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ant ddr

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Everything posted by ant ddr

  1. a wise man once said dont count your chichens before thay hach :'(
  2. I that it was just me...............
  3. dose anybody know if this game,will be on the air
  4. Did you go to see the game????
  5. I am so glad that I went to the Bc vs Carthage It was a good game But the fat Lady has not sung yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Just hold on to your faith and everythang will be just fine. I am praying for you and your family( good luck on the game to ). chin up
  7. I thank the Doc has the right Med I hope the boys on the team has more respect for each other then that
  8. are you hot under the caller or what thay all have a chance to win
  9. No not superman but a very good team that has worked hard for there 28-0
  10. BC boy Have you seen the Lefty from carthage ?
  11. what do you look at for picher of the year.
  12. It looks like you have your wish You have a shot a Carthage dogs
  13. I have been looking for taylor to say, what it was like to play the carthage dogs
  14. I am sorry that, I have not got to see BC play, I have been reading up on BC I am from cathage and I will say that I do hope that Cathage wins. but I am a dog at hart I do thank it will be a good game to watch
  15. does any body know the out come of game 3. yoakum vs fallfurrias please let me know"""""""""""""""" :-*
  16. In a one game series anything can happen Carthage Has more than one good picther Rollins and Baker are both out standing pictchers most teams only have one good pitcher, and also they have great hitting ;D
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