell yeah it would
  16. I’m not so sure Toby would fit in very well in that neck of the woods
  17. I just busted out laughing real tough like!
  18. 4 points?? Is Big Sandy that good, Cushing that bad, or a little of both?
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