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Everything posted by adminbaberuth

  1. Braves 10 Mets 8 Yankees 11 Angels 1 WP Nick Cardenas NED Ryan Brady NED 4-4 2B James Burns VID 2-3 Dodgers 13 A's 6 WP Sammy Sparrow PNG Jerin Spikes PNG 2-3 2B Joe Mohica VID 2-3 Jacob Lynch PNG 2-4 Cameron Collins NED 3-4 Cory Pontiff NED 2-3 Alex Hinton KEL 2-3 HR Parker Harris LUM 2-3
  2. Palin stands for everything the left despises just as the right does with Obama.
  3. July 6 Red Sox 5 Pirates 4 WP Spencer DeRon PNG Jordan Pitts NED 2-2 Spencer DeRon 3B Tanner Adams NED 2-3 2B Coby Richard NED 3-4
  4. Our annual Alumni Game will be played, time and date hasn't been set. We have been doing this for the last 10 years our alumni really comes out and has a great time. We will announce our tournament teams this Thursday as the regular season will end. Word will get out for the alumni game, so stay tune.
  5. She is pro life and the extreme left has and never will understand her taking Trig to full term.
  6. Tiger just closed it out with a 9 iron to 18, about 15 feet left to clean up with 2 shots to make it for win.
  7. he has no trade clause, but yes i would if he accepted.
  8. Tiger drains 20 footer on 16 to take 1 stroke lead.
  9. Roy is throwing a gem as the Stros lead 4-0 in the 7th. Stros 2 all-star picks have both homered.
  10. Mahan shoots 62, in club house, tied with Tiger at -12. Tiger is playing 15
  11. Palin is one politician that I wouldn't underestimate. She can draw crowds, the base loves her and the media and the beltway can't figure her out.
  12. Nice throw tonight by WB's Jay Bruce. [Hidden Content]
  13. Red Sox 10 Braves 0 WP Brett Koenig HF Luke Rhodes BC 2-2, 3 run HR. Anthony Babino NED 2-2 3B Tyler Smith NED 2B Alex Dias NED 2B Ross Foret WB 2B
  14. July 2 5:30 Red Sox vs Braves 7:45 Dodgers vs Pirates
  15. Current W L Yankees 7 2 Dodgers 6 2 Red Sox 5 3 Mets 5 4 Braves 3 4 Angels 3 5 Pirates 2 5 Athletics 1 7
  16. Yankees 8 Athletics 2 WP James Burns VID Ryan Brady NED 3B James Burns 2-3 Mike Billiot HF 2-3 Taylor Eaves HF 2B
  17. Mets 7 Angels 5 WP Dylan Campbell NED Jake Minaldi HF 2B Jeremy Pinder HF 2-3 Jude Vidrine 2-4 2B Ryan Waddell LCM 2B Josh Veillon LCM 2-3
  18. Thanks AJ25, nice job. This thread has over 27,000 views, 3rd on record behind the conga line and Hurricane Ike.
  19. Red Sox 5 Yankees 2 WP Josh Dean Ned Current W L Yankees 6 2 Dodgers 6 2 Red Sox 5 3 Mets 4 4 Braves 3 4 Angels 3 4 Pirates 2 5 Athletics 1 6
  20. Dodgers 6 Mets 5 WP Anthony Cessac BC Sammy Sparrow PNG 2-3 Cameron Collins NED 2-2 Chaz Bruce VID 2B Tyler Wilson LUM 2-3 2B Alec Gaard DIB 2B
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