First off, I apologize to BigRed 75 for the comments made by some of my past ball players. I have watched this thread go on and on, and I wasn't going to say anything until now. Jeff (baseball 1989), if you could please keep your mouth shut, and just play ball, you might have an opportunity to be a decent ball player. I think this forum is a great place to go for information, and to brag about your team, but this negativity has def. got to stop. You have what seems to me a pretty good coach coming in, don't already label yourself as a kid that has no discipline. As I read this board, both good and bad, I laugh to myself, because it seems to me that certain people like to talk just to create a stir. As a new coach coming in, the great t hing about it is, that all you guys at Lumberton have a fresh life. Yes including the ones, that were on the outs with me. The best thing you guys can do is to prove me wrong, and go out there your senior years, and bust your butt. Don't prove me right, and act like what you stated above. I wish you the best Sportsfann_89, and I am going to give you a word of advice...Stick with the circle change, it is MUCH better than your straight change.
Coop I appreciate all you do on this board, and I look forward to a succesfful football season. Heck maybe you and I can even go watch a game together, be like old times. (Of course we would have to have Chad come with us.)