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Everything posted by pirate87

  1. Cannot wait until these kids get older and watch them play.Great talent on both teams.
  2. Vidor 15 TC 13 great job both teams!
  3. Great job to both teams from what I hear.TD I know you got over there to watch it wished I could have.Had my hands full with twin county.Hopefully if we both keep winning we can meet up to decide the pinto tournament.
  4. As I understand it we got that honor bestowed on us because our other team had some kids that could not make the 7 oclock game.It dosen't really matter how you position yourself in my opinion, you still have to beat the best team to advance out of this tournament. Iam not gripping though hopefully we can get our convidence back.We have not hit the ball well as of lately you have seen that first hand.
  5. Who do you'll play tomorrow and what time? Also the twin county teams are numbered backwards 2 is actually there number 1
  6. I agree with you Td our field is playable and would like to get it over with I have one going tomorrow in pinto to and would like to get shetland over with as soon as possible.I want to see both of mine play if possible. PS Sorry about that catch in left field but I sure was proud.
  7. Not as close as I thought it would be great defence and base running by vidor tonight did not hit the ball as well as I have seen them in the past 17 to 9 final score should be a good one tomorrow night.
  8. I think it will be between the vidor nationals and the orange A team with vidor winning in a close one
  9. What team is going to win it all?
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