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vidor pirate

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Everything posted by vidor pirate

  1. ? Ya'll have problems its kids playing football for crying out loud. Two grown men on the same side! just plain stupied!!!!!!!!!!! no joke man 1 losing season and its the end of the world... yall need some serious psychiatric help... Vidor Pirate, sorry if it seems odd that other teams aren't accustomed to losing, like alot of Vidor folks are. We're just not used to it. We certainly aren't used to getting beat by Vidor AND Lumberton in the same year. Of course, I know in Vidor, a couple of wins may constitute a winning season, but at PNG our expectations are SSSOOOOO much higher (obviously). We'll be back, that's a guarantee, but every team has a cycle, and we're in the downturn of ours. Enjoy this season, especially if you make the playoffs, cuz you KNOW it will be a llllooonnnnggggg time coming around again. So your saying since your not use to losing and that losing to Vidor and Lumberton in the same year gives grown men and excuse to get into a fist fight in the stands is okay.Ive been to alot of games and have never witnessed a fight in the stands of Lumberton or Vidor. Iam sure PNG will find a great coach that would love to step into this situation. 1. ATTN COACHES APPLYING FOR PNG JOB DONT LOSE TO VIDOR OR LUMBERTON IN THE SAME SEASON 2. GAMEPLAN ALL GAMES WITH PNG FAN APPROVAL 3. PLAY ONLY PLAYERS THAT THE FANS THINK DESSERVR IT Failure to meet these requirements will result in fights in the stands and your immediate termination no joke right dont lose more than 2 games in png or your fans will go all lumberton on you : : ;D ;D
  2. Ya'll have problems its kids playing football for crying out loud. Two grown men on the same side! just plain stupied!!!!!!!!!!! no joke man 1 losing season and its the end of the world... yall need some serious psychiatric help... Vidor Pirate, sorry if it seems odd that other teams aren't accustomed to losing, like alot of Vidor folks are. We're just not used to it. We certainly aren't used to getting beat by Vidor AND Lumberton in the same year. Of course, I know in Vidor, a couple of wins may constitute a winning season, but at PNG our expectations are SSSOOOOO much higher (obviously). We'll be back, that's a guarantee, but every team has a cycle, and we're in the downturn of ours. Enjoy this season, especially if you make the playoffs, cuz you KNOW it will be a llllooonnnnggggg time coming around again. that was such a low blow but i saw it coming inevitably all i gotta say is who won this year???
  3. i agree here on the teams, but not the order i see lumberton winnin district and central and livingston tied for 2nd (not sure who holds that tiebreaker, have they played yet?) also vidor homecoming halloween :-)
  4. Hey U wanna dig your hole even bigger????
  5. Do you realize IDIOTS like yourself are the reason there are so many so-called "raider haters"? Posting garbage like this is why people on here have a problem with Lumberton. Listen up Bucko, U can sit behind your little pc monitor and run your mouth and call me an IDIOT but I bet if U were in my face U would not be saying these things. I will say exactly what I want to say and I really don't care what U or any other Lumberton HATER thinks about me. I was at the game, U were not, so U don't know what U are talking about. You just get on here and take a shot at Lumberton every little chance U get and thats the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. The REFS were garbage and that is all there is to it. If U don't like it or like what I have to say, I really don't give a ....Let me tell U something bucky, I'm no IDIOT. Just because U don't like what I have to say, doesn't mean U say that. Like I said, Say it to face, not behind a pc screen. I actually have a college degree which is probably more than U have...I'm no fool. I think you just proved Bucs point he did
  6. Do you realize IDIOTS like yourself are the reason there are so many so-called "raider haters"? Posting garbage like this is why people on here have a problem with Lumberton. Listen up Bucko, U can sit behind your little pc monitor and run your mouth and call me an IDIOT but I bet if U were in my face U would not be saying these things. I will say exactly what I want to say and I really don't care what U or any other Lumberton HATER thinks about me. I was at the game, U were not, so U don't know what U are talking about. You just get on here and take a shot at Lumberton every little chance U get and thats the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. The REFS were garbage and that is all there is to it. If U don't like it or like what I have to say, I really don't give a ....Let me tell U something bucky, I'm no IDIOT. Just because U don't like what I have to say, doesn't mean U say that. Like I said, Say it to face, not behind a pc screen. I actually have a college degree which is probably more than U have...I'm no fool. i'll say it to your face where ya live? also, i don't hate lumberton, but the IDIOT lumberton fans (not all, or even most of them) give lumberton a bad reputation
  7. Do you realize IDIOTS like yourself are the reason there are so many so-called "raider haters"? Posting garbage like this is why people on here have a problem with Lumberton. exactly must i break out the violin??? you won stop crying...
