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vidor pirate

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Everything posted by vidor pirate

  1. oh come on! you can't arson a pile of wood that is being burned anyway just find out who it was and get em back its a harmless prank... every 1 has to sue everyone and be politically correct these days... makes me sick
  2. In Vidor, On HalloWeen, and Our Homecoming.... going to be a very good game. vidor halloween homecoming oh my :-) hahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha (sinister laugh) is grogan scared??? he should be :-)
  3. they obviously did not do everything they could you can find a holding on every play :-)
  4. LMFAO!!!! this is awesome i have never heard of anything like this before whoever did this: hats off to you and how can u vandalise a pile of garbage, rubbish, and such lmao
  5. wow... not trying to be rude... but this wasnt even competitive also i asked the concession stand if they had any bear claws or if our team had already ate em all :-) i couldnt resist
  6. can this guy be banned for life or shunned or outcasted or something??? did you eat paint chips and drink anti-freeze as a child???
  7. here are 2 that i use frequently first off sing the three blind mice song you know how it goes: three blind mice, three blind mice, see how they run, see how they run... secondly nits and bolts, nuts and bolts, we got screwed!!!
  8. uvery vidor-png game at the reservation since 5 years or so ago ive been to and yes i have got alot of crap from the png fans while i left the reservation... but i won't go into that
  9. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D it's called respect and good sportsmanship rusted... even if they do that we should show that we are better than that and congradulate them on a great game (i feel like buddha now lmao) Oh, I hear you. We should be the bigger man and all. But I guess against PN-G, well, some people couldn't help themselves, probably the same ones that have to endure the week after torture after every PN-G win at their jobs. I'm friends with a guy whose kids went to WO-S back when they were in 4A. He was from England and didn't care much for football, as he always said that football players were sissys for having to wear pads and that rugby was a real man's sport. Anyway, we were talking one time and he told me "I couldn't care less if WO-S lost every football game just as long as they beat PN-G. I hate having to listen to their fans." So, it isn't just our fans. I'd venture that it is the fans of every other team out there. Maybe they should practice what they preach whenever they win. right, but we should as well ;D I agree. I'm just saying I can understand why some of them were doing it. The only place I talk any sort of smack, and I don't think it is much, is on these message boards. I'm not gonna get in anyone's face after a high school game. Now an NFL game? Heck yeah I do. ;D ohh yea man i love cowboy bashing also, i love laughing at the oklahoma fans because they cant touch UT!!!!!
  10. no you are not alone I am 100 percent with you on this one thanks i was like ??? this should be a slam dunk coaches should always listen to their players but they should not let the players run all over them either Does anyone know of any Coach who listens to their players in regards to game plan or playing time? yes, a lot of coaches listen to their players in regards to game plan now playing time, that's a sticky subject
  11. no you are not alone I am 100 percent with you on this one thanks i was like ??? this should be a slam dunk coaches should always listen to their players but they should not let the players run all over them either
  12. good post thanks same thing good luck to u and ur ndn's on the rest of the season
  13. am i seriously alone on this one??? come on guys
  14. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D it's called respect and good sportsmanship rusted... even if they do that we should show that we are better than that and congradulate them on a great game (i feel like buddha now lmao) Oh, I hear you. We should be the bigger man and all. But I guess against PN-G, well, some people couldn't help themselves, probably the same ones that have to endure the week after torture after every PN-G win at their jobs. I'm friends with a guy whose kids went to WO-S back when they were in 4A. He was from England and didn't care much for football, as he always said that football players were sissys for having to wear pads and that rugby was a real man's sport. Anyway, we were talking one time and he told me "I couldn't care less if WO-S lost every football game just as long as they beat PN-G. I hate having to listen to their fans." So, it isn't just our fans. I'd venture that it is the fans of every other team out there. Maybe they should practice what they preach whenever they win. right, but we should as well ;D
  15. good question you should always listen to your players because if not they will lose respect and stop playing for you (lcm for instance)
  16. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D it's called respect and good sportsmanship rusted... even if they do that we should show that we are better than that and congradulate them on a great game (i feel like buddha now lmao)
  17. hehe just mark me down for some cuz i need it lol i guess speaking the truth, however harsh, and not being politically correct kills ur karma
  18. seriously what do you have against us man sour grapes im guessing we were the better team that night... get over it!!!!! lol..I was just trying to get a rise out of U Vidor guys and I guessed it worked. lol...I just like messing with U. I'm actually over that loss now and have moved on. Yes, U guys were the better team that night, I'm not disputing that whatsoever. I don't have anything against Vidor. Haha and that's what we're doing as well... All in good fun yep yep :-) we mess with yall cuz we like yall lol well at least i do ;D
  19. seriously what do you have against us man sour grapes im guessing we were the better team that night... get over it!!!!! I think he's upset because ol' Miami isn't doing too hot... Got alot of points put up against them by Duke, and got beat by NC... yep my horns crushed mizzou last night ive never noticed how fat chase daniel was until that game lmao
  20. seriously what do you have against us man sour grapes im guessing we were the better team that night... get over it!!!!!
  21. yep this is definately a cowboy thread...
  22. Pull for Lumberton, no one else likes us. i pull for yall every time you don't play vidor i guess we are neighbors in a sense???
  23. yea the barnicle is always off a little bit
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