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Everything posted by adminbaberuth

  1. bot 6 fri 6 ned 5 schlett 1-1, single, steals 2nd pitts 2-2, base hit, rbi, steals 2nd bellow
  2. bot 6 fri 6 ned 5 schlett 1-1, single, steals 2nd pitts 2-2, base hit, rbi bellow
  3. top 6 fri 6 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch 0-1, fc 2 outs 3-1, walk bases loaded 2 outs 2-0, wp Pitts is removed, tyler smith walks 2 on 2 out base hit 2 rbi's 6-4 fc end of inning
  4. top 6 fri 6 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch 0-1, fc 2 outs 3-1, walk bases loaded 2 outs 2-0, wp Pitts is removed, tyler smith walks 2 on 2 out base hit 2 rbi's
  5. top 6 fri 4 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch 0-1, fc 2 outs 3-1, walk bases loaded 2 outs 2-0, wp Pitts is removed, tyler smith
  6. top 6 fri 4 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch 0-1, fc 2 outs 3-1, walk bases loaded 2 outs 2-0, wp
  7. top 6 fri 3 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch 0-1, fc 2 outs 3-1,
  8. top 6 fri 3 ned 4 pop up to babino, 1 out hbp , just a little inside 3-2 count, walk dean is done, 3 runs 3 hits 3 hbp, walks 4, jacob pitts to pitch
  9. And he's a Yankee, Admin!!! That explains it then!! ;D ;D Anyone know where up north he's from? He's a Yankee in Babe Ruth, which is my team. Just giving Admin a little grief Oohhh..i thought ...ahhh nevermind...I'm drowsy... we'll go right at him
  10. bot 5 fri 3 ned 4 pitts 2-2, homerun, new pitcher ruiz for friendswood bellow 4-0, walk cardenas 1-0, infield hit terracino 0-0 bunt, no play laird 0-2 k vidrine 0-1 base hit, 2 rbi sonnier 2-2 k dean 0-2 k
  11. bot 5 fri 3 ned 4 pitts 2-2, homerun, new pitcher ruiz for friendswood bellow 4-0, walk cardenas 1-0, infield hit terracino 0-0 bunt, no play laird 0-2 k vidrine 0-1 base hit, 2 rbi sonnier 2-2 k
  12. bot 5 fri 3 ned 2 pitts 2-2, homerun, new pitcher ruiz for friendswood bellow 4-0, walk cardenas 1-0, infield hit terracino 0-0 bunt, no play laird 0-2
  13. bot 5 fri 3 ned 2 pitts 2-2, homerun, new pitcher ruiz for friendswood bellow 4-0, walk cardenas 1-0, infield hit terracino 0-0 bunt, no play
  14. top 5 fri 3 ned 1 doubles off wall will they bunt him over sac bunt, moves runner to 3rd, berkman just doubled astros lead 6-0 cody letting blue have it line out to 1b, 2 outs hbp 4-3, 3rd out
  15. mid 4 fri 3 ned 1 terracino fo 9 laird k vidrine walks, wp moves to 2nd sonnier walks dean 3-2 full count, walks schlett 0-1, unassited 5
  16. mid 4 fri 3 ned 1 terracino fo 9 laird k vidrine walks, wp moves to 2nd sonnier walks dean 3-2 full count, walks schlett
  17. mid 4 fri 3 ned 1 terracino fo 9 laird k vidrine walks, wp moves to 2nd sonnier walks
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