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Uncle Pig

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Everything posted by Uncle Pig

  1. Wing T assault coming to LP! Bulldogs finally got em a great one! Berneathy is one of the best coaches in the state. Look for the Dogs to be damn good real soon!
  2. Supposedly College Station bout to open up a 3rd HS, and obviously pluck kids from College Station High. Word is Huff wasn’t happy bout it
  3. Best athletes in the state
  4. I don’t blame you brother. Y’all woulda been better off if Barbay had hung around as compared to hiring a guy with a 42-52 record
  5. I don’t know but I’m sure it was terrible. He’s never won as a head coach
  6. Alvarez going to Marshall. Sounds like the world famous Toby Foreman (AKA Paul Wall) gonna be the man at Jasper
  7. 2015. They also had the deadly tornadoes in 2019
  8. Classic!
  9. Has the new Coach gone into culture shock yet?
  10. I’d like to look at the test scores and socioeconomics of all of the state champs…I’m not certain, but I’d be willing to bet most of them are high in both categories
  11. He will be a LOT better off at Sulphur Springs..a lot closer to DFW so you know the pay will be better, and their facilities are second to none
  12. Why in the hell would y’all want Foreman (Aka: Paul Wall the Peoples Champ)? I’m seeing all this about the community being upset he was not hired…Foreman has an overall record that is a good bit below .500. I’ve got no dog in the fight, as I live in Fort Worth, but I have certainly become a big fan of WOS football over the years. Is the community really upset that Foreman didn’t get hired?
  13. Simpleton!! Love it!
  14. I just busted out laughing!
  15. La Porte should’ve hired OC Beck Neal instead of the 1 and done disaster. I’m hoping he applies again, and LP makes the right decision this time. He’s an LP native, spent the majority of his coaching career there, and is a great coach (has an incredible rapport with the players). Cmon LP do right by the kids!
  16. It would damn sure work! Great athletes can make any offense work, but I certainly think spread is the right offense in Tiger land.
  17. Yessir anytime I’ve ever watched Silsbee play, I just sat in amazement at the caliber of athletes they have. If they can indeed get the dots connected, and put football “first”, then it would be state title city in Silsbee. PS. What do y’all run offensively these days?
  18. And plenty of great basketball “players”….there’s no doubt in my mind that if Silsbee poured into football what they pour into b-ball they would have a few state titles in football. As previously mentioned, Silsbee is loaded with athletes.
  19. Wonder if Toby is still running around on the sidelines of sub varsity contests waving a towel in the air like a helicopter?
  20. Silsbee should have several state titles. They get some of the best athletes in the state on a year in year out basis. I’m still confused as to why Silsbee has yet to get turf on their field? That’s “one” sign that football is not “very” important there.
  21. Foreman’s overall record is 39-46. I think that certainly excludes him from any consideration for this job (like another poster said he’s probably content where he’s at)
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