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Everything posted by adminbaberuth

  1. Runner at 3B steals home, umpire calls safe at the plate. Pitched ball arrives after safe call, hits batter. Dead ball, runner back to 3rd and batter awarded 1B. Correct?
  2. 6/10/15 Dodgers........5-1 Angels...........5-2 Athletics........3-3 Pirates...........3-3 Mets...............2-2 Yankees........1-3 Braves...........2-4 Red Sox.........2-5
  3. 6/10/15 Angels 3 (8) Red Sox 2 P-RS; Felipe Rodriquez (Ozen) 7 inn 1 hit / Austin Junot (Ned) P-Angels; Justin Jackson (Vid), Jacob Martin (Ned) Brennon Moore (LCM) Mac Patterson (OF) Steve Cunningham (WB) 2-4; 2B, Austin Fitts (Jas) 2-3, 2B ; Jose Perez (Mem) GWRBI
  4. 6/10/15 Pirates 8 Athletics 0 P-Pirates Jace Bordelon (Ned) 2 Hits 12 K's
  5. 6/9/15 Braves 4 Red Sox 0 Yankees vs Mets (rain out) Dodgers........5-1 Angels...........4-2 Athletics........3-2 Mets...............2-2 Pirates...........2-3 Red Sox.........2-4 Braves...........2-4 Yankees........1-3
  6. 6-8-15 Dodgers........5-1 Angels...........4-2 Athletics........3-2 Mets...............2-2 Pirates...........2-3 Red Sox.........2-3 Yankees........1-3 Braves...........1-4
  7. 6-8-15 Angels 6 Pirates 4 P-Angels Brennon Moore (LCM) Jacob Martin (NED) Mac Patterson (OF) Grayson Padgett (HJ/UH) 2 3B's ; Mitchell Lee (LCM) GW 2B
  8. 6-8-15 Dodgers 10 Athletics 2 P-Dodgers Chad Sanders/Brennan Dunkleberger (Ned)
  9. ​Players ? School ?
  10. 6-4-15 Dodgers over Braves Athletics over Yankees Standings Dodgers........4-1 Athletics........3-1 Angels...........3-2 Pirates...........2-2 Mets...............2-2 Red Sox.........2-3 Yankees........1-3 Braves...........1-4
  11. 6-3-15 Mets 6 Angles 1 Red Sox 6 Pirates 2 Dodgers........3-1 Athletics........2-1 Angels...........3-2 Pirates...........2-2 Mets...............2-2 Yankees........1-2 Red Sox.........2-3 Braves...........1-3
  12. 6-2-15 Dodgers........3-1 Angels...........3-1 Athletics........2-1 Pirates...........2-1 Yankees........1-2 Mets...............1-2 Braves...........1-3 Red Sox.........1-3
  13. 6-2-15 Pirates 4 Braves 2 Angels 5 Athletics 3 Korey Clark hits his 3rd consecutive HR tonight. Brennan Moore went 4-4, Jacob Martin goes 5 innings for the win.
  14. Board is back for mobile phones. Thanks.
  15. Tuesday 6-2-15 5:30 Braves vs Pirates 7:45 Angels vs Athletics
  16. 6-1-15 Athletics........2-0 Dodgers........3-1 Angels...........2-1 Pirates...........1-1 Yankees........1-2 Mets...............1-2 Braves...........1-2 Red Sox.........1-3
  17. 5/29/15 Athletics........2-0 Dodgers........2-1 Angels...........2-1 Pirates...........1-1 Yankees........1-1 Mets...............1-1 Braves...........1-2 Red Sox.........0-3
  18. Athletics 14 Braves 1 Korey Clark NED/Panola hit 2 HR's with 8 rbi's
  19. Bridge City's Jake Lemoine in Regional for UH. [Hidden Content]
  20. Vidor's Bubba Maxwell in Regional for UH. [Hidden Content]
  21. West Brook's Derrian James in Regional for Oral Roberts [Hidden Content]
  22. Kelly's Dane Steinhagen in Regional for TCU [Hidden Content]
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