[color=blue][color=blue]Sept. 18, 2010 West Brook Baseball Golf Tournament at Bayou Din. For more information go to [/color] [/color] [color=red]www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball[/color]
West Brook Baseball Camp is Jan. 17, 2009 at West Brook baseball complex. It starts at 9:00am until 3:30pm, the campers will get a camp t-shirt, and lunch. For more information go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball, or call me( C. Walton) at 409-617-5558, 409-351-9109.
Thanks C. Walton
June 16, 17, 18 at the West brook Baseball Complex we are having the West Brook baseball camp. 1st through 8th graders are welcome. For more information go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball
thanks, Coach Walton
The Bruins Camp will be held at West Brook Baseball Complex. Grades 1 - 8th grade our welcome to come. For more information about the Camp go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball , call me at 409-617-5558.
thanks Coach Walton
Head baseball Coach at West Brook H.S.
Jay Bruce was named 2007 player of the year in the Minor Leagues. It has not been official but Mrs. Bruce notify me about the award. Great Job Coach Walton
For more information about the camp you can go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball or contact Coach Walton at 409-351-9109. thanks Coach Walton Head Baseball Coach at West Brook H.S.
Bruins Baseball Camp is May 29,30 a Tuesday and Wednesday. Hosted by Coach Walton and the Bruins coaching staff. Go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball for further information about the Camp. Thanks for your time. Thanks Coach Walton Head Baseball Coach at West Brook H.S.
West Brook Coaching Staff is having a Bruins baseball Camp on May 29,30. Go to www.leaguelineup.com/westbrookbaseball to find out all the information that you need about the camp and the registration forms are available on the web site. Thanks for your time. Thanks Coach Walton Head Baseball Coach at West Brook H.S.