  8. grats on yalls win also... great ot win by the looks of it... ohh also we hit nederland with the triple whamee lmao at vidor on homecoming on halloween :-) haha ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D take that bulldogs!!! lol Bad calls for both sides, Lumberton held on almost every play. Game over and Lumberton deserved to win the game. If you keep your guy in front of you they wont ever call holding thats what our boys did keep them in front of them. Now your #51 should have had a minimum of 10 holding penalty's on him alone. All he could do was hold our #24 jersey on the back side and pull him down. And the head ref (white hat) i really believe this was his first game to ref just totally clueless. your??? do not associate me with png my friend ..... also, it doesn't matter there is holding on every play, it can be called every play Hello i don't believe you can see who i was talking with PIRATE i was talking to PNGFAN Interesting? sorry thought u were talking about my post saying you can call holding every play No problem Pirate,congrates on the win. Ya'll need to beat them dogs next week!!!
  9. Oops sorry Pirate I was referring to the Bears QB/WR combo... I went back and read my comment and realized I had not made that clear... sorry for the miscommunication. ohh sorry my bad you mean number 20&83? 83 had like 7 or 8 drops tonight lmao guess we ate his claws.....
  10. you turn on me again soulja!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
  11. yea, you sure are "packing a pair" when you cheapshot a defenseless player...
  12. trust me, we can control his temper i say you line him up with his back turned to devan and let devan smear him fair play, no?
  13. f course they are gonna take it serious you can arrest someone from another team for good clean fun and it makes em feel special, thats over half the reason they are even doing this, to justify their paycheck and make themselves feel needed...
  14. Bad calls for both sides, Lumberton held on almost every play. Game over and Lumberton deserved to win the game. If you keep your guy in front of you they wont ever call holding thats what our boys did keep them in front of them. Now your #51 should have had a minimum of 10 holding penalty's on him alone. All he could do was hold our #24 jersey on the back side and pull him down. And the head ref (white hat) i really believe this was his first game to ref just totally clueless. your??? do not associate me with png my friend ..... also, it doesn't matter there is holding on every play, it can be called every play Hello i don't believe you can see who i was talking with PIRATE i was talking to PNGFAN Interesting? sorry thought u were talking about my post saying you can call holding every play
  15. Well, everyone to date has utterly destroyed the bears in every facet of the game. livingston didnt last week...
  16. exactly lol and i just noticed why you are taking such a hard stand here your a jasper fan!!! lmao
  17. On the flip side, heres a happy thought for you, Vidor and Lumberton both making the playoffs ;D ;D ;D when has that EVER happened? I'm guessing never. it hasn't last year was lumberton's 1st time 2 go to playoffs i wont even mention our last year...
  18. pirates utterly destroy bears in every facet of the game would that work???
  19. right :-) heck, how exactly would they even catch someone its not like they r gonna turn themselves in... all they gotta do is keep their mouths shut
  20. Bad calls for both sides, Lumberton held on almost every play. Game over and Lumberton deserved to win the game. If you keep your guy in front of you they wont ever call holding thats what our boys did keep them in front of them. Now your #51 should have had a minimum of 10 holding penalty's on him alone. All he could do was hold our #24 jersey on the back side and pull him down. And the head ref (white hat) i really believe this was his first game to ref just totally clueless. your??? do not associate me with png my friend ..... also, it doesn't matter there is holding on every play, it can be called every play
  21. thats 2 words...... don't go joe biden on me with his 3 letter word... jobs ;D ;D ;D ;D
  22. Ya'll have problems its kids playing football for crying out loud. Two grown men on the same side! just plain stupied!!!!!!!!!!! no joke man 1 losing season and its the end of the world... yall need some serious psychiatric help...
  23. yes, i agree and if you don't get caught it is definately worth it ;D disclaimer: (i am not a good role model when it comes to these matters)
  24. yea btw the qb and receiver (i assume you are talking about chris teinert and jared williamson) are both seniors... coach what did you think of the cheapshot that bear took on devan? personally it disgusts me and that kid needs to get his... but thats just my oppinion
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