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  1. How do you listen to the games on the computer? I can not remember the site
  2. Haha! No way they would last. And that article is a joke!
  3. Thanks! That's what I was looking for
  4. Thanks. I remember that guy trying to start fights... But think he was pretty good. Just mad
  5. Is Robinson's QB one of their pitchers?
  6. Nothing wrong with what Dallas did. Of is a little hurt and I can see why. Plus they were the ones starting the fight anyway. If you watch WOS. You are pretty used to it. WOS creates heartbreaks! Don't be mad because they're good!
  7. Me too! Orangefield were being sore losers trying to fight! They knew they were gonna lose before it started! #1game
  8. I know nothing about Robinson in Baseball. WOS destroyed them in football! Fill us in please
  9. I hear you! Just a way to keep up with some things since almost everyone is on it. You're welcome. I tried
  10. Well.. I have it saved on my Facebook videos and in a group I'm in but won't let me post the link! I would have to have your name to send it on Facebook
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