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About rebelpride40

  • Birthday 12/28/1990
  1. should be interesting.. predictions?
  2. so the list is released after playoffs?
  3. 125 yards for nichols and 186 for stanley in last weeks stats thats just what we saw after the game
  4. thanks man but im not that good.. itl be a good game, alot of respect to deweville.. its going to come down to the 4th quarter evadale hasnt wonn since 99 so mabe we can change that. good luck boys
  5. you sound like a six year old kid when he says "my dad could beat up your dad" it doesnt matter if youve HAD more talent in the past, well guess what guy this is the present. just like that 4.4 speed does you no good if you cant make it out of the back feild, yea im sure he was burning the grass up on his way to the sideline when he got dropped for 12 yards. wake up man and start living in the now!! p.s. my dad can still beat uo your dad
  6. What are you smoking? H-D 3rd best !!! You do know we are talking about football? First of all Evadale lost way more players than H-D. And West Hardin lost their over rated QB, that H-D just killed last season in that blowout win vs the oilers. Also sorry you were not impressed by our awesome sophmore last year, that recorded over 100 tackles and ran over everyone in district. Just remember the name KEITH GILMORE !!! i cant say i remember gilmore running over evadale or any back yall had for that matter?? and i have film in hand so please enlighten me on what you saw :-\
  7. thats not shelby, guy. but thanks for thinking about me sparky
  8. potts is what you reffer to as a "split end" not running back dunigan was a wideout on jv not a split end.. players to watch lane dorr, billy nichols, dustin potts, adam stark, chris harvey at line backer, hayden dubose at d-tackle, and tyler tucker if he plays hard is a beast.
  9. i dont think ive ever been called to the sideline after a loss and got a butt chewin over my helmet decal being offset.. someone must be thinking about those witches off friday night lights, and sir have you ever been to a football game?? because all you do is bash on the sport..nothing beats friday night football and believe it or not ive talked to state champion basket ball players and all they had to say was how it didnt compare to straping in on friday night and battling it out on the grid iron.
  10. Your one of them! cute real cute..
  11. i would say alabama not obama but yes very stupid and pointless..
  12. no doubt points do show but when a team doubles the offencive yardage as the winning team its good to close your mouth and have a little class about yourself.. well see what happens next year..
  13. they are all good but this man takes the cake. The bird, Richard Peyton White 3rd. aka "trey" or "t-bird"
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