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Everything posted by adminbaberuth

  1. 6/24/15 Angels...........7-3 Athletics........6-3 Dodgers........6-4 Pirates...........5-4 Mets...............5-4 Braves...........4-6 Red Sox.........4-6 Yankees........1-8
  2. 6/24/15 Angels over Braves P: Angels Brennan Moore (LCM) Jacob Martin (Ned) Mac Patterson (OF)
  3. 6/24/15 Athletics over Dodgers P; Athletics Korey Clark (Ned) HR: Ryan Smith (Lum) 3 Run
  4. 6/23/15 Dodgers........6-3 Angels...........6-3 Athletics........5-3 Pirates...........5-4 Mets...............5-4 Braves...........4-5 Red Sox.........4-6 Yankees........1-8
  5. 6/23/15 Athletics over Braves P: A;s Zach Clark (Ned) Mets over Red Sox P: Mets Brett Smith (Ned) Dylan Anthony (OF)
  6. Only three nights left and 2015 season in books. Tonight we have 5:30 Athletics vs Braves 7:45 Red Sox vs Mets
  7. 6/22/15 Dodgers........6-3 Angels...........6-3 Athletics........4-3 Pirates...........5-4 Mets...............4-4 Braves...........4-4 Red Sox.........4-5 Yankees........1-8
  8. 6/22/15 Angels over Yankees P Angels; Mitchell Lee (LCM) Mack Patterson (OF) Austin Walls (Vid) 3-3 3 RBI Pirates over Mets P Pirates: Jace Bordelon (Ned) 13 K's
  9. 6/19/15 Dodgers........6-3 Angels...........5-3 Athletics........4-3 Mets...............4-3 Pirates...........4-4 Braves...........4-4 Red Sox.........4-5 Yankees........1-7
  10. 6/19/15 Mets over Dodgers Athletics over Angels
  11. Today Games 5:30. Mets vs Dodgers 7:45. Angels vs Athletics
  12. 6/18/15 Dodgers........6-2 Angels...........5-2 Athletics........3-3 Mets...............3-3 Pirates...........4-4 Braves...........4-4 Red Sox.........4-5 Yankees........1-7
  13. 6/18/15 Red Sox over Dodgers Pirates over Yankees
  14. Revised Schedule Thurs 6/18 5:30 Red Sox vs Dodgers 7:45 Yankees vs Pirates Fri 6/19 5:30 Mets vs Dodgers 7:45 Angels vs Athletics Mon 6/22 5:30 Yankees vs Angels 7:45 Pirates vs Mets Tue 6/23 5:30 Athletics vs Braves 7:45 Red Sox vs Mets Wed 6/24 5:30 Dodgers vs Athletics 7:45 Braves vs Angels Thur 6/25 5:30 Mets vs Yankees 7:45 Athletics vs Pirates
  15. 6/17/15 Athletics vs Mets Braves vs Angels
  16. 6/16/15 Dodgers........6-1 Angels...........5-2 Athletics........3-3 Mets...............3-3 Pirates...........3-4 Braves...........4-4 Red Sox.........3-5 Yankees........1-6
  17. 6/15/15 Braves over Pirates Red Sox over Yankees
  18. ​Kinda late getting back to ya but yes.
  19. Winding down the 2015 season. Just a note to all the players of certain dates in regards to tournament play this summer. We will pick a 16 yr old tournament team and they will play a tournament @Lamar July 3-5. Our 17-18 yr old tournament team will play a 2 out of 3 series with Wharton on July 3-5. If we win that series they will advance to Regional's in Rogers, Arkansas July 16-20. If we win the Regional's, we advance to the Babe Ruth World Series in Klamath Falls, Oregon.... August 7-14
  20. 6/13/15 Dodgers........6-1 Angels...........5-2 Athletics........3-3 Pirates...........3-3 Mets...............3-3 Braves...........3-4 Red Sox.........2-5 Yankees........1-5
  21. Mets 8 Yankees 4 P-Mets; Chase Shugart (BC/UT) Eric Basden (Vid) P-Yankees; Caleb Dubois (BC)
  22. 6/11/15 Dodgers........6-1 Angels...........5-2 Athletics........3-3 Pirates...........3-3 Mets...............2-3 Yankees........1-4 Braves...........3-4 Red Sox.........2-5
  23. 6/11/15 Dodgers 11 Yankees 0P- Dod; Chad Sanders (Ned) Colton Broussard (Ned) 1 hit shutout Braves 3 Mets 2P-Braves; Chris Springs (Vid) Christian Fuseslier (LCM) P-Mets; Brock Fenn (Ned)
  24. Thanks Mr.Ump. It was in my game last night and Blue allowed the run to score. I didn't realize that my batter was awarded 1st till after the inning when I asked him did the ball hit you.
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