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Everything posted by 2throwrundown

  1. I cant say that i am the biggest fan of pee wee football either, but that would not be one of the reasons. Getting hurt is part of any activity that you get involved in. That same injury could happen to that child in his back yard playing tackle football with his neighbors.
  2. Im not 100% positive about this but the last time that a BC qb was a district leading passer had to have been back in 93 or 94 when Mike McGee was the redbirds signal caller.
  3. I have been saying since feb that 2 teams from this district would be playing for the right to go to Round Rock. Man i love it when im right ;D Great year by both teams congrats to both clubs. But gotta pull for the ole home town. Maybe the cards can finally get that gold medal this year. Also a big shoutout to my old coach Coach Young for advancing to the Region Finals again.
  4. pitchers i would pay to see: Oswalt, Roger, Santana, D-train, Hudson
  5. have a hard time believing he only threw 65 pitches. Maybe 65 breaking balls but he definetly had to be over 65 total pitches. Regradless he threw a heck of a game
  6. Mediocre defensive player? For the better part of a decade of baseball Jeff Bagwell was the premier 1bagger in the game along with Big Hurt. Always near the top in BB's, Runs, RBI, and OPS. Don't know if he will be a first ballot or not, but IMO deserves and will get inducted into the Hall of Fame. I don't understand how anyone can try and discredit his contributions to not only the Astros but the game of baseball. Just my 2 cents worth.
  7. Call me crazy, but i agree with Critter here. BC explodes 11 -1 in 5
  8. I have seen some poor umpiring cost a team a game a few times. Not any reason to come on a public forum and bash them however. Even in games where a questionable call may "cost you the game" you can always look back earlier in that same game at a situation that your team could have performed better, or gotten a run in rather than strike out , not made the error, and the game would have turned out in your favor. So to come on a public forum like this one and bash a group of umpires is completley unwaranted. How many times have you come on to setxsports.com and read a thread that was praising an umpire for a great game called ??? Not once have I. So until that starts happening I think maybe Coop and the other Mods should maybe come down a little more harshly on those who constantly bash our officials. And just for those wondering, no i am not apart of the umpire chapter, just a fan of the game. Thank you for your time blues, keep up your hard work and effort.
  9. I personally think spikes are better than rubber cleats, but then it can be a persoanl choice. I have known pitchers that rathered throw in plastic cleats. I don't think there are really any serious safety issues, as long as the kids aren't imulating the great Ty Cobb and filing their spikes down . Besides that they make a cool sound when you walk on concreate 8)
  10. any word on when this might happen or how close it is to happening? Has the school board replied in any way? ???
  11. I don't remember his name, but IMO the best catcher that ive seen all year is the kid at Silsbee. Constantly working behind the dish and never takes a pitch off. And i have seen most everyone mentioned here play.
  12. It would be in the best interest of all Little League organizations to put their umpires AND coaches through training before every season. Not only that but hold the "fans", mommy and daddy, to a higher standard. I have been witness to many "fans" getting out of hand toward both thier sons and daughters coaches as well as the officials.
  13. That is a great pic of those two great men together. Alot of fond memories came to mind seeing them on Saturday. Still love just talking baseball with them. Good luck to Coach Young in this years season, would love to see him get to Austin another time.
  14. No doubt a great baseball mind. I seriously hope that this petition helps get the field renamed after him. It is an honor that should have been given a few years before now.
  15. Not Arguing with this, but I think i would like to see Everett hit in the 2 hole. Has good speed, can bunt and possibly alot of hit and run with him. That is assuming the Astros can find someone to carry a decent OBP in the leadoff spot. Either way Everett has to be out of the 8 hole. Maybe 1. Biggio ? or Burke if he can handle it 2. Everett 3. Berkman 4. Lee 5. Scott 6. Ensberg/Lamb 7. Burke/ Everett 8. Ausmus 9. Pitcher
  16. Do not know too much about this district. But judging from what I saw from Huffman and BH last year it would not surprise me if these two teams are the class of the district
  17. :shock: Is Gilligan ok? I didn't think he recruited much from that side of the Bridge Good luck Mr. Stringer you deserve it
  18. Johnson HF, Dishon
  19. Have to place a vote for Hargrave out in silsbee. Just one of the best defensive catchers ive seen play in a long while
  20. I dont see the problem with Jackson, sure he has missed some balls but what catcher doesn't Ive even seen the pros miss a few! Lets not forget this kid is only a SOPH and is catching a D1 possibly professional caliber pitcher. Not an easy task for anyone, especially some one so young. Keep up the good work Casey and good luck the rest of the way!
  21. Great article about a great young man and great ballplayer. Hope to see them make it to the regional tourny and make some noise
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