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Everything posted by lostaussie

  1. Playing soft on their receivers got our tail kicked. The QB will roll and move the pocket on every pass play. And Skip......if you are 76 years old........ congratulations. Lol I hope I make it that long and am still pulling for my Buckeyes!!!
  2. DJ said it correctly. They aren't big. They just freaking shifty.........I kept saying if we could ever get a couple of licks on them they would stop that crap. The QB did not throw the ball exceptionally well, but he didn't have too. Those hidden receivers were wide open. Gilmer played way too far off the receivers in the first half. We actually adjusted well in second half but it was just to little too late. If we had jammed the receivers the 1st half like we did it the 2nd you would be playing us instead of them.
  3. C'mon. Give some love to the 6 man kids!!!
  4. That would be great for everyone but if I am not mistaken that would be different from the past. Sure makes it a little easier though.
  5. They won't. Tickets online or at stadium......they won't run out!!!! Lol. With a 12 kickoff you should be able to sit wherever you would like.........even if it's on the other teams side
  6. How about calprep....... really.
  7. I think both teams will be comparable in size. From what I've heard y'all aren't that big. Their defense i will say was well coached. It was obvious they knew what was happening when they saw it. After the first quarter they knew we would pass. They dropped 8 guys into coverage and for some reason (panic I guess) we completely abandoned the run. After we got behind they laid some freaking licks on our receivers across the middle. There one on one tackling is pretty good. They don't try to stand you up. They take you down from the bottom and last night at least, were very efficient at it.
  8. I want to tell some of the folks that really care a little about Sweetwater. What I saw last night was a little different. The wos fans keep taking about the slot T and how many times they have played it this year. What I saw last night was maybe different from anything I've seen in the past. Sweetwater runs completely out of the spread, but it is not a spread like y'all saw against Gilmer in 14'. I'm trying to describe it and what keeps coming to mind is a spread/slot t hybrid. The do a lot of not hiding the ball but hiding the receivers. They will roll someone to the backside on almost every play. It's not something you guys certainly can't overcome, it's just a little different than what I have seen. It's kinda like they took our offense and kicked it up a notch. With that said they are not big......at all. They got some shifty little runners that we didn't tackle very well. I don't think WOS will have that problem. I can see a game real close to the score of yalls last night game. They're tough country boys, but I think that Sweetwater is in for a rude awakening. One that we would probably have gotten had we been fortunate enough to win. Sometimes you got to just tip your cap!!!!
  9. Wos 31. Dallas Cowboys 10. You got them all covered!!!!
  10. To be honest I want to be there. But the company I work for shuts down every year for 2 weeks at Christmas and we have a big Christmas party for our whole factory. And it always falls on the same dang day as the 4a championship games. So the deal is, because I am the Plant Manager, that if Gilmer is in the finals, I get to go. If we get beat, I have to stay and MC the party. That's the only reason I won't be there. But just as a football fan, you can bet I'll be keeping up.
  11. Other thread. I'm not posting again on a thread where I'm getting a finger poked in my eye. Our record speaks for itself
  12. Sorry we didn't hold up our end of the bargain. I never said we could beat you guys. Just said we wanted a chance. Sweetwater had our number last night. We were well scouted and it seemed as if they new every play. They dropped 8 guys into coverage early and for some reason we just completely gave up on the run . But anyway, there's no excuses from me. They kicked our tail and.made us like it. So good luck to the Mustangs next week. Both of them!!! I'll be watching on the TV. Time to go kill a truckload of deer now.
  13. Ain't no crickets. I'm right here. I did get in at 2 in the morning though so sleep was a little more on my mind than a message board.
  14. Good luck guys!! I'll be keeping up on my phone. Be heading to Waco in couple of hours. Safe travels to y'all.
  15. First things first. You know that counting chickens thing. I think we will both be ok. But we got to play the game. Getting excited though. Hopefully I'm in a good mood Saturday so I can go watch the CS/Carthage game in Frisco!!!
  16. [Hidden Content] I'm not sure this link worked.
  17. Dang you made me go to Wikipedia. All these years and I didn't know he was born in Gilmer. I have a buddy that grew up in Hughes Springs. When he was a senior a little local band played their prom. Name of the band was either 4 speeds or 4 tops, I can't remember. Lead vocalist in that little band, none other than Don Henley.
  18. He's from Linden......lol
  19. I believe we both will. And there won't be any hard feelings if we play. You guys will think you are going to win and we will think we are. It will all be good. Honestly, all I want is the opportunity. Sweetwater first though.
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. Lots of good insightful thoughts on this thread. Many things go in to consistency. Hard to put your finger on one. All have been mentioned. For us, we always had the kids, we just didn't believe. Traylor brought that. Took 3 years to get it turned around. Doing things we never thought we could do. Installing the offense and getting the kids to buy in may have been the biggest challenge. We ran it from the beginning, 7th thru 12th. Don't think they even cared about won/loss records. Took some time, but he built a power. So what I would say to get things going your way, is a strong motivator for a coach, time from the school and fans to build it, and build it from the ground floor. From the littlest kids you can coach. Traylor kept his coaches too. Not many left while he was in charge and he surrounded himself with people who thought just like he did. We are 26-2 since he left. Haven't missed a beat.
  22. I know what you mean. We would buy them if they were $40
  23. Dang.......them some expensive tickets!!!
  24. 10forthewin ain't the brightest crayon in the box.........and I can promise you he's going to read this!!!! Lmao
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