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Everything posted by Lion70

  1. Lol just repeat the title. You guys haven't played a team with a pulse yet. Let's not act like D1 is not harder. Henderson won over 500 games and a State Champions. It's not overwhelming but far from a joke. You guys are just reaching now.
  2. We usually aren't very good at basketball so no worries there
  3. Beat a playoff team and dominate then folks will take y'all seriously. And Houston Scarborough doesn't count fyi
  4. You guys are easy . Other sites (fans ) aren't afraid nor impressed. The know WoS has played noone.
  5. Lol @ easier route. WoS hasn't played anyone and y'all think y'all actually are impressive. Can't wait till y'all play an actual team . Lucky for yall you won't have to play D1.
  6. Good thing for WoS . The Setex region folds like a tent in the playoffs so there a much easier path to the title.
  7. Lol y'all schedule is sad beating jv teams ain't that impressive
  8. WoS needs to win the easier Division for yall claim the Superior. Last year title may be a fluke for all we know. Let's not pretend WoS has faced stiff competition .
  9. That's simply not true especially about Henderson. Henderson won state and made it past regionals plenty of times. WoS hasn't been remotely tested.
  10. Gladewater would beat WoS. Henderson only missed the postseason twice since 2010 State championship. Repeating is harder than winning . lucky for yall WoS plays in D2
  11. There is plenty ofD1 teams that would beat WoS . In fact WoS would be 4th place in 94a lol.
  12. Don't come back playoff time crying y'all got beat. But but " we dominated some jv teams from the Setex area"
  13. Henderson has a much harder division to go through and I don't expect them to win state. You got Carthage, Kilgore, Lavega . WoS has a decent Gilmer team so it's not like they would remotely have a shot in D1.
  14. Repeating is harder than winning. Like I said beat some legit playoff teams with a good offense then y'all will get the respect. The rest of the Setex teams aren't very good. Actually 10 4a might get swept in Bi District. Center is not very good
  15. Just dominate in the playoffs then folks will be impressed. You guys beat 2 winning teams. I know you didn't pull up 1995. That's 20 years ago reaching badly. It's easy to put up great stats against easy competition.
  16. Lol we missed the post Season last year with a 7-3 record. The rest of the state ain't impressed with WoS until they dominate like that in the playoffs. Bi District against Houston Scarborough doesn't count.
  17. I do post for my entertainment
  18. Beat some east Texas teams then I might be impressed. Too bad most of the teams are in D1.
  19. So outside of District two teams lol . Bet y'all dominate like that outside beyond the 1st round.
  20. How many winning teams has WoS played. I wait patiently for the answer.
  21. Henderson beat center 56-0 the other night. So must have been previously. Carthage plays Palestine fri
  22. Talk during the playoffs lol no look
  23. Setex as a whole usually fold like a tent . WoS probably the only good one and they defeated two winning teams outside of a easier district.
  24. Someone forgot to tell Henderson about not playing Defense. WoS wins one title thinks they are Gilmer, Carthage lol
  25. Most likely barring any upsets 1. Kilgore 2. Henderson 3. Carthage 4. Center Carthage plays Palestine and Center Henderson plays Bullard and Palestine Kilgore plays Center and Bullurd Center plays Kilgore and Chapel Hill
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