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Uncle Pig

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Everything posted by Uncle Pig

  1. Coming on board like a ball of fire! I like it!!
  2. BG shed light on the things that everyone wearing rose colored glasses turned a blind eye to.
  3. I'm afraid your wrong homie; exactly where is your bachelor's degree from? I'm going to go out on a limb on this one as well and say you probably don't have one.
  4. Ozen and PAM are two TOTALLY different ball clubs. PAM 70 Lumberton 13 -speed kills
  5. +1,000
  6. You come across as an extremely intelligent individual ha! I now see why you don't post very often; you're scared to show your tenth grade literary skills.
  7. Mr BG tells it like it is; unfortunately we live in a society that doesn't want to hear the facts(truth.) There are way too many people on this site(and the world in general) that see everything through rose colored glasses.
  8. 202-0
  9. +1
  10. 77-0. Lee would have a tough time beating Hardin
  11. This dude skipper been playing yall like a fiddle for a long time. Hes actually a petrochemical engineer at Valero
  12. Pretty sure they've got turf now
  13. 56-0 WOS. Silsbee found out how serious the Stangs are last night. Kennedale will suffer a similar fate
  14. case in point...not taking anything away from your daughter for she may be the best softball player in east texas, but select ball is a joke Select ball is pretty much "my parents have enough money to pay for me to play ball with other kids whose parents have enough money for them to play.'' Thats "select ball" in a nutshell.
  15. Straight running baller
  16. You need to get off of this message board and start paying attention in your 11th grade US history class lil buddy. You're falling behind on notes and too much time on this site could cause you to fail the STAAR test.
  17. 63-0
  18. I just don't see anyone beating, or for that matter scoring on the Stangs....I mean hell no one has scored on them yet, and outside of KIPP, they've played some pretty serious opponents. I can't wait to see them play.
  19. Hard to play defense Mr BG when everyone of your good players are on offense.
  20. Bottom line is Bridge City was getting pounded into oblivion and suffocated all at the same time. The refs felt terribly for them and threw a flag
  21. Yessir Mr BG! I'm going to go ahead and say PA takes this one by at least 5 TD's
  22. No limit Soulja! Who do y'all have this week sir?
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