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vidor pirate

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Everything posted by vidor pirate

  1. although extremely strange, i do believe it is legal and he is safe
  2. vidor has Chaz Bruce, its ace on the mound friday, it should be a great game
  3. Same here any word? I decided not to go tonight because I wanted to try to listen in! Not a good choice. ahh i coudnt make it cuz i went fishin
  4. 3-0 png come on pirates!
  5. it could happen, highly unlikely but it could happen, i mean if keanu reeves can be considered an actor than anything is possible
  6. wow! thats a shocker! looks like livingston layed the hammer down on lumberton
  7. Did Trey play? How is he doing? trae is possibly out for the season and may have to have surgery
  8. and on cue, trae may be out for the season with that shoulder
  9. woo hoo gj guys, i didnt feel like makin that drive to livingston lol
  10. apparently u didnt see where i posted its not boring if im watching vidor play...
  11. we were sitting right behind home plate at top right under the pa box, best spot to see pitches
  12. Actually I have long hands I am not short handed :D But I would like to sit in a lazy boy back behind the fence and call balls and strikes someday ;) haha, u should so do that! i would love to see that, and would totally support it if the calls were good lmao
  13. haha, i only let umps hear it when it's necessary lol
  14. see previous post about baseball boring me
  15. ok then, well u didnt see what i saw
  16. there you go again and were you even at the game???
  17. here we go, the old "i'm better than you because i played college and pro baseball" huh, here's a hint, no 1 likes people that think they are better than everyone else. why don't you just throw in a "do you know who i am" while you're at it, and dig your hole even deeper(sorry coop, this post really set me off)
  18. Would you be complaining if Vidor were to win? yes i still would have said the reffing was terrible, and if we are on the beneficial end of bad calls i will also recognize that
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